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Po plar cottaqes :
9 Dadley H arry
61 G ardner D. accountant
T urner Charles
63 & 65 M ilward & Sons Lim . 11 Colem an Mrs. A. E
W altham Mrs
boot m anufacturers
13 W ickes G eorge L loyd
S heepw ash:
here is South st............ 15 F ord Miss
Mace Mrs
67 W hite Chas. J.refresh .rm s 17 R oberton W illiam Henry
Foster E dw ard
69 Jackm an John, cycle repr 19 L ister Oswald W illiam
21 House Mrs. M. J
Bills James
71 W ild Mrs. confectioner
73 Hawkins Francis Henry 23 Patience Thom as
H ollow ay Ernest (W estfield
M .D .E d in .,
M .R .C .P . 25 Drew Mrs
27 Soundy W illiam H enry
Lond. physician
here is W estw ood r d ........
75 & 77 Phillips John E. re­ 29 L E S S E R D A V I D , m anu
facturing clothier
freshm ent contractor
East side.
79 G rim es Rev. C ecil John 31 Bowler Frederick Thom as
2 Atkins F rancis H enry
33 S herw ood Albert W illiam
(curate of St. G iles)
4 W ickens G eorge Henry
81 C O L E B R O O K
C O . 37 H errington Fredk. H en ry
6 Taylor Samuel. (E ben ezer)
L I M I T E D , butchers
supt. relieving officer & 8 S tron g Frederick Henry
collector to the g u a r ­ 10 W illiam sjsph.( A rm ou r c o t)
... here is Fountain cou rt ...
dians, parish of Reading 12 H alford Sam uel
85 Sum m ers Lancelot, confr
87 Boyd & M urley L im ited, 39 Playle G eorge Arth. Fredk 14 W ickens M rs
41 Strickland A rth ur George 16 B ird-in-H and P .H . R ichd.
plum bers
89 K ernutt W ilfred, watch ma 43 Barnard Frank Claude
A rm strong
91 Pom pey Misses, greengros 45 N akagawa Stephen
S w a n se a cottages :
93 H um frey & Sons, dairy
G u tteridge Charles
W est side.
95 Cook A lbert Geo. boot ma
Burgess H enry
97 Schofield Mrs. M ary, drpr 2 Foord Capt. W m . Levison
99 Sherw ood Geo. beer retlr
18 W ise Charles
101 Barkham
Christopher, 4 Parr H erbert John
20 Sim m oDds F. S
6 Hives W illiam Edward
pork butcher
S w an sea t e r r a c e :
103 Shackleford Sam uel, tin­ 6a ,W h iteH a rryA .(T h eN ook) 1 Pontin Stephen
8 W hite H. & Son, builders
plate worker
2 Stacey A lbert
105 Phipps W illiam James, 8 W hite Henry
3 S tron g W illiam
10 L ittlechild Miss
boot warehouse
4 S im m ons W illiam
107 C ooper John (late H unt), 12 Chalk W illiam Henry
K e n t w o o d v ie w :
chem ist & photographio
1 P arry T heodore Colin
m aterial dealer, & post
2 L am b W illiam
18 G arratt Joseph Edward
& telegraph office
3 Collins Mrs
here is Sm all’s c o u r t...... 20 Inw ards James
4 P ratt Mrs
113 Powell W illiam , fruiterer 22 Beasley Edward
5 W hichelow M rs
115 Powell & H urlock, tbcnsts 24 M orris John
7 B usby Charles
26 Souch W alter John
ii7 L o n g h u r s t
W illiam
hero is K entw ood rd.
Son, butchers
119 & 121 Kent Geo. W illiam , L O W E R A R M O U R , T ile- L O W E R
fro m
T em p le place,
ironm onger
hurst, from A rm ou r road,
F obn ey street.
123 Eyles Frank, paw nbroker
W est side.
N orth side.
L o n g B arn cotta g es.
1 Ilsley W illiam
43 Martin G eorge
3 House Mrs
See Basingstoke road.
45 C urran W illiam T h om as
5 Lawes M rs. (Barras)
47 Fisher John
L A N E , 7 Annetts Alfred
49 R obin son John
from the F our Horse Shoes, 9 H unt George, beer retailer 51 Brow n T im oth y
Basingstoke road.
11 Sarjent Mrs. (A rm ou r lo ) 55 A ndrew s Charles
11 B ackhou seF .J.(A rm our lo) 57 Day John
Clifford Stephen
13 Goatley Jeremiah
Clifford Ernest
59 A ppleby R ichard
Hillier Frederick
Denton John
17 W iekens W illiam H enry
Clack W illiam
Cat ersham .from W est V iew
19 Sm ith Fred
L O R N E S T R E E T , from 21 Cox Frederick
terrace (S tar road).
235 O xford road.
23 Collins David A
Sanders W alterf Laurel law n)
25 Collins Mis3 Violet, grocer
East side.
. here is Paddock rd ........
1 W hatson W . E. ho. d ecrtr
E dwards W illiam
Millers’ Arms P.H. Martin

S Margetts Samuel F. buildr
