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196 Baker Henry
200 Eagle H enry E . F. den­
tal surgery
here is Eldon r d ..........
202 G illow Mrs
204 Jarm an Josiah Thom as
206 L aw W illiam
208 G ray Mrs
210 Chivers Jesse
212 Pike H enry John
here is Y ork ter o,........



290 W eston W alter
292 N ew berry F rancis, b ld r
W all Letter Box
296 Short G eorge
298 Street Percy R eginald
300 P ortsm outh R obert Jam es
302 Brown W illiam
304 M oss Charles, registrar
of births & deaths for
the su b-d istrict of S t.
Giles & depu ty regis­
trar of m arriages
214 Vicars Mrs
306 H A M I L T O N M I S S
216 T erry Mrs
nursing hom e (N orfolk
here is B em bridge p i ...... 218 C raw ley R obert
house). See advert
220 W heeler H enry, printer
112 Bevis F. W . grocer
308 Davis F rederick Charles,
222 Spencer Jam es
116 & 128 M ilsom J. & Sons,
teacher of m usic
224 L ee W illiam Alfred
coal m erchants
310 Prince W illiam , upholstr
226 H u ggin s Mrs
122 R o u t W illiam
H enry,
312 M orley H en ry T hom as
228 Hilsden M rs
boot repairer
314 W arm ingbain A lfd . W m
124 LovegroveChas.E. beer ret 230 Sewell G eorge W illiam
316 Salisbury
C onservative
232 Edwards Paul Handy
.... here is W atlington st
(W illiam
234 Meek T hom as
128 & 116 M ilsom J. & Sons,
; W illiam
234 Barton M rs. dress m aker
m erchants
A lex. Carter, stew ard )
here is E ldon s t ..........
(P ortland wharf)
318 Bowden E d w ard, m o n u ­
236 E ighteen A lfred
130 B urton A lfred W illiam
m ental m ason
238 Sivain Charles
132 Bowsher W illiam
St. Joh n’s C offee Stall
238 Swain M issesAda&Annie,
134 Ellison Thom as
dress m akers
here is L on d on rd
136 Baul A lfred John
240 Palm er A rth ur George
138 Law rence Thom as W in
N orth side. 242 K ing W alter G eorge
140 G ard E rnest, fruiterer
1 Jackson E . & Sons, o u t­
142 & 144 H eather George, 244 H arris E dw ard
246 L ove W m . w indow cleanr
beer retailer
3 Saracen’s
H ead
P .H .
248 B row n W illiam , coal m er
146 H ow ies H enry
M rs. Bessie Davies
250 Male
G eorg e
148 F ox E dw ard, fruiterer
S & 7 Johnson E rnest G.
M .R .C .V .S . vet. surgn
150 V ickrage H y. L ee.tbccnst
- here is Victoria st ........
152 Hutchins W m . ret
9 & 64 Allen C. & Co. picture
158 T urner A . H. leather m er 252 T he Berkshii'e P.H . Sami.
fram e m akers
H arry G. Higgs
here is K ennet s i d e .......
254 & 256 T h e Berkshire 11 A bbey Hall
162 & 164 G reenslade & Co.
P rinting Co. L im .prntrs 11 R eading T ow n M ission
lithographers & printers
(H en ry A. C hu rch ill,
here is M ontague s t .......
166 D igweed Jam es, refresh­
hon. se c.) (A bb ey hall)
m ent room s
258 Pearce Chas. wire w orker 13 S utton’s R ecreation C lub
168 Butler Miss V. D. tbccnst 260 Bennett Mrs. dress m aker
(W . H. Shipw ay & Joh n
170 B orough A rm s P.H. David 262 Bargery Edward
A llu m ,
W illis
264 Bailey Mrs
secs. ; John Chandler,
here is Kennet s t ......... 266 Bull Edward
stew ard )
174 Saw yer E d w in , new s agt 268 T appern David
here is A b b ey sq .........
176 Streeter Joh n, grocer
270 Crust Frederick James
15 W arren Charles F.
178 Lee Jas. G . & Son, drprs 272 A llnutt A rth u r W illiam
beer retailer
180 W eeks C has.W m . boot m a 274 Sm ith Thom as
17 T horp T hom as, bookseller
here is Q ueen’s rd ........ 276 A ttw ood George
23 B ryantR t.W .& C o.tbconsts
188 Jennings & Co. butchers 278 T u ll E dw ard W illiam
25 Cocks Charles & Co. L im .
190 Dawson A rth ur Patrick, 2,io Hall Alfred Ernest
sauce & pickle m anufrs
282 Deeley Mrs
B aptist Chapel
284 Allen Mrs
192 Hanson Miss
27 Phillips & Son, m illw rights
I94 L O D G E T E M P E R A N C E
here is Fatherson r d ...... 29a, R O Y A L
John H u m ­ 286 Sherw ood H enry, m on u ­
(E . J.
m ental m ason
T h om as & Co. p rop rs)
H U M P H R I E S J O H N , jo b - 286 Sherw ood M rs. oonfectar 29 T ay lor
H en ry,
288 F oot H enry
•r -dge hotel)
-lo o m p roprietor
W all Letter Box
98 Shervall Mrs. restaurant
100 W ilson’sReversibleSaddle
Co. L im ited,cy cle saddle
m anufacturers
102 Pratten Brothers, tailors
102 Pratten A lbert E
104 Dawson A lfred, fruiterer
106 Mason Thom as, w hole­
sale & retail fishm onger
105 A plin G eorge, butcher
110 Bargery Frederick W m .
beer retailer