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8 H a m m on d s M rs
Slokes F rcdk. (W hytelam ls)
10 S hepherd Alfred
Swain Percy F. ( Ding ley)
Ew ins Frank Ju. ^Thornhill) 12 B un co M rs
T w cedio
M aurice
G eorge 14 Haines R ob ert
A .M .I.E .E . (A u d le y )
16 S tru dley W illiam
Bennett W in. H y. (L in d field ) 16 C ripps Mrs. A nnie, c e r t iÂ
E scott F rederick (B igthan )
fied m idw ife
A dam son Bert ieC . (T rossach s ) 18 Blackall John
S im m ons T hom as(N etherton) 20 W iggins Charles
22 Bedingtteld Jam es
640 Neal T h om as W illiam , Farrer E dw ard Oliver
24 H iggs A rth u r
Kroell Theo (V illa L ouise)
grocer & beer retailer
642 The R oyal Albion P. 11. L ong G eorge(,The H awthorns) 26 S m alley A rth u r M
here is Elsley r d ............ 28 T aylor G eorg e
E dgar W illiam W ix
N orth side.
30 W illis M rs
718 Parsloiv G eorge G unter
here is S co u rs la............ 32 Austin Jam es
734 Chandler David
T ilehurst
Railw ay Station 34 H arw ood W illiam HenTy
736 Vivian Benjam in
(G .W .R .)(H e n r y U r im m e tt, 36 Davis H a rry T h om as
738 Pond H ouse P .IE Albert
station m aster)
38 W iggin s DaVid
John P'ielding
Pillar L etter Box
;4o T aylor H arry
740 F reem an Mrs
T he R oebuck hotel, Charles 42 L in g H erbert
742 B erw ick Edward
E. R atcliffe
44 G reen A lbert
744 Felton W illiam Hy. con fr
¡46 Miles Frederick
46 Cook Mrs. Susan, shpkpr East A. boat builder
52 Brooker Charles
T om pkins Mrs. dairy
O X F O R D S T R E E T ,C a v e r - 54 Ilott W illiam
750 Slade John
sham , from 58 Prospect
752 Patev W illiam
street to Hem dean road.
P A D D O C K R O A D (Lower
... here is Fangbourne st
C aversh a m ), fro m L ow er
N orth side.
Caversham .
^54 Collins D vd .E dw d .sh pk p r 1 M ay Sam uel
756 Sm ith Frederick
3 Leeks Miss
K ingsbury W illiam Stephen
758 S m art W illiam
5 Parker W illiam
Dance F rederick
760 T reacher John
7 Benwell Charlie
H op p ing Mrs
764 G osling Jesse Charles
9 Barnes G eorge W illiam
S im in onds W illiam
766 Sm ith R ichard
11 G oodeson M rs
M arshall G e o .(P a d d o ck fa rm )
768 T u rn er John
13 Sharpe H enry B od y
Jarvis Charles (M y rtle c o t)
770 Kirk Charles John
15 R eynolds John Henry
772 C hipper Alfred H enry, 17 Shails Mrs
iP A L M E R P A R K , L on d on
19 H iggs W illiam
...â ...h ere is Tidm arsh st ....... 21 Patey H enry
Osborne E d iv d .p ark con stable
774 M edland W illiam Lewis, 23 H ollow ay W m . boot repr R efreshm ent Pavilion
shoeing & general sm ith 25 Boxall Sam uel G eorge
Bow ling G reen
778 Devonald G eorge Edward 27 S tim pson Oliver
R unning & C ycle T ra ck
780 Baijent Jas. (W illo w co t) 29 Bennett John
31 S w ift A lbert James
782 Dance J11. (W illo w cot)
fr m W ok in g h am road.
33 H odder Edwin John
R O A D , Tile
35 H arris G eorge
S outh-east side.
hurst, from O xford road, 37 Sm ith Jam es
Tark C on g reg a tion a lC h rch
Iteading to B orough boun- 39 Evans Alfred
Park In stitu te (C longrega41 W o od ley T hom as
tio n a l)(J . J. R id ley ,h on .
South side.
43 S im m ond s Mrs
s e c .; K . o . R id le y , hon.
¿ â ¡» ...h e r e is N orcot la ............ 45 C ollins T hom as
treas. ; F. 0 . Jord an ,
. . . . sphere are K entw ood rd. 47 Brown Jam es W illiam
care ta k e -)
& Buck la.......
49 T hom as Frederick
1 Allwnod Sam uel
Coale Wm. Frank (C am eron)
51 L ovelock E d » in Charles
2 T ay lor W iU am
Cross Henry iH op elan ds)
53 W oodeson G eorge
3 Karnes M iss
G ibbons
Fingree 55 Payne W alter
4 W heeler G eorg e S id n ey
(G lu tton)
57 Pontin H enry W illiam
5 Fardell R obert John
Steele Charles (T h e G ables)
59 K night T h eodore
6 M illett E rnest
. » ¿ i here is Carlisle rd ........
61 H um phries A rth ur Jam es
7 F ow ler R
Stephens M rs. (T h a m es bank)
South side.
8 M ercer Ja m es
Hetnm ings Ernest II. (R iver- 4 Tillin Eli
9 S m ith S idn ey A lbert
d itte )
6 Dean David Edward
io F ord W illiam Henry.
R unnacles H rbt. shopkpr
Ethertort/ Thom as
Kight.ley Henry Charles
B aggage C
C ox Mrs
B urbrid ge T hom as
Bidmead H erbert
Perry M rs
here is A lm a s t ............