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R E A n iN G DIRECTO RYâ 1 9 1 4 .
H ickm ott A lfred Edwin, 75 W h itley street
H u rry Jamieson B oyd M a ., m . d . W estfield, 1 Southcote road
Jackson Edward Park house, 33 Upper Redlands road
Jackson G eorge Riehard, Pretoria, 291 Oxford road
Messer John Barnard, Stanstead, 56 London road
Milsom Joseph, Ttmsburv house, Tilehurst road
Palmer A lfred, W okefield park, Mortimer, Berks
PerflrT v i r H ° n'
W '11' 1⢠' Marlston house, Dear Newbury
Parfitt Felix B rod ribb Elm croft, U erby road, Oaversham
P h u b rick George, Em brook house, Wokingham
Poulton W illiam , Mullingar, Christchurch road
R id le y Owen, Orwell house, 23 Craven road
Rose D avid, 137 Southampton street
Smith Charles Steward, Casa, 76 Elmhurst road
Smith W illiam Henry, Hatherwood, D erby road, Caversham
button Leonard G-oodhart, H illside, A llcroft road
Sutton M artin John, W argrave manor, Berks
B aylor John Okey, C h i venhurst, 17 C r a v e n r o a d
W a hs llen ry M arriage, Ashton lodge, 40 Christchurch road
W ebb George W illiam f . r . i . b . a . 119 Castle hill
Clerk to the Magistrates, A lfred Alexander Jones, The Forbury
l h ien ai n g , S t r a t ! M U o n m o u d r V â tu es< li» y . W e d n e s d a y , f r i d a y & S a t u r d a y ,
10 . â 0 a .m . a t t h e Sessions house, V a l p y s t r e e t
A s e le c t e d N o v e m b e r , 1 9 1 3 .
M ayorâ
Charles Gyningham Field esq. j.p . Denmark house, 15 Soulheote
D eputy-M a y o r â
R ecorder
John Wessley Martin esq. j . r . Nortoft. house, 6 Brown
low road.
âA rthur
H ew ett Spokes. i , i , . b . 5
London e.c.
Pump court. Temple,
C o u n c il .
Ablny Ward.
Alderman-fGeo.' Richard Jackson
§W. Rudland
»A rth u r W illiam A lfred Weld)
tA lfr e d H olland Bull
Castle W ard.
Alderm an- ttChs.G yningham Field
5 W illiam Edward Butler
»James Hopkins W alters
tW illia m Sparks
., ' â
B attle W ardi
Alderman â H p e lix BrodribbPnrfitt
§ Edward Jackson
»W illia m Frame
1*Editli M a ry Snttou
t « -â
Gayerslitim East .Ward.
Alderm an â I 1 homas.Grant Chiy* rs
»Tho'inas Henrv Turner
tThom as Joseph S t . i c e v
§ Frank Edwin Mori ng