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lîF A t iiv ; d ir e c t o r y — 1 0 1 1 .


Chaplin & Co. Cork street, Oxford road
F oster’s Parcel Express, 44 Crown street ; Jacob James Spencer, agent
G lobe Parcels Express, 95 Castle street ; Walter Pudge, agent
Pickfords Ltd. 21 St. M ary’s butts
Sutton & Co. 37 Fridge street; Douglas .1. lien t, agent
Aldermaston— Johnson, ‘ W hite H art,’ mon. wed. fri. & sat. ; Pontin,
‘ R oyal O ak,’ t.ues. thurs. & sat. ; Lerer. ‘ Black Horse,’ mon. wed. &
sat. ; A ldridge, ‘ B oar’s Head,’ tues. & sat. ; West, ‘ Sun,’ mon. & fri
A ldershot— Brown, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues. & fri
A ld w orth —-Fulker, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ sat
A lton — Brown, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues. & fri
A rborfield— Fullbrook, ‘ Black Horse,’ daily, except w e d .; M ercer,
‘ Black H orse.’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Maybanks, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues,
thurs. & sat. ; Bayliss, ‘ Elephant,’ daily, except wed
Ascot— T ripp, ‘ D uke’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Ashampstead — Rumble, ‘ Peacock,’ tues. & sat. ; Fulker, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ ■at.;
Baston, ‘ D uke’s H ead,’ mon. tues, thurs. & sat
Aston H ill— P iper, ‘ W h ite Hart, ’ sat
Barkham — Fullbrook, ‘ Black H orse,’ daily, except wed. ; Bayliss,
‘ Black H orse’ & ‘ E lephant,’ daily, except wed
Basildon (L o w e r)—Sm ith, ‘ W hite Hart,’ mon. wed. thurs. fri. & sat. ; Giles,
‘ W h ite H art,’ tues, tliurs. fri. <fc sat. ; Grant, ‘ Peacock,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Basildon (U pper)— Baston, ‘ Duke’s Head,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Grant,
‘ P eacock,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Basingstoke— H eibert, ‘ Black H orse,’ daily, except, wed. ; Brow n, ‘ Black
H orse,’ tues. & fri. ; Fowler, ‘ Royal Oak ’ & at the Forbury, tues, thurs.
& sat, ; H artnett, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat
Bassett’s M anor— Brown, ‘ W hite H art,’ mon. wed & sat
Baughurst— Blake, 1 Boar’s H ead,’ tues. & sat. ; W est, ‘ Sun,’ mon. & fri
Bear W o o d — Norgate, ‘ R oya l O a k ’ & at the Forbury, d a ily ; W in gfield,
‘ Black H orse.’ tues. & sat. ; Bayliss, ‘ E lephant,’ daily, except wed
Beech H ill— Hounsell, ‘ R oyal O ak,’ daily, except w e d .; Bye, ‘ R oya l
Oak,’ mon. tues, thurs. & sat, ; Whitburn, 1 D uke’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. &
sat. ; Staniford, ‘ R oyal O ak,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Beenham— Johnson, ‘ W h ite H art,’ mon. wed. fri. & sat
Binfleld— Barker, ‘ R oyal Oak,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Barnard, ‘ Black
H orse,’ daily, except wed
Binfield H eath— Slade, ‘ E lephant,’ daily, except w e d .; M yers a t-th e
Forbury, daily, except w ed .; Butler, 1 Boar's H ea d ,’ daily, except wed
Blackw ater— Hudson, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; E lm er, ‘ Boar s
H ead ,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat. ; Cooper, ‘ W hite H art,’ tues, thurs. fri.
& sat
Bourne E nd— Smith, ‘ R oyal O ak,’ wed. & sat
Bracknell—T ripp, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Barnard, ‘ Black
H o rse,’ daily except wed
Bradfield—M itchell, ‘ Peacock,’ tues. & s a t.; Payne, ‘ Peacock,’ mon.
thurs. & sat, ; Sellwood, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ mon. thurs. & sat. ; Johnson,
‘ W hite H art,’ mon. wed. fri. & sat. ; Cotterall, ‘ Sun,’ tues, thurs. & sat
B ram ley— Staniford, ‘ Royal Oak,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Broadm oor— Elm er, ‘ Boar’ s H ead,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat. ; Cooper,
* W hite H art,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat