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Church A rm y Labour Home, 100 Castle street ; Capt. F. A. W ar wood,
supt. ; M rs. W arw ood, matron
Convalescent H om e for Soldiers, Colesburg, S The M ount, Caversham ;
Mrs. S. Thatcher, matron
G oring Heath Charities, 9 Cross street ; George Edward Boulderson Rogers,
clerk & solicitor
Helena N ursing Home for Invalid Ladies,
Nicholls, lady in charge
Lybbes’ Charity, Goring, 9 Cross street;
R ogers, clerk & solicitor


Brownlow roa d ;

George Edw ard



National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (R eading &
D istrict branch) ; Leonard G, Sutton .r.p. Hillside. A llcroft road, hon.
sec. ; W illiam Bausor, R ippcn, 305 Oxford riad, district inspector
Old R ectory Home o f Rest (The), Church road, C<i vers ham
Queen V ictoria Institute for Nursing the Sick Poor, 7 A b b ot's walk ;
W illiam Charles Blandy, hon. sec. ; W alter John Brain, hon. treas. ;
Miss A. M . M oxhay, lady superintendent
Reading Blind A id S ociety, H ugh E. W alforJ, Patlingham , 92 I^ondon
road, hon. sec. & treasurer
Reading Charity O rganization Society, 20 Cross street; The M ayor of,
Reading, president ; D. W . Bishop Ackerman, 1G1 K in g ’s road, sec
R eading & District D og Protection Society, 23 Clarendon r o a d ; R ob ert
Carter, sec
Reading General Charities, 2 Forbury ; Blake P. Allnatt, assistaut treas
Reading Refuge & Laundry Home, 59 & 61 Castle street ; Miss Messenger,
R oa din gW ork people’s H ospital Fund Association; W illiam W ilson, 129
Chatham street, treasurer
Rescue Home, 41 Russell street; Miss Mallandine, sister in charge
R oyal Berks H ospital P rivate Nurses’ Home, 169 & 171 K in g's road
Royal Society fo r the Prevention o f Cruelty to Animals ; Reading & D is­
trict Branch, Miss H ayward, 115 London road, sec. ; Jabez D ow tv,
73 Kensington road, inspector
St. Andrew ’s B oys’ H om e (Church o f England W aifs & Strays S ociety),
Elm lodge, W ilton ro a d ; A lfred Wade Goulden, superintendent
St, Ben et’s Home fo r Boys, 11 Kidm ore End road, Caversham ; S. John
Johnson, superintendent,
St. John Ambulance Assiciation ; George H. R. H olden
W . J. Bastow, 13 Talfourd avenue, hon. sec


. d.

ch airm an ;

Am bulance Brigade (Readiug division), Charles Arthur Purnell
106 London street, hon. surgeon ; Charles H enry John­
son, Glen villa, N ewcastle road, Reading, supt

M .B ., c h . B . E d i n .

S t. M ary’s H om e for Fallen W om en, 53 & 55 Baker street ; Miss L.
Latreille, lady' superintendent
St. M ary’s Orphanage, Coram house, W estw ood road, Tilehurst ; S ister
M yriel, in charge
Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners’ R oyal Benevolent Society ; Leonard
G oodhart Sutton J.r. H illside, A llcroft road, hon. representative



