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D IR E C T O R Y — 1 9 ) 4 .


Bracknell, Maidenhead, K ingston, W okin g, R ichm ond, Tw ickenham ,
H igh AVycombe, Southampton, South Western Counties, Slough,
M arlow & Staines, 12.45 p.m
e London, Taunton. Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, Sw indon, Plym outh, K xeter &
N ew port, M on. 1.15 p.m
h Basingstoke, G uildford, Salisbury, Southam pton, Portsm outh, Sonning,.
W orcester, T w yford , Henley-on-Thames, W inchfield, AVoking & W ey bridge, 1.45 p.m . (U .S .A . & Canada sat. on ly)
e N ew bury, Abingdon, O xford, Birmingham & Bournem outh, 2.15 p.m .

London, Eastern Counties, Portsm outh, Winchester, R edhill. G uildford
& AA'okingham & towns in South-E ast o f England, 2.30 p.m
E Andover, Bath, Bristol Chippenham, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Swindon,
.Devizes, R eading (4th delivery), Ascot, Cainberlev, U xbridge, M aiden­
head, Stroud, Caversham & Tilehursc, 3 p.m
E Leam ington Spa, G oring, Faringdon, O xford, Banbury, W ellington Col­
lege, Pangbourne, W a llin gford, W antage, A ldershot, Farnham A
Farnborough, 3.45 p.m
E Beeuham, Birm ingham , Aldermaston, Theale, London, ITungerford At
Continent, 4.15 p.m
e Slough, Croydon, B ren tford, AVoohvich & M aidenhead, 4.15 p.m



Bracknell, Bath, Bristol, M ortim er, Staines, Richm ond, K in gston -on Thames, Twickenham, Southampton, W eybridge & W in dsor, 4.1 5
p.m . (Canada wed. o n ly)
H enley-on-Tham es, T w yford , M arlborough, Pew sey, Sw indon, G lou ­
cester, Newbury & AA'oolhamptou, 4.45 p.m

E W okingham , Basingstoke, London forward, Redhill <fc S. E. towns,
Caversham, O xford , North of England, Ireland, Scotland & c. sun.
p.m . week days, 5.45 p.m
E Reading (5th delivery), 6.15 p.m
Birm ingham , AVorcester, Crewe, Liverpool, Manchester & M idland
Counties (sundays 3.30 p .m .) & S.E . towns, 6.4 5 p.m
e D ublin, Isle o f W ight, South-W est o f E ngland, London & Eastern
Counties, R u gby, R edhill, Brighton, S.E . tow ns, L iverpool & M an­
chester, 7.15 p.m
E Dublin, Farnham, G uildford, Ireland & C ardiff, 8 p.m
M anchester, L iverpool, N orth Wales, North & M idland Counties, L on ­
don forw ard, South Eastern, Eastern & M idland Counties, G lasgow
& E dinburgh, 8.45 p.m
Channel Islands, Isle o f W ight & South-AArest. o f England, sunday, 6.45
p . m . ; 9 p.m. week days
e London, AArest o f England, South AA’ ales & B irm ingham , 9 p.m

Aldershot, Farnham, Farnborough, Camberley, Staines, London &
London forw ard, R edhill, Swindon, O xford, A bin gdon , H ungerford,
Plym outh, Basingstoke & A lton, 10 p.m. ; A ld ersh ot, Farnham <fe
Cam berley, 8.45 p.m . (su ndaysonly)


Newbury, O xford, Banbury, Birm ingham
Liverpool. Leam ington'
W olverham pton, Shrewsbury, N ottingham , D erby, Sheffield, AVorcestershire & Staffordshire, Ireland, Manchester, Bath, Bristol, N ew­
port, (M o n .), Cardiff, Swindon, G loucester, S. AVales, Devon & Corn­
w all, 1 2 m idnight
E T h ese m a ils are n o t m ade up o n Sundays.

In m any cases correspondence may be posted 15 m inutes later at the S ortin g Office in
B lagrave street,