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38 Hawes John
N O R T O N R O A D , from 50 26 M askell A lfred
30 L ipscom be M rs. Caroline
Cholm eley road to M an 28 V iner G eorge A lfred
Ellen, beer retailer
chester road.
30 Shepherd Isaac
32 Beckingham W illiam
N orth side.
34 Green Charles
A V E N U E , from Christ 3 Blake R obert W illiam
36 Stevens Frederick John
chu rch gardens.
5 R idgus H enry
38 M arshall E rnest John
7 Foster Frederick Sam
W est side.
40 Deacon Charles G eorge
9 M urray Michael
42 W arrick Charles
2 Tayler Ernest A. A
44 Miles R eginald W illiam
( '
4 Charles G eorge Albert
46 Naeh W illiam
6 Davies M rs. G . M
48 Stratton W illiam G eorg e
8 Pace Arthur (A lta)
Brown W ellesley G ilbert
10 Sm ith Albert
19 W orth John
52 Shaw A
f 12 N orth Miss Alice
21 S m iley Jam es David
54 Loader Charles
14 H uggins A lfred James
58 Denny G eorge
16 Davies H. Allen, accou n t 23 N orton W illiam H enry
25 Lawson Mrs
60 H oney John
ant (S t. A udries)
27 Coles W illiam Richard
62 Jones G eorge
18 Hives F rederick George
29 S eym ou r Ernest E dw ard
64 Race H arry G eorge
R eading Special School
31 L ake'and Percy
166 Miles Mrs
22 Sharpe Jesse H erbert
33 C ripps Mrs
â¢68 W illis W illiam
24 Cooper Edward
35 Curtis G eorge W illiam
â¢70 Pritchard John
26 W oods T om
37 M ackenzie Fredk. Duncan 72 A lbury A lbert E dw ard
28 Earl A ugustus John
41 Britten Thom as
74 Gibson R ichard
30 Owen Ernest Fred
43 Litton A rth ur Edward
76 Pike Edward
32 Hussey Mrs
45 Stonehill Thom as Henry
78 Hearn A lfred
34 M orris James
47 Elderfield John, tailor
80 Day Joseph John
36 Abbott Harold G eorge
49 D orm er H arry
82 W elsh Mrs
42 H oldaw ay Jesse
51 Allen W illiam
¡84 Colton A rth ur H enry
44 Leach W illiam
86 Sawyer Jam es
46 Collins A rchibald G. IN'
55 Clark Frederick W illiam
48 Goodall Edward
N O R W O O D R O A D , from
50 Chandler Jesse
31 C um berland road to
52 W oodbrid ge H erbert Chas 59 M ay W illiam
R upert street.
61 W yatt Charles L
54 T itcom be Charles
63 Hunt Henry
56 Selw ay Henry
N orth-w est side.
65 Painter C hristopher
58 D urm an Charles James
60 GoodingCharlesR.assistant
4 W oodw ard W illiam R obert
69 Gaskin Frank W illiam
insurance supt
6 Case H enry Charles
71 Box Henry A rthur
62 Coppuck George
8 W ebb A lbert James
73 R outh H enry
64 Ridsdale James L . B
10 Chalk A lbert E dw ard
75 Edwards Mrs
East side.
12 W heatland Jam es
77 Dodson M ilner Charles
here is W arw ick r d ....... 79 Vickers Alfred G eorge
14 C ham pion John
1 Allum Alfred R ichard (The 8r Benwell A bsolom Jas. Hbt. 116 G unter Jam es, d ecorator
N utshell)
18 Hall H arry R obert
83 Butler Mrs
3 Hounsom e John
24 R ogers G eorge H enry
85 S im m ond s George
29 Jordan Alfred Albert
87 Bowerman Philip
S outh-east side.
31 Clark Mrs
89 Britt Charles
1 L ovegrove H en ry W illiam
33 Simpson G eorge
91 Fletcher Frederick Jam es
3 Fow ler Alfred
35 Haydon Chas. Jas. Frank 93 K inchen W illiam Charles
37 North Mrs
5 M ontague W illiam
South side.
39 W eeks W illiam
7 G u lliver Jam es
41 Hillier Joseph Francis
9 W ise Fred, w indow cleaner
6 L ay James
r i Harrison John
43 G oode Thom as
10 Port C lem ence Benger
45 Reeves G eorge H enry
12 Barlow Sidney
47 M oore Charles
N U R S E R Y R O A D , fro m
14 liig g in s E dw ard
49 L am bdin James
>2 Newark street to Upper
116 Papiieid W illiam
51 Pyke Percival G eorge
C row n street.
118 C hapm an Ernest
53 Colem an Charles Bishop
20 D ye A rth ur G eorge
S outh side.
55 Pritchard Henry
122 W alker W illiam
1 W akefield Mrs
,,.,,,here is Newcastle rd...... 34 North Joseph Robert
j 3 Johnson Francis