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h e a d in g
d ir e c to r y â
C l a s s ic s .
Professor, *P. N. U re m. a . Caius College, Cam bridge (tu tor)
Lecturer, W . H aigh m . a ., (tu tor)
Research Fellow in Rom an A rch eolog y , D. Atkiuson d . a . Brasenose
College, O xford
E n g l is h .
Professor o f English Literature, *R . Dewar m . a . G lasgow (tu tor)
Professor o f E nglish Language, *M iss E dith J. M orley, Fellow o f K in g âs
C ollege fo r Wom en (O xford Honour School of English Language &
L iterature) (tu tor)
Lecturer in English Language & Literature, J. E. V . Crofts b . a . Queenâs
College, O xford ; Senior D em y of M agdalen College, Oxford
M o d e r n H is t o r y .
Professor, *F . M . Stenton m . a . Kehle College, O x ford ; Associate o f UniÂ
versity College, Reading, (tutor)
H onorary Professor, * W . M . Childs m . a . K eble College, O xford (prin cipal)
Lecturer, J. H. Saeret m . a . New College, O xford (tu tor), Associate of
U niversity College, Reading
F rench.
P rofessor, *Am édée V . Salmon B. ès L ., D iplòm é de lâ E cole des H autesEtudes (Section de P h ilologie Romane), Universitó de Paris, Officier
de lâIn 8truction Publique (tutor)
Lecturer, R ev. L . M . J. Couturier m . a . Lond., l . ès L . , Associate of
U niversity C ollege, Reading
Sessional Lecturer, Miss M ary F. Sharps B . A . L o n d . Associate o f University
College, Reading
Assistant fo r Conversational French, M dlle. Y vonne M . Salmon
(Baccalauréat Latin-Langues vivantes ;
Cam bridge H igher Local
E xam ination)
Lecturer, K arl C. H oll p Ii . d . H eidelbu rg
Lecturer (fo r E vening Classes), W . Haigh
m. a
. , b . sc.Loud,
(tu tor)
E d u c a t i o n ( P r i m a r y D i v i s i o n ).
Lecturer in Education & Master o f M ethod, * H . S. Cooke m . a Pem broke
College, O xford, m . a . U niversity o f Cape o f G ood H ope (Associate o f
University C ollege, R ea d in g; O xford Diplom a in Education) (tu tor)
Lecturers in E ducation, "M iss M . Bolam, Som erville College, O x fo r d , m . a .
D ublin (tu to r) & A . W . P . W olters m . a . London, A ssociate of
U niversity College, R eading (tu tor)
Assistant to the M aster o f Method, M iss W in ifred M. Macrae m . a . EdinÂ
burgh (tutor)
Teacher o f Needlework, Miss A. Cross (D iplom a of the London Institute
fo r the Advancem ent o f Plain Needlework)
In structor in Physical Exercises, S. Jennings
H ead Teachers o f the Demonstration School, W . .1. H . Sweatman, Associate
o f U niversity College, R eading ; Miss K . Chandler, Associate of UniverÂ
sity College, R e a d in g ; & M iss E. Chattaway, Associate o f U niversity
College, Reading,