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READING s t r e e t d i r e c t o r y â 1 9 1 4 .
II2 2
II2 6
H 28
IL q
South side.
Brooks E rnest W illiam ,
boot m aker
Shad bolt W illiam
W eig h t M artin
Phillips Mrs
L ang W illiam John
N ew port William
Collier Lionel V icto r John
H am lett Albert V ictor
Pocoek G eorge
Eeles Sidney John
W heeler John
M arsh Mrs
E ldridge T hom as
Griffin H enry Cornelius
Everett Jn. W m . shopkpr
W alters A lbert
Deadfield Henry
Goswell Daniel
E dm onds Stephen
W aite John
C aversham , from K idm ore
road to Darell road.
1 61
East side.
Dawes H erbert, dairym an
8 K n ott Mrs
10 L ansbury Edward
12 Jones H arry Edward
14 Dobson H arry
16 Betts Miss Anne
18 Johnson Charles
20 Sim m ons G eorge
22 Davis John
24 Neal Miss
East side.
78 Griffin Rev. Charles E.
(W esleyan) (C h etw yn d)
76 Lewis G eorge (S orrento)
here is Ilkley rd ......... H I L L S T R E E T , from Pell
here is Mai lock rd ....... street to Chesterman street.
44 W aite Thom as, teacher of
W est side.
m usic
57 Bolton Mrs. M. A. grocer
42 Peters Lewis
55 Blackford W illiam
W est side.
26 Sm ith Edwin (L y n n cot)
53 Loader W illiam
H|42 H oldaway Frank
24 W oollan Sidney W alter Si Smith Charles
â 144 E m m ett W illiam John
M .I .A .E .
autom obile 49 R olfe Alfred Edward
â '4 6 Fox Mrs
consu ltin g engineer
47 M akepeace A lbert G eorge
â 48 W oold ridge Peter
22 Sim pson Leslie Shepherd 45 M obbs E dwin
I 5 2 Ford Miss
(R ocking lo d ge )
43 Franklin & Allen,coal m ers
I 5 4 W rig h t R ichard
20 Belston
Jam es 43 Allen Joseph
B 5 6 Dance Alfred
(H ollin gside)
41 K ing G eorge
â 5 8 Wise W alterW m .bricklayr
here is Albert rd ....... 39 Cooper H enry
11 Oo Hedderly Henry
18 Allsop
T hom as (D ow n- 37 Saw yer E dm u nd
â i>2 Read James
ham lodge)
35 C ow drey A lfred
1 161 Cook W illiam
16 Forbes Mrs. (H igh m oor lo) 33 Adam s Philip
â (16 Osm on H en rjr Edward
14 O sm ond R o b t.(S t. Aubins) 31 Beazer W illiam Jam es
l ( < 8 A ldridge Joseph
12 Laurie John (Cherw ell)
20 Flow er M rs
I 7 0 Lunn Albert Edward
27 Pither Mrs
W est side.
B 7 2 W hite Amos
27 Hathaway Mrs. (B ram ley) 25 Pritchard Ernest
B 71 Smee G eorge
23 W iltshire Mrs. M ary
25 T aylor G u y (T u rville)
B 7 6 Dance W illiam Jam es
here are A lbert & Darell rd: 21 W hite Frank W illiam
â 7 8 Snarey Charles
19 Cockerill G eorge
9 Pullen G eorge (T revone)
l| S o Barlow A rchibald
7 Poynder Robt. B. (L y n ch ) 17 Janes G eorge
B 0 2 Salter G eorge
5 BennettAlfd. Jn .(C oniston ) 15 Loader Joseph
B 8 4 W yatt Mrs
3 C ordrey A rth ur William 13 H odder Frederick
B 8 6 Cole R obert
11 Porter Thom as
(T revedda)
B l 8 Attawell W illiam
1 Sm allw ood H y.W illoughby 9 G ow er Edward H enry
B 9 0 A m esbury Albert
7 Head Noah
(L eam ore)
B 9 2 Ebborn Mrs
5 C um m in gs James
â 9 4 Hazel Mrs
R O A D , from 3 M artin Mrs
B 9 6 Nash Arthur
1 Skears A lfred
W ilton road.
B 9 8 Stoekdale Thom as
(N o thoroughfare.)
B 1 0 0 Allwood Hal
East side.
H 1 02 Puckett G eorge
W est side.
44 C utler Mrs
â â 0 4 Nicholson W alterLaw son 1 Stannard Krnest
44 C utler M iss E dith, teacher
I s 06 Venables A rth ur Jam es
3 Evans Frederick A lbert
of m usic
HB08 Hallett G eorge W illiam
5 T u rn er Thom as
40 A llum Jam es
I K 10 EelesJam esEdwin, verge: 7 \t dkin W alter Ernest
38 R u ffell A lbert
ofChristChnrch, W hitley 9 Giles Frederick
36 T aylor John
13 Cbripps Charles
34 W oods A lbert Edward
I fc lG H G R O V E
T E R 15 Jordan Charles Henry
Gibbons H enry G eorge
I V from 71 Mount Pleasant.
17 Baker P arry
here is Francis street ...
I â¢2 Trusler Henry George
23 lienn lBm ry Charles
3 0 Barber Frank C
I 74 Langford Mrs
31 M oulden W illiam H y. G eo
Oxlade Harry
I j 6 Brown G eoig e
23 K nox Albert John
21 K n ott Charles H enry
K / l Cum m ings Mrs
35 Bryant A 1tort
24 Johnson A jth u r