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100 B L A


B L E N H E IM G A R D N S . 19 W hitehorn T hom as
from 60 A ddington road.
21 W illis Alfred
R eading
M useum
(M ill
23 H opkins Jesse
W est side.
Stephenson F.S .A ., O. A.
Shrubsole F .G .S ., S. S. 2 Deacon G eorge Leonard, 25 Champion Frederick
Stallw ood F .S .A ., H. M.
27 C olburn T hom as
29 W illis T hom as
W allis J.P ., M .B .O .U ., W. 4 Prior Mrs
31 Sloper Harry
E. B utler F .E .S . & John R. 6 Osborn W illiam H enry
L e B . T om lin F .E .S . kon. 8 Owen Harry
33 E dw ards Henry
35 F rankum Fredk. shopkpr
curators ; T . W . Colyer, 10 Cripps H arry
12 M aynard W alter
37 Kent W alter
14 Boxall John
39 E ckett H enry
W all L etter Box
16 T uson Frederick
41 Carver M rs
here is V alpy st............
18 Stephens Frank
43 Englefield T om
45 Choules John
4 YE
B R IC -À -B R A C
(J. 20 L o v ejoy W illiam James
47 G ardner R obert Charles
S ta n ford ), antiques & 22 Neal Jonathan
24 P’ ulker Ernest
49 Bennett Frederick W illiam
old china dealers
26 N ugent W illiam James
51 Brown R obert H enry
6 W ills E. antique dealer
53 Sayers Edward
6, 8 & i o W illison Mrs. te m ­ 28 R olfe Charles
30 Ford John Thom as
55 K ing W illiam
perance hotel
57 Readings W illiam Henry
i o Newland G u y, hairdresser 32 T ubbs W illiam John
59 W arrilow Sidney W alter
12 & 14 W arr Jn. H y.saddler 34 Stroud H enry Richard
61 Griffin T hom as
14 R oyal Berkshire F riend'y 36 Allen Charles
63 East E dw ard W illiam
Society (A rth . AUen.sec)
here is L y d ford rd .......
16 R eading Spiritual Mission 40 W ebb G eorge
65 A llw right Frederick
(offices of)
67 B oulton Alfred
16 Southern E quitable A d ­ 44 Alleway Mrs
46 W alker W illiam
69 Allen Fred
vance Co. Lim ited
20 C O T T R E L L , SIM M ON S 48 Jones A ndrew E dw ard
71 Dore Dan
73 E dwards John
& B U T L E R , auction­ 50 Haines W alter
75 W ells Mrs
eers, valuers & land & 32 C rockford George
54 Holder Albert
77 Hicks W illiam James
estate agents
79 Coxhead A lbert
20 H ouse Frederick A rth ur, 56 Davis Mrs
58 Liddiard John Eaben
81 C alloway R ichard
law stationer
83 H am blin Joseph
22 L ine John & Sons Ltd. 60 Allwood W illiam George
85 Brown G eorge W illiam
wall paper m anufactrs 62 Joy ce A lbert
22 Royal L iver F riendly So­ 64 H yde Mrs. Eliza, 87 A d by T hom as
here is L ydford rd ....
89 S m ith W illiam H enry
ciety (R eginald Cane,
Council School
d istrict m anager)
91 Hedges H arry
88 Palm er Ernest John
93 Clarke Mrs
90 Allen Mrs. R osa
101 H orner S idney Jam es
103 B urley Sidney
B L A K E ’S C O TT AG ES, 94 W illiam s Ernest
96 E lliott Mrs
107 Reeves Mrs
from F orbury road.
100 R idge Mrs. Sarah
i n G oodey Oliver Osm und
1 A lder W alter A ugustus
102 Irvin g Mrs
117 P orton H ow ard Ernest
3 Cook A lfred
104 Phillips E rnest
119 L ew ington Frederick
3 G ardiner Mrs
106 H opkins Mrs
4 W icks H enry
io 8 T aylor Mrs
Caversham, from
5 Sweetzer A lbert
110 M ontgom ery W illiam
hill to Oakley road.
6 Sim m onds Joseph
112 Stone Mrs
7 Castle E dwin
116 C arver Frederick
South side.
8 Gash Ross
118 Sm ith Frederick
9 Gill W m . T ully (E versley)
9 E ynott E dw ard A lbert
E ast side.
19 Lockeyear W alter Charles
10 Pem broke G eorge
1 Neech E dw ard W olsey
(R evelstoke)
1 1 Josey T hom as
21 E lliott M rs. (C h iltern ho)
3 W akefield Jesse W illiam
12 Talm age G eorge
5 Buckland H erbert
23 T w iney W illiam George
13 L ain sbu ry W illiam J
7 Clark E dwin
14 A rch er T hom as
9 Parris W alter Charles
25 Bow yer John H y .(B a ru m )
15 Jeffery E dw ard
27 F ow ler H arold Sam uel
11 S im m onds Oliver H enry
16 F rost Mrs
13 P u ttock A lfred
Berlie (C on w ay)
17 T ay lor Eli
29 Johnson R obert (R osslyn )
15 S exton Frank H enry
31 W hite Hy. (P em broke ho)
17 W hittington W illiam
B l a g r a v e s t r e e t — con.


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