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124 CON
â con .
T acoma c o ttao es:
45 Parfitt Caleb
47 L etch ford John
49 L ane R obert (H ighfield)
51 Sainsbury Charles Edward
(P retoria)
N orth side.
i l
41 G ran t Harry
43 G riflin Frederick
45 D um m er Percy Charles
47 H opcroft Alfred
49 Slack H enry
51 G iddin s A rth ur
53 Bowler W m . Thos. shpkpr
57 Froud Mark
59 Beckett Charles
61 G oddard George
63 Ledbury John
65 Carpenter Charles
67 Carpenter Edwin
69 Streeter Sidney
71 Bray Fârederick Charles
73 Loader John Thom as
75 Langham Mrs
77 Purton George
79 Bond Mrs
here is Prince of W ales aven
81 Thom son John, m arket
81 P rim rose Hand L aundry
(T h e ) (M rs. T h om son )
See advertisem ent
97 Quinton Hy. (Y o rk villa)
99 Child Thos. H y .(H illerest)
103 Bailey A lbra Fâ rederick,
Collins esq
58 L ovegrove Henry
60 Ewins Fârederiek Charles
62 W illis Charles
64 H ogarth A lbert Edward
66 G ibbons Charles
68 W oolf Mrs. Agnes
70 W eller Horace Benj. Thos
72 Willis Frank
74 Harris John Frederick
76 Leaver Mrs. Annie
78 Green Thom as
80 Dew W illiam
82 G od w in W alter W illiam
here is Prince of W ales aven
84 Denton A lbert
86 Powell T. & Sons, nurseryÂ
m en
88 Hum phreys John (G re y croft)
90 Cottrell Ernest (C lovelly)
92 R ogers Louis Leslie
94 Lees Frank Fâ .R .H .S . n u rÂ
serym an & florist
94 Lees F rank(T he V ineyard)
94 Lees W m . (T h e C ottage)
116 Lees T hom as (A von d ale
118 Fellowes F rederiek(C larenoe house)
4 V incent G eorge W illiam
(T h e N ook)
6 Ransley
T igw ell
(P errysfield)
20 W ise W illiam
22 K in g E dm u nd
24 C ooper Jam es(C hetew ode)
26BrindGeo. W m . (M y rtle cot)
28 N orm an Alfred
30 Norm an A lfredJn.plum ber
32 W alker W alter (R yecote)
34 Hanson Jesse
36 Elphee Charles Edward
(L aw ren ce cottag e)
38 H u tt Miss (A lbert cottage)
40 A rch er
Frank T hom as
(S outh villa)
42 Cowm eadow W illiam
44 Page A lbt.(W illesborough)
46 Jenkins Thos. shopkeeper
here is Uplands rd
W est side.
S T R E E T , from
62 E lph ickFran kW .(Tin tagel)
O xford road.
64 H arrington LeonardErnest 2 Giles Francis
66 H u ntley H arry(H ortus vil) 4 Cheyney Mrs
W est side.
68 Fâortescue E dw in(T ally ho) 6 Fâ ry Mrs
102 Johnson F rederick W m
2 Langston & Sons,outfitters
8 M illett Thom as
8 Chaplin & Co. carriers
10 M ace Edward
R O A D , 12 Carter G eorge
8 Y ou n g Charles J
from 363 O xford road to 14 Vickers Thom as
T ilehurst road.
E ast side.
16 B utler W illiam T hom as
8 M orris Jam es
E ast side.
3 D urran John Harold
1 Green Mrs
20 Taylor M aurice Edward
3a, R eading G uild of Help
3 F'ox Jesse
22 A ppleton A lbert W m . Geo
(F\ B. Bourdillon B.A.
5 Flawn Fâ rank
24 B urton Charles Isaac
hon.sec. ; SydneyFâ rank
26 Burton Fred
7 M ace A lfred G eorge
L ovegrove, caretaker)
9 B utler Mrs
28 L am bert Thom as
3a, Bell
11 L am ble W illiam Charles
30 Davies W illiam
postage stam p dealer
13 A llen R obert T hom as
32 D ow ling Richard M
5 W hite Hart hotel (stables)
15 S ey m o u r W illiam Charles 34 E dm onds Mrs
7 & 9 Holm es & Sons, house
17 H ensleyChristopherEdwin 36 R ackley G eorg e Fid win
furnishers (stores)
19 H iggs A rth u r John
38 G ra y Joseph
11 G ardner Mrs
21 T on g A lbert
40 A yres John
23 Ilsley John G eorge
42 F ullbrook T hom as
Corporation F a rm ootts.
25 Sabin G eorge
44 M arley John
27 E ggleton T hom as John
46 Som ner Mrs
See Basingstoke road &
29 G ood ey W m .B artholom ew 48 L aw rence G eorge Jam es
M anor Fâarm road.
31 A lexand er Fârederick
50 Crosswell W illie
33 Pow ell H en ry
County Offices.
35 W illiam s L ucian C lem ent 52 Dyson Mrs
See F orbury.
54 Stone Henry A lfred
37 C ook Charles
5 6 H erm on Frederick
3 9 A very Mrs