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Bowsher W alter
R en ou f A lbert E dw ard
Reeves A m os Joseph
Coates T hom as J
Edwards H arry Garland
C ooper Mrs
from 92 L on d on
Erleigh road.
W est side.
road to
17 T regay M rs. C
19 G iles A lfred H enry
21 K ing Miss
23 Horner James
25 Casburn Thom as
27 T u ll M ichael
29 Dance Francis H erbert
31 Edwards Albert
33 T urnbull Mrs
35 Payton E dw ard W illiam
37 Johnson A m os
39 G ayler Miss
41 W ills W illiam Henry
43 G ibbs Mrs
45 Josey Jam es John
47 C ragg Mrs
49 Pike Mrs
51 A v e r y E dw ard
53 K ent H enry, carpenter
55 Deacon Edward
57 W hiley Mrs
59 Holm es H enry
61 Allen G eorge E rnest
63 H arvey A lbert
65 B utcher W illiam
67 M iles W illiam John
69 S trou dley Miss
71 W hitehouse David
73 W ells Clifford
75 E m ery F rederick Charles
77 East E dw ard
79 E d gin g ton M rs. & Miss,
dress m akers
81 Few E dw ard John
83 L ind say Mrs
85 Sm ith W illiam
87 W ild er W illiam
87 W ilder M rs. dress m aker
89 R ebbeck Miss
91 Ballard W alter Charles
93 B aber R obert James
95 C anning M artin Charles
95a, K n igh t M rs. M. A. dress
m aker
97 Prior John
97 Prior Geo.& A rth .dairym n
4 Cheer Charles H e n ry , sen
6 F lood T hom as A. dealer in
bee appliances
8 L am bourne Frank
10 B ridgm an Frederick T
12 G rew Row land S
14 Burnham Sidney
16 Allen G eorge A m brose
18 B arrett Charles Basil
20 G arrett W illiam
22 Chignall H orace Charles
24 W oodley Frederick W m
26 L uxton A lbert Edward
28 Nash T hom as John
30 R ogers W illiam
32 Benn Edwin
34 Jones Edward
36 H ew itt W illiam A rth ur
38 W hite H erbert
40 W iggins E dw ard
42 Stapley A lfonso H arry
44 Childs F rederick
46 Lewis Richard
48 Dix Frank
50 B loom field John T hom as
52 Dipper N oah
54 Neal Mrs. E. J
56 W heatley Miss
58 U pton Stephen
60 Grinsted A lfred Frederick
62 W hite John
64 W rig h t Charles C
66 Hughes R ichard
68 Barker G eorge
70 Parish Mrs
72 Childs T om
76 Sweetm an G eorge S
from H enry street.
78 K night James
South side.
80 Brown R obert
Central B oy sâ Council Schl
82 Hall Mrs
1 T aylor T hom as Ernest
3 Godden T hom as
East side.
5 F aw cett Ernest Charles
3 W in ter G eorge
7 Hawkins Shadrach
5 G ardener G eorge
9 T horn A lfred E d m u n d
7 Coggs Jam es W illiam
11 G ou ld G eorge
9 Field Joseph
15 Burgess A lfred H enry
11 Jones W illiam Pennant
17 O sborne A m brose
13 Schofield E d ga r John
19 W alters E dw ard H enry
; Dee Mrs
2 i Barefield W illiam George
N orth side.
2 A yers Hy. Jas.(S un nysid e)
here is O rchard st ........
2a, T itcom b e T hom as
4 Phillips Dick
6 F ord T hom as
8 Irish E dw ard
10 G ood all M rs
12 Sim m onds Mrs
14 H ughes Uriah
D O R S E T S T R E E T , from
Sherw ood street.
N orth side.
S eym ou r W illiam
Searle Joseph
Jackson John H en ry
Crowe John
N orton F rederick
E vans Charles
Green G eorge
Barnes H enry Alfred
Studley G eorge
Dodson Mrs
Stevens Charles
South side.
B row n G eorge
H ardy T hom as
G riffin B enjam in
Chapm an Jam es
D O V E R S T R E E T , from
Coley place.
East side.
1 Kinge Richard
3 Twiner Herbert
5 Dore Joseph
7 Belcher Henry
9 Dore John Henry
1 1 Sayer George
13 H oy Robert
... here is Garnet st .......
17 Basten George
19 Grover William
21 Stevens Sydney James
23 Fowler Mrs
25 Hamblin John
27 Dore Charles
29 Butler William
3 1 White Sidney Charles
33 White Jsph.Albert (Grassm ount)
West side.
2 Annetts Israel
4 Stacey Thomas
6 Taylor Frederick
8 Tombs George
10 Collins Mrs
12 Paice Harry
14 Gibson George William
if !