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R8AD TN 0 DIIIECTOnY — 1 9 1 4 .


Hartley R o w — Davey, ‘ Elephant,’ tues, thurs. & s a t.; Brown, ‘ Black
H o rse,’ tues. & fri
H artley W estpall— H erbert, ‘ Black Horse,’ daily, except wed
H artley W in tn ey—D avey, ‘ Elephant,’ tues, thurs. & sat.
Heckfield— H erbert, ‘ Black Horse,’ daily, except wed. ; Brown, ‘ Black
H orse,’ tues. & f r i.; Davey, ‘ Elephant,’ tues, thurs. & s a t.; H iggs,
a t the Forbury, mon. wed. fri. & sat. ; Fowler, ‘ Royal Oak ’ and
at the Forbury, tues, thurs. & sat
H enley— Gtirdler, at the Forbury, daily, except wed. ; Jackson, ‘ R oyal
O a k ’ & a t the Forbury, th u rs.; Tanner, ‘ Elephant,’ d a ily ; M yers, at
the Forbury, daily, except wed. ; Bailey, ‘ Peacock,’ mon. wed. Hz sat. ;
Slade, ‘ E lephant,’ daily, except wed
H ide E n d — Fullbrook, ‘ Black Horse,’ daily, except wed
H igh m oor— B ailey, ‘ Peacock,’ mon. wed. & sat
H ook — Mercer, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues. & f r i.; Fowler, ‘ Royal Oak ’ & at
the Forbury, tues, thurs. & sat
H urst— Grant, ‘ Peacock,’ mon. tues, thurs. & sat. ; Bonner, ‘ Royal Oak,'
tuos. thurs. & sat
K idm ore E nd— Smith, ‘ R oyal O ak,’ daily
K ingsclere— Piper, ‘ W hite H art,’ sat. ; Cooper, ‘ W hite Hart,’ sat
K ingsclere W oodlands—Cooper, ‘ W hite H a rt,’ suit
K now le H ill— Vaughan, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues- thurs. & sat. ; Smith, ‘ Royal
O ak,’ wed. & sat. ; French, ‘ Black H orse’, mon. thurs. & sat
Little M arlow — Smith, ‘ R oyal Oak,’ wed. & sat
Loudwater— Smith, ‘ R oyal Oak.’ wed. & sat
Maidenhead— Vaughan, ‘ Boar’s Head,’ tues, thurs. & sat
M a r lo w —Sm ith, ‘ R oyal Oak,’ wed. & sat
M arlstone—Rumble, ‘ P eacock.’ tues. & sat,
M a ttin gley—Brown, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues. & f r i . ; Fonder, ‘ R oyal O a k ’
& at the Forbury, tues, thurs. & sat
M ortim er— James, ‘ Sun,’ sat. ; Lever, ‘ Black H orse,’ mon. wed. & sat. ;
Hounsell, ‘ R oyal Oak,’ daily, except wed. ; Bye, ‘ R oyal Oak.' mon.
tues, thurs. & sa t.; W hitburn, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ;
D. Smith, ‘ Sun,’ mon. tues, thurs. & sat
M ortimer W e st— A ldridge, ‘ Boar’s Head,’ tues. & sat,
M oulsford— Giles, ‘ W hite Hart.,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat
M urrel Green— Brown, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues. Sz fri
Nettlebed— Bailey, ‘ Peacock,’ mon. wed. & sat
Newbury— Rumble, ‘ Peacock’,’ tues. & sat.; Fulker, \Duke's Head,' sat.;
Lever, ‘ Black Horse,’ mon. wed. & sat.; M itchell, ‘ P eacock,’ thurs. ;
Johnson, ‘ W hite H art,’ mon. wed. fri. & sat,
Newnham— Fowler, ‘ Royal Oak ’ & at, the Forbury, tues, thurs. & sat
North W anborotigh— Brown, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues. & fri
Odiliam— Brown, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues. & f r i .; Hartnett, ‘ Black H orse,’
tUes. thurs. fri. & sat
O xford — Jackson, ‘ R oyal Oak ’ & at the Forbury, mou. wed. fri. & sat
Padw orth— A ldridge, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues. & sat. ; W heeler, ‘ Royal Oak,’
tues, thurs. & sa t. ; Smith, ‘ W hite H art,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Pam ber— Stanford, ‘ R oyal Oak,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; James, ‘ Sun,’ sat
Pangbourne— Brind, ‘ Elephant,’ d a ily ; Rum ble, ‘ Peacock,’ tues. & sat. ;
Smith, ‘ W h ite H art,’ mon. wed. thurs. fri. & sat.; Baston, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’
tues, thurs. & sat. ; Giles, ‘ W hite H art,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat. ; Burr,
* W hite H art,’ daily
Peppard— M ildenhall, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. & s a t.; Perrin & Son,
‘ W hite H art,’ daily, except wed. ; Brown, ‘ W hite H a rt,’ mon. wed. &