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132 D E R
D erby
road â continued.
6 W hite T hom asH enry M .D .
Davis W illiam
H ouldsw ortb Frederick
Swallow A rthur
Crane Frederick Charles
L ov ejoy H arry
W ya tt Mrs
Hall W illiam John
Green Mrs
R iley Charles Henry
R ichards Charles R . (Bar
clo se )
K ennedy D onald
(Barclose barn)
8 Chivers Thom asG rant J.P.
(T h e H ollow )
10 R obertson Patrick M.D.
(S traun )
12 Coxw ell G eorge G ordon,
solicitor & notary public
& depu ty coron er forEast
Berks (A lbin g ton )
14 F ox Ezra (Stevenage)
16 M illar T. Harrison, artist
(V elm ead )
18 Parfitt Felix B rodribb J. P. D O N N IN G -T O N GtDNS
from 26 E rleigh road to
L y d ford road.
20 A yres F rederick (H a rlegb )
82 S im m s John
84 Jordan Charles
86 H olm es A lbert H en ry
88 H arris W alter
90 Giles W illiam M aurice
92 W in g W illiam
94 East G eorge Sam uel
96 Looker W illiam E arley
98 Elliott Frederick W illiam
100 F'isher A lfred
102 Allen Charles Nathaniel
104 G rover James
106 Johnson Ernest
East side.
»O V
Q vp vp ^ ^ g^K.00 ¿0
1 Brindley James
3 Hawkins W illiam G eorge
W est side.
5 N oyes Mrs. L. E
22 PowellCharlesM artenM .A.
2a, A llen
Stone, 7 M orley Moses
boot m aker
9 Favell John
D E R B Y S T R E E T , from 2 W arm an T hom as
11 Reeves G eorge W illiam
Stanley street to Battle st.
13 B u d d y John
6 S alter Sam uel
15 Sm ith John
W est side.
8 Clinch Joseph
17 Powell W illiam
1 L acey H y. Jsph. beer ret 10 Allen W illiam H enry
19 Chandler Mrs
3 Stacey William
12 B ryant R obert
21 New T hom as Henry
5 M organ H arold C
14 Y ounghusband W illiam
23 L ay John
7 S m ith E dw in
16 Blunden David W illiam
25 B utcher M rs
11 R ussell Mrs
18 Stride Ashton
27 L angley H enry
13 W oods R obert
20 W illatts Mrs
29 Searle W illiam
15 Sayer M rs
22 Freem antle H enry
31 F oster Joseph
19 Freem an, H ardy & W illis 24 Palm er G eorge M artin
33 S im m onds Mrs
L im ited, boot repairing 26 H iggs Misses
35 Langley Leveson
28 A llu m John
37 K im ber James
21 H am blin A lfred
30 Saunders D avid
39 Shackleford Charles
23 Jones W illiam
32 E lm es M rs. E
41 Beak house T hom as
34 H arris Mrs
E ast side.
... here is A ddin gton rd .,
2 H um phries Chas. boot ma 36 H ill T hom as
43 Cooper James
38 Francis M rs
4 Pearm an Frederick
45 W are John
40 M inall Jam es J
6 B urfitt Jam es
47 L atim er Francis G eorge I
42 R ippington T hom as
14 P ovey Thom as
49 F ulker Sidney James
44 W hite Miss
20 Pounds A rth ur
51 Elisha W illiam
46 C ham pion Mrs
22 M eads Charles
53 Child H erbert John
48 D ay A rth ur Geo. news agt SS Gyngell G eorge
24 Preston Albert Caleb
26 Mills M rs. general shop
... here is A ddin gton rd ... 57 Evans James
30 G regory M rs
59 H am blen Jam es
D E V O N S H IR E P L A C E , 52 F rou de A rth ur
61 Jerm ey G eorge
from Back road.
54 A llen A lfred E dw in
63 W eller Charles
56 H oneybone W illiam
65 W eller Mrs. A m elia
4 W est W illiam
58 Sim pson H arry
67 M iller Charles
8 A ndrew s A lbert E dw ard
60 Burfitt John
69 H aysom Charles
10 Shephard Sidney
62 H olm es Frederick
71 E m b ery James
12 B ridge Henry
64 W ard Alfred John
71 E m bery A ndrew , teache
66 D ore W alter Eli
of m usic
D ixon cottages.
73 B utcher T hom as
68 Goswell Charles
See Crescent road.
70 Milam Miss E
75 F ry Mrs
72 W hitehorn Jesse
77 W ilkins G eorge
D O N K IN H I L L , Cavers- 74 W yeth Charles
79 Strange W illiam Philip II
ham , fro m Star road.
76 Pyke A rth ur S
8 1 Barnes E dw ard J
1 H ollow ay W illiam
78 Gpodson Frederick Chas
83 Farr E dw ard
3 Portsmouth Jacob
80 B roadburst G eorge
85 R obins Charles