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Salvation A rm y H all, 111 a , K in g's road
Salvation A rm y H all, St. G eorge’s road
Salvation A rm y Quarters, 33 Field road
Society o f F riends’ M eeting House, Church street
Valentia R oad Meeting Room , Valentia road
W est Reading Adult School, Kensington road
Church of England M en’s Society, a brotherhood o f members o f the
Church o f England who are pledged (1 ) to pray to God d a ily ; (2 ) to do
some work fo r the Church. Local branches have been established at St.
M a rk ’s, St. G iles’ , St. Luke's, St. Peter’s, Caversbam, St. G eorge’s, St.
Laurence, St. Bartholom ew, E arley, Christ Church, St. Joh n ’s & A ll
Saints’ ; head quarters, Church house, Westminster
Reading Y .M .C .A . 30 &i31 Friar street; Herbert W . Bryant, gen. sec
Y .M .C .A . (ju nior branch), 4 Merchant’s p la ce; H arry Burton, hon. sec
Y .W .C .A . 19 Castle street



University College, Reading, situate in London road, was founded
in 1892 & was originally established in two buildings in V alpy street
as part o f the U niversity Extension Scheme.
Since 1901, proposals
to rebuild the C ollege upon a larger site steadily acquired force &
urgency ow in g to the grow th o f the Institution. Considerable difficulty
arose, however, in connection with the effort to find a suitable site,
but in June, 1904, M r. A lfred Palmer presented to the C ollege a site
o f about six acres centrally situated in London road.
In 1907 the
Council conferred the title of Professor upon certain o f the principal
members o f the teaching staff. A t the same time a F acu lty o f Letters
& a Faculty o f Science were established, & a JDean appointed for
each Faculty.
The C ollege is now one o f the fourteen English Universities & Colleges in
receipt o f a Treasury grant for the furtherance o f University work. It
has an endow m ent o f over ¿2 5 0 ,00 0 , of which ¿2 0 0 ,0 0 0 was presented
in 1911 as a University Endowment Fund, L a d y W antage contributing
¿5 0 ,0 0 0 J h e R ig h t Hon. G. W . Palmer & Mrs. Palm er ¿1 0 0 ,0 0 0 & M r.
A lfred Palm er ¿5 0 ,0 0 0 , together with a g ift o f land, w ith a view to
enabling the College, within the next four years, t.o apply for a
charter as an independent University. The C ollege is affiliated to the
University o f O xford. It provides complete courses o f instruction for
the degree examinations (external) in Arts & Science o f the University
o f London. I t is subsidised by the Board of Agriculture, & its
facilities fo r training in agriculturo, dairying & horticulture for men
& w om en are unusually complete.
Its students are able to obtain
diplomas in-agriculture, dairying & horticulture, awarded after exam i­
nation b y a com m ittee representative o f the U niversity o f O xford &
the U n iversity C ollege; they are also prepared fo r the degree exam i­
nation in agriculture o f the University o f London.
Certificates in
agriculture, dairying & horticulture are awarded after shorter
The C ollege is recognised for the training o f teachers for
elementary schools by the Board of Education. Students in the elemen­
tary training department are able to follow courses o f study leading
to a U niversity degree in arts or science. The College is also recognised