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E ast side.
14 A llaw ay A lbert E dw ard
5 Blake John
Pennington M rs. (O akley ho) 16 Taylor Frank Charles
7 Leek Mrs
H unt H enry (T rescoe)
here is F oun dry s t ........
Venner M. & Sons, bacon W olter A lbert W m . (C artref)
Hopkins Chas. Jas.(D esm ond) 22 G osling Frederick, shopkpr
24 Stacey W illiam
W arren A rth ur (M alden)
North side.
Rose B ernard M arlow (P ine- 26 Owen G eorge
2 H onor Joseph
28 G ould H arry Joseph
hu rst)
4 G ran t E dwin
30 W iggins Edward
Adam s W alton (O aklands)
6 B oyd W illiam
32 Gale Joseph
8 T itcom b e Ernest
T H E O R A C L E , from Gun 34 Dell G eorge
i o Canning Richard
36 Stratford T om Alfred
W alker A lfredB lyth & Son,
38 Jerm ey H arry James
United Yeast Co. Lim ited
undertakers (stables)
40 Tull W illiam
G ilbert L am p ort & Co. printrs
42 Gale Mrs
O A K T R E E R O A D , Tile- Bottle Exchange,
14 R oberts Henry
hurst, from K entw ood rd.
W . H am lin, m anager
46 T ugw ell S ydney G eorge
to W estw ood road.
Travers L aurance
Batten Brothers, builders
South side.
Stransom Leonard (In d o u t)
O R M S B Y S T R E E T , from
from 47 K atesgrove lane to
B ryant H erbert W illiam
A rgy ll street.
D oroth y street.
W akeford R obert Scott
South side.
Sm ith W oodford R ichard(T he
E ast side.
N ook)
1 W ells A lfred John
Pell M ission R oom
N orth side.
3 M cD onald Mrs
3 G urden Charles
P eters E dw ard D alby John S H arm er Charles Ebenezer
5 W illiam s Frank T hom as
(St. G errans)
7 Lane M rs
7 H opkins John, beer retlr
Neville W alt. H y. (Kram able)
......h e r e is M undesley st........ 9 Hale Felix
[ i Perrin Charles Henry
A m brose
13 & 15 W ilsdon A rth ur John, 13 Baker G eorge
(T h a x ted )
15 Bolton A rth ur Frederick
Bnszard Oswald (W estga rlh )
17 T hatcher H arry
17 K ing Mrs
Bavin Miss (H ack ford)
19 W ard John
19-Golder Reginald Jam es
here is Carlisle rd ....... 21 C ox R ichard, grocer
21 W ebb A lbert C
P rater H arry W m .(R e d roofs) 23 Ivins F rederick
23 Jeacocke Caleb Edward
M itton E d ga r W elbury (T he 25 P ickford W illiam
25 A ldw orth W illiam
G len )
27 Fuller Henry
27 V icars T om H edley
Thom son M alcolm Edward 29 G reg ory A lbert Edward
29 B ryant R obert Jesse
(P adw orth cottage)
31 T ugw ell Henry
31 Blair W illiam G eorge
Cl.apham Charles (H illcote)
33 Price John
M acquoid Mrs. (Oak tree)
N orth side.
35 Cook Jam es Edward
37 Allum Frederick
2 Piddock W alter
O a k fie ld v i e w .
39 W illiam s A lbert
4 Martin Bertie Frederick
See W h itley W ood road.
41 D ow ling Charles
6 W oodeson W illiam A lfred
43 Reed Fred
8 E lliott G eorge
O A K L E Y R O A D , Caver­ 45 Giles A rthur Ernest
10 K innock Albert
sham , from A lbert road to 47 B owsher John
12 Maslen Miss
H em dean road.
49 Jennings Joseph
14 Sayer A rth ur Stanley
51 Ghesterm an Mrs
16 M ajor Charles Broad
W est side.
53 T aylor W illiam H
18 Davie Jam es W illiam
here is Blenheim r d ....... 55 Pace W illiam John
20 Davis Henry W illiam
G ardner Miss (O akley c o t)
57 Sm ith M rs
22 Miles Jam es
Perkins A lbert (T ram ore)
59 L edger Mrs
24 Reeves W illiam
T illey G eorg e H enry (W est­ 61 Eatenton R obert
26 Collins Bernard
w ood )
63 C hapm an H enry G eorge
T ay lor P ercy T . (R oly at)
O R T S R O A D , from 161
W est side.
M ortim er M rs. M . school
K in g ’s road.
Philbrick C. & G . tanners
(E x celsior)
N u r s e r y r o a d — c o n t in u e d .

Fennell Sam uel (B ew ley)
(Bark stores)
Bransom G eorge C lem ents 8 H erbert Mrs
10 Pem berton Jesse
(R aveley)
Loader Thos. Geo. (Mayville) 12 Day John

N orth -w est side.
here is B ack r d
5 Sparks H arry
i 7 G ibbs Frederiok James
