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RBAÃtNO éilRBEf DîfiÃCfORYâ1914.
Chamberlain David John
Brigden Ernest Herbert
East side.
Renouf Albert Ed ward, cattle Druce David
importer (Elmhurst park)
University College Athletic Wicks Thomas, sen
E l m h u r s t r o a d â cou .
E m m er G reen cottages :
R O A D , Tllehurst, from Oxford road.
W est side.
Newberry Arth. (Daneâs hill)
East side.
,, is Clevedon r d .......
Faulkner Robert (Elsley lo)
Tarrant Thomas
Grant James
Turner George
Buller George, laundry
Povey Mrs
Rush William
Adey Frank
Hastings Richard (White ho)
Brown Mrs. (The Chestnuts)
K M M E R G R E E N . Cavers- Dorling Edward
Povey Ernest
ham, from Peppard road.
(See also Kidmore End rd.) Turner David
St. Barnabas Schools (mixed)
Congregational Cbapel
St. Barnabas Iron Church
Jacques Rev. Henry Edward
here is The Grove .......
E m m er Green cottages.
Havell George
See Emmer green.
Fordham Walter Blomfield
(Park view)
BonnerDavidMorgan(Ivy cot) E R L E IG H R O A D , from
Green David
Craven rd. to Addington rd.
Price William
North side,
Hill Mrs
i Jacobs Miss(Wanstead ho)
Sharp Charles
i Collins Miss (Wanstead
Sharp Ernest, insurance agt
Jenkinson Mrs. Laura (BlenÂ
3 Broad John (Cliftonville)
heim house)
5 LowsleyMrs.(Orpington lo)
Butters Harry William (West
7 Buswell Mrs. (Southwold)
7 Howard Rev.
Stevens Charles (Kiln house)
James M.A. (vicar of
Brewerton & Stevens Limited,
St. Lukeâs) (Southwold)
brick & tile makers(Cavers9 Shippam Frederick Arthur
ham kiln)
G rove place :
i i Bowman-Smith
Fisher William (Oak villa)
Burley Mrs
13 Burfitt Mrs. (Oakling)
G im blin H. J
15 Miller Charles Edward
Fisher William N. & E. build 17 Fitch Mrs. J.(Denmark ho)
ers & undertakers
here is Denmark rd .......
21 Thornton William Sowry
Fisher Edwin
23 Franklin Mrs. (Atherton)
B a ig e n t âs c o t t a g e s :
25 Wilder Richard (Erleigh
Cheeney Albert
Cooper Charles
... here is Alexandra rd ...
F is h e r âs r o w :
27 Edwards Mrs. ( Penshury)
Fowler Richard
29 Maslen Arth. (Arkendale)
Clark Harry
31 Payne Robert Sidney M.A.
Franklin Frederick
Baily William
33 Withers Miss
Lunnon William Henry
St. Lukeâs Church & Parish
... here is Doiinirigtdn rd .4»
37 Cox William, draper
39 Knight Joseph H. boot
maker, & Redlands post
41 Ebsworth Arthur
43 Allen John
45 Fry Edwin
49 Weston Wâilliam John
5 1 Couzens Charles
here is Blenheim rd..
55 & 57 Baylis & Co. grocers
59 Gallaway Mrs
61 Dalgleish Mrs. A
63 Crosbie Wm. trav. drapr
65 Allen Thomas (Glenwood)
67 Eves Chas. Hy. (H ythelo)
... here is De Beauvoir rd ...
here is Junction r d .......
69 Adeane Miss
South side.
2 Grover John
Reading School (Rev.W m .
Charles Eppstein M.A.
Corpus Christi college,
Cambridge & D.D. St.
Johnâs College, Oxon.
F .R.A.S. head m aster;
Robert Newport M.A.
m aster; H.
Diemer M .A., J. C.
Thorpe M .A ..F .I.C ., H.
S. Crook B.A., J. L.
Sylo-Jones M .A., D. G.
Williams B.A., R. T.
Rees M .A., P. Edwards
B .A., C. E. Hutchings
B.A. & Miss A. S.
Oâ Reilly B.A. assistants;
E. 0 . Daughtry M .A.,
B.Mus., F.R.C.O.m usic
m aster; H. D. Barkas
A.R .C .A . art m aster;
H. T. Pugh, clerk to
the governors)
14 Lang Charles Dowson,
C.B. (Kingsleigh)
16 Kensington Col. Edgar
18 Russell Miss C. (Lothair)
... here is Alexandra rd ...
20 Mobbs Aaron, district inÂ
surance supt
22 Edwards Ernest Sydney
24 Goodman Henry Charles
26 Knott Joseph James are Donnington gdns..
30 Tice Albert Ernest, cycle
34 Wills Charles H. draper
36 Froome Alfred
38 Setchell Arthur Headley