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O x f o r d R b A D ,R B A b t* (i— ;con.


Neal Arthur
Elliott A.& E. costum iers
Darbyshlre Arthr. Ernest
Fabry Frank Thos. tailor
Y o u n g Mrs. school
M oore Mrs
Plum m er W illiam
Merwootl Alfred James
Sprlngbett Mrs. E. I
Clark Miss
Cooke Arthur Leslie *
W headon Mrs. M. board­
ing house
238 N oyes Mrs
240 R obertson R obert H en ry
242 Parkinson Mrs
244 T urner James
246 W hitfield Arth.ins11r.supt
248 U nderw ood William
250 Hopkins Herbert James
252 Lloyds Rank
Lim ited
(su b-branch)
252 W atson Henry Benjamin
here is Beresford r d .......
254 Abery Mrs. K. wardrobe
& furniture dealer
256 Ednav Jas. W m .confectnr
260 Désiré
A uguste,
d cesser
266 G eorge Sydney Henry,
boot repairer
268 Brunsden Reginald, drug
270 W inchArth. Herbt.tbecnst
274 Kent W illiam , butcher
278 L ocke Robert, dairy
280 Eighteen W m . fishmongr
286 Royal
(receiving otiice)
288 (iw illiam Oliver James,
boot repairer
290 & 292 Dawson Mrs. A.
296 Yanderstegen
Brigham Douglas J.P.
estate office
298 Hawker David
300 Hanney Mrs. H
302 Babbage Alfred E dw ard,
304 Sm ith W illiam H ugh Jas
308 Trendall Thom as W illiam
310 Jones Henry
312 Lainsbury George
314 W infieldFerdinandW hite,
g ro ce r
316 B arefoot George, musical
instrum ent dealer
322 Bllbey W. E. & Co. boot

. . . . here is Valentia rd .......
324 W elch Hy. W m . greengro
326 Larkam Art.h.Cecil,statnr
330 The ReadingCasualW ards
W all Letter Box
334 W alker W illiam John
336 W allis Frederick G eorge
338 A m or James
340 W allis George
342 Longhurst W illiam H enry
344 R eading
W orkhouse
(W alter Fryer, m a ste r;
Mrs. A. Fryer, m atron ;
Lansdown M urray G uilding M .B .,
M .R .C .S.
m edical office r;
A rthur Neville Halpin
M .A. chaplain)
344A, The N ew inn, William
S. Boule
346 Dawes Herbert, greengro
350 S m ith Ernest, corn dealr
352 W ood Mrs. baker
3S4 Ourzon ConservativeClub,
W . W . Light, sec
Elm Park Hall
398 Ireinonger
chim ney cleaner
Library (W est branch)
(W illiam Henry Greenhough, chief librarian)
450 Clarke Heitrv, boot ma
452 M orris Charles R. J
454 Chandler Ernest Henry
456 G rant Frederick John
458 Read Charles
460 Bates Joseph
462 Bartlett W illiam
B artlett Nurse
464 Gerrish Arthur

512 C roxford Reuben, fruitr
514 Pom ery Fredk. plum ber
P om eryM rS;A .K .shopkpr
516 T odd Mrs
518 Hall John
520 Irem onger Samuel
520 Irem onger Mrs. milliner
... here is Little Johns la ...
530 W heelw right G eorge W.
grocer, Sc post & tele­
graph office
532 Butler Joseph Benjamin
534 Richardson George
536 Richardson W illiam
538 Brewer Mrs
540 Sm ith Mrs
542 Smith George, boot ma
544 Chandler Mrs
546 Parsons Robert James
548 Rose Thom as
550 Cook Robert
552 G oddard W illiam
554 Roberts G eorge
556 Fuller Frederick
558 Cat-t Alfred
560 Franklin Ernest Thom as
562 Eaglestooe James
564 Ballard James
566 Spicer James Frederick
568 Holmes George, shopkpr
570 E dginton Edward
572 Thorn Mrs
574 Reid Mrs. hair dresser
576 Taylor Thos. E. greengro
here is G ordon pi .......

578 Ackerm an Sc Co. wire
workers, cycle & m otor
agents Sc dealers
580 Chandler Herbert
582 W ha tin ore Richard
584 T im m s John
here is Chester st ....... 586 W atts Charles
466 Adam s Augustus
Her­ 588 Hudson John.
590 Lake G eorge
bert, beer retailer
592 Lawrence Robert
468 Atkinson Mrs
594 Butler Henry, tailor
480 G ilbert John
596 Ball William
482 Ryder W illiam
598 Taylor Charles, news agt
484 Sherwood W illiam
600 Sizer David, shopkeeper
486 Jackson John
602 Field Joseph J. ironm ngr
488 G oddard George
604 Stevens Joseph, boot ma
490 Groves W illiam Jesse
492 Chandler Frank William 606 G ou ld Stephen Edward
608 Aldridge Jesse
494 Lovell W alter
610 Chaplin Thom as
496 Clark Mrs
012 Sturgess Henry
498 M orton Mrs
614 W akeham Frederick
500 Parkins-Haigh Mrs
616 Neville James
504 Brown Frederick
618 Raven James W illiam
506 W ing W illiam
620 Appleton W alter
508 Deacon Mrs C
622 W ootton Jam es
510 Dawson C. J, baker