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< 39
j 45
I 49
I 55
I 57
1 59
j 61
I 63
1 65
^ 67

A lder Joseph
20 G reg ory Henry
S alt W illiam
22 Copus H enry
M iles A rth ur W illiam
24 lllen cow -B en jam in
M erry weather Charles
26 Brewer W illiam R ichard
W hite Charles Henry
¿8 Deacon John
Salm on Mrs
32 W ithers Jesse
J u dd W illiam
34 Davis F rederick
F orem an F rederick W m
36 C ox Frederick
H arraw ay Albert
38 K irby Albert
40 Gaskin T hom as
C ooper Ernest A rthur
H arraw ay H erbert
42 W illis W alter
Pem broke Jesse
44 Pocock T hom as
46 Carter H enry
Brooks Joseph Henry
A rtb u r
Edw in, 48 Heanes Jonathan
insurance agent
50 R oberts G eorge
52 H ancock A lbert T hom as
69 W ithers H enry A rth ur
71 F idler James
54 Sm ith Frederick
73 Coxhead H arry
56 Cook F rederick Charles
77 H ayes Charles
58 H oney Jam es
60 & 62 Jennings W illiam ,
79 H am es Thom as W illiam
81 Atkins Jam es
baker & grocer
83 Sladden Isaac Thom as, 64 Bostwick Charles H enry
general shop
66 Saw yer James
68 Jennings Oliver
85 Joyce B artholom ew
87 B uckingham G eorge
70 Finch John
89 Rose Henry Charles
72 Challis John
74 Poulton John W illiam
91 Turner G eorge
93 Baul W illiam Henry
76 K ing G eorge
95 Jerme.yy
M rs.
Louie, 75 Hayward Mrs
m angling
80 Watson Frank
97 SarneyM rs. H onor, mid wife 82 M asked T hom as
99 Absalom Charles
84 W eatherall W illiam
101 S cudder T om
86 Tull Edward Henry
88 H arding G eorge
103 Purdue Ernest
105 Holley G eorge
90 Barker Albert Charles
92 Bray Charles
107 C ooper Frederick John
98 Foster G eorgo
109 W oodw ard Jam es
100 W yeth Thom as Bailey
i n R ider W illiam Alfred
; 113 Binverman A lfred G eorge102 W icks W illiam Edgar
104 A llnutt John
115 Perry Albert Edward
117 Farrell Michael
103 R obey Edward
n o Kem p W alter H
119 W ard Frank
112 R ooke Mrs
121 M oody W illiam James
114 Palm er Frank
123 Bates Mrs
116 G rant Janies
125 Caulfield Mrs
127 Y ou n g A rthur
118 M etcalfe Frank
122 T aylor John, fishmonger
131 W ise W illiam
124 W alker Edward Thom as
» 135 Duckett G eorge
126 Westall Ernest
I 139 W hite H enry
128 Cole R obert
East side.
East R eading A ir Ride 130 Fisher E dw ard John
132 Townseud G eorge
134 Green G eorge
2 Hyde Alfred
136 Ratcliffe Jn .w ardrobe dir
4 Allen Joseph, decorator
6 Kirnber G eorge, shopkeepr 138 W eait F rederick T hom as
140 Tanner Stephen Edward
8 Ham let M aurice
10 Godden SI. shoeing sm ith 142 W akefield W illiam
144 C oggs Jam es W illia m
12 lies John
146 G oddard John Ske'ton
14 Chesterman Charles A
148 Stevens John
16 Smith W illiam Clayden
j, 18 lies John



A M I T Y S T R E E T , from
136 Cumberland road to
Cholmetey road.
North side.

1 Ilourston Henry- Thomas
3 Prior Christopher Bcnj

5 Baker Charles
7 Pounds Albert
9 King Arthur

11 Annetts William
13 Shepherd Daniel

15 Iliseock Henry17 Wise Edwin

19 Whitehouse Robert Henry


Hamlin Mrs
Hiscock John
Heath Albert
Beale John
Manning George William
Jerrold Albert
West Mrs
Cotterell Charles Philip
South side.

2 Palmer & Sons, carmen
4 Ilott William

6 Head Henry
8 T u b b Mrs
10 Head Mrs

12 Collier Mrs
14 Wallden William

16 Morris Henry
18 Ilsley Victor
20 W hite Alfred

here is Am ity rd ......

Pither James
N ew p ort W alter

Newport George
Deacon John
Tanner Richard Ernest
Wickens Edwin
Lane John, grocer

A N S T E Y R O A D , from , 1
Baker street to Carey street.
North-east side.

1 Staples James
3 Ambrose George

here is Body rd ...........

5 Green William George
7 Green William Sidney
9 Piper Alfred

1 1 Lewington William Alfred
1 3 Wilde John
South-west side.
2 Nelson Charles Edward

4 Cray Alfd. french polisher
1 4 Wing Heury James