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D IR E C T O R Y — 1 9 1 4 .

Official establishments, Eocal institutions, $c.
PO ST & M O N E Y O R D E R & T E L E G R A P H O F F IC E , S A V IN G S
R A N K & G O V E R N M E N T A N N U IT Y & IN SU R A N C E O F F IC E ,
97 & 98 Broad street.
P ostm a ster,

E. W . J. Arm an esq.

S u p e r i n t e n d e n t , E . T. H uggins.

Sorting Offices, Blagrave street.
D is r A T C H o p L e t t e r s , L i n e s o p R o a d & C h i e f P e a c e s o p D e s t i n a t i o n .

London, A ndover, Ascot, Basingstoke, Bracknell, H enley-on-Tham es,
H igh W y com b e, Leicester, M aidenhead, M arlow , Slongh, South­
ampton, W indsor, W a llin g ford , General up night mail & Reading
Rural district, 2 a.m
k O xford,B irm ingham , A bingdon,W est o f England& South W ales, 5.45 a.m
R eading (1st delivery), 5.45 a.m
b A scot, H ungerford, M arlboro’ & Newbury, 7.30 a.m
e Steventon, London, Pangbourne G orin g & Streatley, 8 a.m
e Reading (2nd delivery), 8 a.m
e Maidenhead, Bracknell, W ellington C ollege & W okingham , 8 a.m
Caversham, 8.55 a.m
e London, Eastern Counties, Bath, Bristol, Faringdon, W antage, W est
o f England, Theale, Bradfield, T w y ford , W a llin gford, H enley, N ew ­
bury & Lam bourne, 9 .1 5 a.m
e Birm ingham, Liverpool & Aldershot, 10 a.m
e A rborfield, Swallowfield, Three M ile Cross, Farley H ill, Burghfield,
E arley & W ood ley, 10.30 a.m
London, Eastern Counties, Birm ingham & O xford, 10.15 a.m
Leeds & Manchester, N orth Wales, Ireland & Scotland, Sonning &
Tilohurst, 10.15 a.m
e Aldermaston, Beenham, Calcot, Shinfield, H ungerford, Pew sey, W oolham pton & Devizes (day m ail), 10.30 a.m
k Cape M ail (Saturdays), Gloucester, Swindon, Cheltenham, Chippenham ,
G oring, M ortim er, Pangbourne, Southampton, Portsm outh, Isle of
W ig h t, B ognor, Chichester, Littleham pton, Streatley, W a llin gford,
Burghfleid Com mon, 11.15 a.m
e Gttildlord, R edh ill & S.E. towns, 11.15 a m
London, W in dsor, U xbridge, Bristol & W est o f E ngland, 12 noon
e R eadin g (3rd delivery), 12 noon
e Camberley, M arlborough, Farnham, B letchley, Birm ingham , Oxford,
Leam ington Spa, R edh ill, Tunbridge W ells, H orsham & S.E , towns,
12.30 p.m