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R8AD TN 0 DIIIECTOnY â 1 9 1 4 .
Hartley R o w â Davey, â Elephant,â tues, thurs. & s a t.; Brown, â Black
H o rse,â tues. & fri
H artley W estpallâ H erbert, â Black Horse,â daily, except wed
H artley W in tn eyâD avey, â Elephant,â tues, thurs. & sat.
Heckfieldâ H erbert, â Black Horse,â daily, except wed. ; Brown, â Black
H orse,â tues. & f r i.; Davey, â Elephant,â tues, thurs. & s a t.; H iggs,
a t the Forbury, mon. wed. fri. & sat. ; Fowler, â Royal Oak â and
at the Forbury, tues, thurs. & sat
H enleyâ Gtirdler, at the Forbury, daily, except wed. ; Jackson, â R oyal
O a k â & a t the Forbury, th u rs.; Tanner, â Elephant,â d a ily ; M yers, at
the Forbury, daily, except wed. ; Bailey, â Peacock,â mon. wed. Hz sat. ;
Slade, â E lephant,â daily, except wed
H ide E n d â Fullbrook, â Black Horse,â daily, except wed
H igh m oorâ B ailey, â Peacock,â mon. wed. & sat
H ook â Mercer, â Black Horse,â tues. & f r i.; Fowler, â Royal Oak â & at
the Forbury, tues, thurs. & sat
H urstâ Grant, â Peacock,â mon. tues, thurs. & sat. ; Bonner, â Royal Oak,'
tuos. thurs. & sat
K idm ore E ndâ Smith, â R oyal O ak,â daily
K ingsclereâ Piper, â W hite H art,â sat. ; Cooper, â W hite Hart,â sat
K ingsclere W oodlandsâCooper, â W hite H a rt,â suit
K now le H illâ Vaughan, â Boarâs H ead,â tues- thurs. & sat. ; Smith, â Royal
O ak,â wed. & sat. ; French, â Black H orseâ, mon. thurs. & sat
Little M arlow â Smith, â R oyal Oak,â wed. & sat
Loudwaterâ Smith, â R oyal Oak.â wed. & sat
Maidenheadâ Vaughan, â Boarâs Head,â tues, thurs. & sat
M a r lo w âSm ith, â R oyal Oak,â wed. & sat
M arlstoneâRumble, â P eacock.â tues. & sat,
M a ttin gleyâBrown, â Black H orse,â tues. & f r i . ; Fonder, â R oyal O a k â
& at the Forbury, tues, thurs. & sat
M ortim erâ James, â Sun,â sat. ; Lever, â Black H orse,â mon. wed. & sat. ;
Hounsell, â R oyal Oak,â daily, except wed. ; Bye, â R oyal Oak.' mon.
tues, thurs. & sa t.; W hitburn, â Dukeâs H ead,â tues, thurs. & sat. ;
D. Smith, â Sun,â mon. tues, thurs. & sat
M ortimer W e stâ A ldridge, â Boarâs Head,â tues. & sat,
M oulsfordâ Giles, â W hite Hart.,â tues, thurs. fri. & sat
M urrel Greenâ Brown, â Black H orse,â tues. Sz fri
Nettlebedâ Bailey, â Peacock,â mon. wed. & sat
Newburyâ Rumble, â Peacockâ,â tues. & sat.; Fulker, \Duke's Head,' sat.;
Lever, â Black Horse,â mon. wed. & sat.; M itchell, â P eacock,â thurs. ;
Johnson, â W hite H art,â mon. wed. fri. & sat,
Newnhamâ Fowler, â Royal Oak â & at, the Forbury, tues, thurs. & sat
North W anborotighâ Brown, â Black H orse,â tues. & fri
Odiliamâ Brown, â Black H orse,â tues. & f r i .; Hartnett, â Black H orse,â
tUes. thurs. fri. & sat
O xford â Jackson, â R oyal Oak â & at the Forbury, mou. wed. fri. & sat
Padw orthâ A ldridge, â Boarâs H ead,â tues. & sat. ; W heeler, â Royal Oak,â
tues, thurs. & sa t. ; Smith, â W hite H art,â tues, thurs. & sat
Pam berâ Stanford, â R oyal Oak,â tues, thurs. & sat. ; James, â Sun,â sat
Pangbourneâ Brind, â Elephant,â d a ily ; Rum ble, â Peacock,â tues. & sat. ;
Smith, â W h ite H art,â mon. wed. thurs. fri. & sat.; Baston, â Dukeâs H ead,â
tues, thurs. & sat. ; Giles, â W hite H art,â tues, thurs. fri. & sat. ; Burr,
* W hite H art,â daily
Peppardâ M ildenhall, â Boarâs H ead,â tues, thurs. & s a t.; Perrin & Son,
â W hite H art,â daily, except wed. ; Brown, â W hite H a rt,â mon. wed. &