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32 Penson R ichard(C lanfield)
34 M aurice M ajor DavidBlake
D .S.O
36 Ferguson
H u bert
tS h an don )
38 L yon Francis G ardner
40 M eaden
N icholas
(D a n b u ry )
44 Sterens Mrs. C. R .lE v e rs leigh)
46 Eam es Mrs
Pillar Letter Box

here is A ddington rd

51 B urgis Miss, school (S ilverd ale)
55 P rou t Rev. E d u a rd S.,
M .A . (C ongregational)
(B len cath ra)
57 Alderson Rev. J. A rthur
(P rim itive
M ethodist;
( R ozel)
59 E dw ards Henry
61 G w illiam Rev. G eorge Hy.
B.D . (G a isford house)

here is A ddington rd

..h ere is Upper Redlands rd..
S outh-east side.
1 H odges M rs. (T reg cn n a)
3 Lewis H arry
S H iggs
Sam uel
(U llathorn e)
9 Heath Mrs
9 K ay Rev. A rnold Innes
B.A. (cu rate of St. John
the E vangelist)
1 1 W alker John B
PIJ 3 Slaughter Charles, sen.
(G airloeh )
»5 R idley E rnest W illiam
((irey fria rs)
17 C ollier H enry James
19 Stanford G eorge F .S .l
(A theldene)
21 L oraine Mrs. (W e stle ig b )
I 23 Dillem uth Mrs
25 N ew port
Robert- 51.A.
(K en w y n )
27 Taylor. H akin.
29 Lake Mrs

10 Franklin G eorge
12 Dane S ydn ey
i2D a neM rs.B lanche,dress ma
14 S u m m ers Jesse
16 C hapm an Charles
18 Stevens Jam es
20 & 22 Brown G eorg e
24 H iscoek H arry
26 C oom bs G eorge Alfred
28 M inchin G eorge
30 C h u rch Mrs



Haynes W illiam , nu rserym an(Chalk Hill nu rsery)
48 Brain S ydney (K elv in )


63 Stevens Mrs. (R edlands
65 Palm er M rs
67 S hrim pton W illiam
69 Serpeli Schutzer
71 W ilken M ajor John
73 Chaplin M rs. Bertram
75 Stratton Thom as W illiam
77 Payne Miss
79 Shirley A rch ibald J. (T olverne;
li W ebb F rederick John

A L L C R O F T R O A D , from
Kendrick rd. to S outhern hi.
L eonard
J.P . (H illsid e)


G ood h art



638 O x ford road.
W est side.

here is L y d ford rJ ....... 19
•here is Upper Redlands rd.. 25

A L F R E D S T R E E T , from 27

S im m on d s W altcrE d w a rd
M oth Jam es
Harman H arry
Jennings A rth u r
H arm an Jam es
C ox E. & Sons, m ineral
w ater works
Cashlev Mrs
G ran t Charles
Sm all H orace W illiam
Foster W illiam Jam es
M essenger W illiam
Foden T hom as
L am bden Ernest
Neal W illiam , shopkeeper
B unce Alfred
Broom field James
M agee HenryW atts James

78 O xford rd. to Chatham 29
W est side.
5 W arner Miss
7 Ebden
Bailey, 39
house decorator
9 Hearn Mrs
11 W hite Charles W illiam
13 Essex E dgar
15 Reid Mrs
17 & 19 Albion P.H. Fredk
G eorge Godwin
M ... here is Erleigh rd ....... 19 Reading M iniature Rifle A L M S H O U S E C O U R T,
81 S outham pton street.
31 T oppiu Mrs.
(St. E d­
21 Collier Thom as
1 H oldaw ay M rs
m u n d ’s)
3 T om a lin H enry
33 Baughan W illiam H enry 23 L ovejoy W illiam
25 W aters Henry J
5 R ich ard son M rs
(S t. M aur)
7 T aylor John
35 G reenhough W m . Henry 27 Moss John
29 T idbury Isaac
9 H am blin W illiam
(St. L eonards)
31 Cook Daniel, butcher
11 T anner T hom as
37 M elov Miss
13 F litter Benjam in
39 G oodwin G eorge W illiam 33 Druce W illiam
35 Anderson W illiam
15 H olt G eorg e
(H eatherbrae)
41 A ldridge W illiam (T eyn- 37 Stevens Jam es
3q Nickless James
ham )
A L P H A S T R E E T , from
42 Ire Edward John (Abbots­ 43 May Charles
Wa Ideck street to Mount st.


45 Morris Charles
47 Spikes W alter Frederick
B .A .O xon
40 Walters W in. Jn. Vinden

East side.

4 Hughes Mrs
6 Briginshaw Frank
8 White Walter

West side.

2 Herbert James
I 4 We 6tall Charles
1 6 Reade Thomas