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W oodin H en ry C
73 Lambden Henry
G u rn ey Mrs. Kate
75 Tucker Sidney
L u d low Mrs
77 Negus Edward Ernest
79 Grover Harry
Glanville Richard
81 Lang George
C lem ents M rs. L ucy
F itchett Charles, shopkpr 83 Richards William
here is L y d fo rd rd ........ 85 Briggs Edgar
68 T y rrill Mrs
70 B urt Mrs
72 Phipps W illiam
74 Vann H enry
76 Collins Alfred
78 Hicks W illiam
82 W ebster Frederick
84 Forsdike Daniel, boot m a
86 Cham bers G eorge
88 M ott Charles F rederick
90 A church W illiam
92 L ev er W illiam
94 Nash Charles
96 O rm e A lfred
98 Viner W alter
100 Parsons Geo. insur. agt
102 H unt Mrs. A nnie, shpkpr
87 OâDell Joseph
89 Aldridge Charles
91 Grant William
93 Haynes Frederick
95 Griffin Frederick Charles
C A R E Y S T R E E T , from
Baker street to Castle street.
East side.
Baptist Chapel
5 MorseâsLtd.travelling dprs
5 Mulford Mrs
7 Handiside Ernest
9 Noon James
1 1 Parris James
15 Golding John
17 Panton Miss
19 Benwell Miss
21 Wright Joseph Alfred,sign
East side.
9 Johnson Mrs
23 Drake Thomas Tower
11 Pike F red erick W illiam
25 Grimshaw Percy
13 B lackm an G eorg e, sweep 27 Davies Miss
IS F arm er R ichard
here is Anstey rd .......
17 Burfield Jam es W illiam
West side.
19 H ulbert H arry
2 Taylor Frederick, builder
21 W ood Mrs
12 Drake Brothers, florists
23 T ollervey H arry
14 Loder Francis, tailor
25 C ooper T hom as
16 Overton William Henry
27 Vockins W illiam
20 Gill William Henry
29 M onger H enry
22 Hillier Robert Albt.Ernest
31 Y ou n g M atthew
24 Annetts Mrs. A
33 Plum bridge John
26 Cheers Miss
35 Strudley E dm u nd
28 Lakin Miss
37 Reeves Albert
28 Keeley Miss
39 W heeler M rs. E .R .sh opk p r 30 Dunton Alfred
41 Belcher Thom as
32 Woodhouse Alfred
43 G rover A lbert
34 & 36 Lawrence Henry,
45 Haynes Frederick Jam es
3 Stonehill James
5 Reely Mrs
7 Stanford James George
9 Sawyer Frederick John
11 David Mrs. S. S
13 Beverley Frederic William
15 Pickering Fredk. builder
17 Gibbons Walter
19 Rumbel Mrs
2 1 Abery William
23 Hedington W m . George
25 Woollan Miss Rose
27 Stapley Alphonso
29 Hammond Henry
31 Fisher Mrs
33 Stokes William Charles
35 Jones Charles Alfred
37 Gummer Francis Drake
39 Turner Charles
41 Jacobs Sidney, oilman
43 Luxton Frederick William
45 Barker William James
49 Rider William
51 Cobb Frederick George
53 Carter John
55 Simmonds Oliver Henry
57 Cocks John
59 Francis W illiam
61 Reeves James
63 Champion Ernest
65 Luxton Mrs
67 Lovegrove Joseph
69 Luft'man David
71 Hurst Richard Henry,
pianoforte tuner
73 Holden William Henry
75 Swain Miss R. J
West side.
2 Eighteen Mrs
4 Biggs Joseph
6 Goodson George Henry
8 Vandenberg Harriss C.sen
10 Ball Mrs
12 Bedford Henry, carpenter
12 Bedford Miss Alice,teacher
G ray E dw ard R ichard
of music
Leach Charles H am m ond C A R L IS L E R O A D , Tile- 14 Parsons James, plasterer
Steventon Jam es Henry
hurst, from Oxford road tn 16 Eves Alfred
Tuson A lbert
Oak Tree road.
18 Bud well John
W itherall John
22 Cox Walter John
West side.
Stone Albert
here is Clevedon r d ....... 24 Coles Mrs
W hatm ore Mrs
26 Bray Mrs â
East side.
W hatm ore Miss L. dress Whittingham Mrs. (Carlisle 28 Strange Henry
m aker
30 Pibworth Tom
hous 5)
61 Sm ith W illiam H enry
32 Allen Frederick
63 H am bleton Geo. W illiam
34 M inday Mrs
from 25 De Beauvoir road
65 Hosier Charles
36 Titchener Charles
to 21 Junction road.
67 Benbam John
38 Barnett Mrs
69 Harnett A lbert T hom as
East. side.
40 Cobb Mrs
71 Whitlock George
1 Graham Mrs
42 Bowsher Francis C