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The Junior Y . M . C. A . for lads from 12 years to 16 years o f age,
occupies well-adapted premises at the rear o f 't h e main building in
Garrard H ouse, com prising games, reading and w riting room s, large
lecture hall, cycle room , dark room for ph otograph y, bath room and
lavatories, w ith tennis and quoit courts. A lthou gh on ly opened in the
spring of 1904, there are upwards o f 150 members. T he hon. secretary
is Mr. H arry Burton, o f whom all inform ation may be obtained. Su b­
scriptions, including entrance fees to gymnasium and all clu bs, 4s. to 5s.
according to age.
-T h e Y ou n g W om en 's Christian A ssociation , D evon sh ire house, Castle
street, is an institution which has for its ob ject the spiritu al, social and
physical welfare o f all you ng wom en. The institute contains a large
class-room capable of accom m odating from 80 to 90 peop le (this is
eligible for lectures, draw ing-room m eetings &c.) and a reading room
w hich is fitted up w ith a library ; this is open daily for the use of
m em b ers; th e m em bership is considerably over 200 , besides a ju n ior
branch for girls betw een 10 and 16 years ; the A ssociation is affiliated
to the International Y ou n g W om en ’ s Christian A ssocia tion , and mem bers
may be transferred to any branch in any part of th e w orld ; the b oa rd ­
ing house is com fortable and com m odious, and provides a hom e for those
engaged in teaching, business &c.
T h e R eading T ow n M ission is an interdenom inational evangelical
society, under the management of an influential com m ittee, in stitu ted to
provide for house to house visitation and the presentation of elem entary
G ospel truths am ong those not reached b y other agencies, and is en tirely
supported b y voluntarv contributions.
The W . I. Palm er M em orial Buildings, W est street, were erected in
1899, b y pu blic subscription, at a cost o f £ 4 ,7 5 0 , exclusive o f the large
hall (form erly know n as W e s t Street H all), to w hich the m em orial b u ild ­
ings are attached. T h e hall is capable of seating 400 persons, and is used
principally for religious, tem perance and p h ila n th ropic purposes. T he
rem ainder of the buildin g com prises a lodge room , com m ittee and council
room s, which are chiefly devoted to the m eetings o f various tem perance
and benefit societies. T h e feature of the institution is the P alm er Club,
w hich has refreshm ent, games, sm oking, reading and bath room s.
The R eading A th letic Club, established in 1883, has its head quarters
at the G reat W estern H otel, Station road ; there are upw ards o f 500
m em bers ; annual minimum subscription, 3s. 6 d.
T h e R eadin g R o w in g Club, established in 1867, has its boat-house on
F ry’ s island, R eadin g, w ith head quarters at the Q ueen's hotel.
The R eadin g A m ateur R egatta usually takes place- on A u g u st Bank
H oliday.
T he B erkshire Bee K eepers’ A ssociation head quarters are in R eading.
■ T h e R eadin g Natural H istory S ociety was form e d in 1881 to prom ote
the stu dy o f the natural h istory o f its ow n d is t r ic t; fortn igh tly m eet­
ings are held from O ctober to M arch, on Thursdays, at W illis o n s
h o t e l; and from M ay to A u gust, fortn igh tly, field m eetings are held
gen erally on W ednesday. Annual subscription, 3s. 6 d.