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Charles W ild e r M .A . is lord o f the m anor and prin cip a l landow ner. T he
soil is sand and loam ; subsoil, cla y and gravel. T h e chief crops axe
w heat, b a rley and roots. T h e area is 695 acres ; rateable value, £ 901 ;
the p op u la tion in 1911 was 116.
Parish Clerk, A lfred W illia m D uckett.
P ost Office.â A lfre d W illiam D uckett, sub-postm aster.
L etters from
R eadin g, via P a n gb ou rn e, a rrive at 7.50 a.m . & 7.10 p.m . ; S u n d a y s ,
7.50 a.m . ; d i s p a t c h e d at 7.50 a . m . & 7.15 p . m . ; Sundays, b ox cleared
8 a.m.
P an gbourn e i s t h e nearest m oney order & telegraph office
E lem entary Sch ool, established by the late R e v Joh n W ild er in 1837,
& rebuilt in 1892, at his expense, for 58 c h ild re n ; average attendance,
5 1 ; M iss E m ily H arm s, M iss G rist & Miss B rooks, m istresses
Carriers to R ea d in g.â B rin d, daily & B urr, daily
P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
! D u ck ett
A lfred
W illia m ,
subPalm er M rs. M . H . N unhide farm | postm aster &parish clerk
(postal address, Theale)
j Harms E. (M iss), schoolm istress
V a u g h a n Stanley, H om e farm
; H ayw ard M iss, laundress
W ild e r R ev. H en ry Charles M .A . | P alm er M artha H . (M rs.), farm er,
R e cto ry
N unhide farm (postal
W ilder Mrs. John, Sulham house
i R ose T hom as P eter, farm er, Sulham farm
m m e rc ia l.
B urtenshaw M rs. laundress
S au n d ers R o b t.
fa rm e r & b u tc h e r,
H om e farm
T H E A L E , an ecclesiastical parish, form ed in 1832 out of the parish of
T ilehu rst, is n ow also a civil parish since A p ril 18, 1894, w ith a station
on the G reat W estern railw ay, 41^ miles from Lon don and 5 west from
R eadin g, in the Southern division o f the cou nty, hundred o f Theale,
union o f Bradfield, p etty sessional division and county cou rt district of
R eading, rural deanery of Bradfield, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese
of O xford ; th e main portion o f the village form s one street along the
road from R eadin g to N ew bury, and is ligh ted b y gas.
T he river
Rennet- bounds the parish on th e south. U n der the provision s o f the
â R eadin g (E xtension) O rder, 1911,â w hich cam e into force on the
9th N ovem b er, 1911, a portion o f this parish was added t o the
B orou gh o f R eadin g. The church o f the H oly T rin ity , erected in
1832, at the sole expense of th e late M rs. Sheppard, o f A m p ort,
H ants, under the direction of her b roth er, Dr. R ou th , th e late
venerable presid ent o f M agdalen C ollege, O xford, is a buildin g of
freestone in the E a rly English style, from the designs of the late M r. E.
W . G arbett, and consists o f apsidal chancel, nave and a fine western
tow er, w ith pinnacles, con tain ing a clock and 6 b e lls : the chancel was
added in 1892, at a cost o f nearly £ 2 ,00 0 , b y M rs. B u tler, in m em ory of
her husband, the R ev. Thom as B u tler B .D . rector 1845-87 ; th e west
fro n t is a m uch reduced co p y o f that o f Salisbury cathedral, and the
to w e r is to som e exten t reprodu ced from the old b ell tow er form erly in
Salisbury C lo s e : the in terior is lo fty , the ro o f b ein g groined, and
delicately colou red : an ancient ch antry of P erpendicu lar date, rem oved
from M agd alen C ollege ch apel, O xford , has been re-erected on the north
side o f the chancel, and tw o d oorw a ys from the same buildin g have also
been inserted in the w alls ; on the south side o f the chancel is a low
canopied tom b, in m em ory o f D r. M artin Joseph R ou th , a m odern
co p y of an a b b otâ s tom b o f the 13th century in T ew k esb u ry A b b e y â