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RE AD IN G D IR EC TO RY— 1 9 1 4 .

Clerk to Trustees o f Reading M unicipal Charities, W illiam Charles Blandy
51. a . 1 F riar street
Clerk to the Commissioners o f Assessed, Land & Incom e Taxes, Charles
Haffenden D odd, The Assize Courts, R e a d in g ; assistant clerk, Fred W .
D orm er
Clerk to Berks C ounty National Health Insurance Com mittee, S. W .
M idgley, 2 A b b o t’s walk
Clerk to the County B orough o f Reading National Health Insurance Com ­
mittee, W illiam G . B lair a .f .i . Broadway buildings, Station road
Clerk to Reading Blue Coat School Trustees, W illiam Charles Blandy m . a .
1 Friar street
Clerk to Reading Green G irls’ School Trustees, W illiam Charles Blandy
m . a . 1 F riar street
Clerk (& organising sec.) to R eading Education Com mittee, H enry T.
Pugh ; school management clerk, H enry Quinton ; offices, Blagrave st
Clerk to G oring Rural D istrict Council, Clerk to Berks Clergy Charity,
Clerk & S olicitor to Trustees o f G oring Heath Charities & Sec. to Read­
ing Cem etery Co. George E dw ard Boulderson R ogers, 9 Cross street
C ollector o f K in g ’s Taxes for St, M ary’s, Reading, Tilehurst, Theale,
Pangbourne &c. E dw ard Tow ner, 150 F riar street
C ollector o f K in g ’s Taxes for Caversham, E ye & Dunsden & Mapledurham,
Joseph W . T. Baylis, 121 W estfield road, Caversham
Collectors o f P oor Rates for Parish o f Reading, H . J. H obbs, Frank
G ooch, E . J. W oodland, P. E. Smart, Heber P . Slatter & C. B . T.
Barrett, B orough Accountant’s Office, M unicipal bldgs. Valpy st.Reading
C ollector o f Taxes fo r the Parish o f St. Laurence, Charles J. H ow lett,
V ictoria chambers, Queen V ictoria street
C ollector o f Customs & Excise, W m . Bryan, K in g Edw ard bldgs. Station rd
Coroner for B orough o f Reading, John Lancelot M artin, 16 M arket place ;
deputy coroner, Frederick W illiam M artin, 16 M arket place
Diocesan Surveyor for A rchdeaconry o f Berks, Spencer Slingsby Stallw ood f . s . a . 27 Market place
D istrict Valuer Inland Revenue Land Valuation D epartm ent, Christopher
D a lgleish ; offices, 57 & 65 London road

M . Inspector o f Schools for Berkshire, Samuel R. W ilson ji.A.cantab.
10 Alexandra road
Inspector o f Corn Returns, W . H. Fleet, 45 M inster street
Inspector o f W eights & Measures for the County, Arthur John W rig h t,
W eights & Measures office, A bbey square
Receiver o f the Tolls o f the Corn M arket, George Steed, Corn Exchange,
M arket place & 8 Broad street
M edical Officer o f H ealth for W est Berks United district, W illiam Sisam
m.d.-,, d.p.h. 32 Cross street
M edical Officer & P u b lic V accinator fo r Caversham district, H enley
U nion, George H am m ond C heyney m . h . c . s ., L.R.c.p.Lond. The P riory,
2 Hemdean road, Caversham
R egistrar o f the A rchdeaconry o f Berkshire, W m . Chas. Blandy, 1 Friar st
R elievin g & Vaccination Officer fo r Caversham district, R egistrar o f
B irths & Deaths for Caversham sub-district, H enley U nion, C ollector
to the Guardians & Inspector under the Children Act, Joseph Raym ond
46 Hemdean road, Caversham ; days o f attendance, t.uesdays, 6 to 8
p.m. ; thursdays, 2 to 4 p .m .; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon