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St. Agnes Church, Silver street (attached to St. G ile s '); Rev. K now lton
H arold Ham pshire m.a. 35 Kendrick road, priest in ch a rge; holy
eucharist 9.30 a.m. ; evensong & sermon G p.m. ; h oly communion 3rd
Sunday at 7 a .m .; service, thurs. 8 p .m .; Sunday school 10.30 a m &
2.15 p.m
St. Andrew , A lbert road, Caversham ; Rev. Thomas Brahoker b.a. St.
Andrew s C lergy house, 8 H arrogate road, Caversham, curate in ch a rge;
services, holy communion, 8 & 10 a .m .; matins, 1 1 a .m .; children's
service, 3 p .m .; evensong, 6.30 p.m
St. Barnabas Iron Church, Eramer green, Caversham, Rev. John
E dm und H ow e .m.a. The Cottage, Surley row, Caversham hill, CaversÂ
ham, curate in ch arge; S u n d a y , h oly communion 8 a.m. (also 3rd s u n .
in the month 8 a.m. & 1 2 n oon ); matins, litany & sermon 1 1 a.m. ;
childrenâs service 3 p .m .; evensong & sermon 6.30 p .m .; baptisms on
1st sun. in month 3.30 p.m. ; m a t i n s and litany, wed. & t'ri. 10 a . m . ;
h oly com m union on saintsâ days 8 a.m
St. B artholom ew âs Church, London road, Rev. Edward John Norris m.a.
St. B artholom ew âs vicarage, London road, vicar; Rev. Humphrey
Burnell Mead m.a. 353 London road <fc Rev. Arthur Theodore Gray, 363
London road, curates. Services, Sunday, matins 10 ; holy eucharist 7.30
& 11 a.m. ; ch ildren âs service, 3.15 p .m .; evensong 6.30 p .m .; week
days, holy eucharist 7.30 a .m .; matins 8 a .m .; evensong 7 p.m
St. G eorgeâs Church, St. G eorgeâs road, Rev. W alter H ugo lla rp er m . a .
The Vicarage, 98 Grovelands road, vicar ; services, 8 & 11 a.m. & 3 &
6.30 p .m .; w eek days, 8 a.m. &.5. 30 p.m. in winter, 7.30 in summer
except wed. 8 p.m . ; saintsâ days, holy communion 7 a.m
St. G ilesâ Church, Rev. Fitzwilliam John Carter Gillm or m.a. T he Vicarage,
21 Church street, vicar & rector ; Rev. Herbert Patrick Bowen m.a. 28
K endrick road, Rev. K now lton Harold Hampshire m.a. 35 Kendrick
road & Rev. Cecil J. Grimes, curates; holy com munion, every Sunday
, 7 & 8 a .m .; matins 10.30 a.m .; holy eucharist & sermon II*;
catechism 3 p.m .; evensong & sermon 6.30 p .m .; holy days, holy
com m union 6.45 & 7.30 a.m. ; matins 8 a.m. ; evensong & address 6 p in. ;
on eves 8 p.m . (close with address); week days, holy c >mmunion (.daily)
7 .3 0 a .m . ; matins 8 a.m. & on wed. it fri. l i a.m. (w ith lita n y); evenÂ
song (da ily) 6 p .m .; holy baptism is administered on the 2 nd Sunday
in the month at 3 p.m . & 5.30 p.m. on wed. due notice haviug been
given to the clerk
St. Johnâs Church, Rev. T. Guy Rogers B.n. St. Johnâs vicarage, 3 V icÂ
toria square, vica r; Rev. A lfred Goetz m . a . 7 Addington road, Rev.
A rnold Innes K ay b . a . 9 Alexandra road & Rev. R. \Y. Morley, 98
London road, curates; S u n d a y , 8 it 11 a.m; 3.15 & 6 .3 0 p.m. ; fridav,
m orning prayer with litany a t 1 2 noon ; evening prayer at 6 p.m.
except wed. when at 7 p.m . with a d d ress; holy days, 1 1 a.m. & 6
p .m .; h oly com munion, every Sunday 8 a .m .; 1st & 3rd Sundays after
m orning prayer.; 2nd Sunday 10.15 a.m . ; 4th S u n d a y 7.45 p.m. ; 5th
Sunday 7 a .m .; 3rd thurs. 12 noon ; holy days 11.45 a.m
St. John the Baptist Church, Gosbrook road, Caversham ; Rev. Herbert
D ouglas Neison A.K.c.t. Church house, P ig g ottâs road, Caversham.
curate in ch a rg e ; Rev. Ronald G. T. G illm an b.a. W oodlanls, Derby
road, Caversham, assistant cu ra te; holy communion 8 a .m .; 9.30
& 11 a .m .; children's service 3 p .m .; baptisms 3.45 p .m .; evensong
& sermon 6.30 p.m . ; holy communion, daily 8 a.m. ; wed. evensong
8 p.m. ; baptisms 7.30 p.m. on Wednesdays ( if notice is given)