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Sm ith Alfred
58 G an t Frank M. greengrocr 136 English T h om as Tilstone
Giles A lfred T hom as
66 J A C K S O N G. R. LIM. 138 Chandler G eorge E rnest,
P orter Charles
wholesale scrap iron &
H enderson John, sh opkpr
m etal
m erchants
& 142 M urgatroyd Jam es, traÂ
W all L etter Box
rubber waste dealers
velling draper
hero is G eorg eâs r d ........ 66 A ldridge G eorge
142 L a m b ou rn e E d w ard
,651 Brown W illiam James, 68, 70, 72, 74 & 76 Callas 144 H a rt W illia m
coal m erchant
Sons & M ay L im ited,
here is G eorge st ........
653 Brewer Frank, plum ber
ironm ongers
Council S chool
655 Spicer James
Pillar Letter Box
148 St. John E dw ard H enry
|6s 7 Wheeler Mrs
.here is A lfred st............
661 Jarvis Ernest
78 A ustin Oliver, dining rm s 150 A d ey E d w bu ilder
663 Deacon Frederick B
78 & 95 Dunlop & S on, corn 152 R uffell E dw ard
665 Street T om , taxiderm ist
m erchants
154 Blay Mrs
667 Dance Sidney
80 Hall R obert
156 H aydon A lfred B eattie
669 G resswell Thom as
82 Irw in H en ry J. shirt & 158 Swallow Joshua
671 E dm unds G eorge H enry
collar dresser
160 W rig h t Mrs
673 W illiam s Hy. dairym an
88 R an d John
162 Clarke G eorge H . art
... here is S h a ftesbu ry rd .. 90 H uckson R obert
needlew ork
675 Sutton Mrs
92 W are Jam es
164 Cosson W m . Jas. oilm an
677 Potter Sam uel
94 A u lt Jam es, furniture dir 166 H a m b rid g eF red k .E .con fr
679 Nicholls Alfred
96 V icat G eorge W illiam
168 & 39 & 427 F letcher W . &
681 W illou ghby T hom as
" P otolofsky Jacob Barnard,
R . L im ited , bu tch ers
W illou ghby Mrs. E. J
168 L on g W alter W
dress m aker
104a, R ose Sam i. J. gasfitter 160 L o n g Mrs. E. A . certifiÂ
683 Cordes Frederick
here is E aton pi ........
cated m idw ife
685 Pugh Mrs
104 B yrne Joseph J
170 S m ith T hos. H y .w a tch m a
687 K ing Jam es Henry106 C ottrell M rs
172 L eah y E d w ard, hair d rssr
689 A llum Fredk. shopkeepr 108 L ittle Miss A
172 T illner H
... here is G rovelands rd .. 108 W e b b
R ev.
R eginald 174 A vis M rs. & M iss, con frs
697 Stacey G eorge James
G eorge M .A . (cu ra te of 176 T oog ood M rs. A g n es.d rp r
699 Bosher R ichard
H oly T rin ity )
178 M illard W . H. herbalist
n o M ays Frank W ebb
178 C row sley A. p ianoforte
701 Prior W illiam
112 S tron g Miss
. G rovelands Council School 114 C otton
R obert
Hugh 180 G ard in er E dw ardC harles,
'The Pulsom eter E ngineerÂ
M . R . C . S . , L .R .C P .
phytobaccon ist
ing Co. L im ited (Nine
sician & surgeon
182 B lundell H. J. eon fectn r
E lm s Iron works)
116 Johnson Miss M. A. court 182 T eleph one Call Office
Sm ith F. (T h e L od g e)
dress m aker
184 Biundell H y .J a m es, g r o cr
North side.
H oly T rin ity C hurch
here is G ow er st .......
2 Eastm ans Lim . butchers
118 F itt M cC arthy E. builder
H all
(O pen
4 Y o u n g Miss R. E. costm r
(Carlisle house)
B rethren)
6| to 34 M cllro y
W illiam
H oly T rin ity C hurch Schl 186 C ooke M rs
L im ited, drapers &c
. here is T rin ity pi ........ 188 B ennett Joh n W illiam
here is Cheapside ........
. here is B edford rd ........ 190 N ew m an E d w ard
38 Snowflake L aun dry (re  120 Stansfield Fârederic W ilÂ
................ here G reat W estern
ceiving office).
See ad Â
son M .D ., Ch. B. Viet.,
R ailw ay line crosses........
vertisem ent
D .P .H .C am b. su rgeon , 192 Lucas W illiam H arry
40 Brow n John T . cycle ma.
m edical officer No.
2 194 G o d w in M rs
& m otor cycle works
district & p ublic
v a cÂ
194 G od w in M iss,dress m aker
42 Silver P. m antle m aker
cinator to the parish o f 196 A rd in g John
44 T w eddle & C orbold, ironR eading
198 B rya n t A lbert, c o n fe c Â
- m ongers
122 S t a i n t o n
T hom as
tioner, & post office
46 Sparrow F. H. ho. furnshr
M. R. C. V. S. v e tn ry . suro-n
â¢here is S alisbury r d ........
50 R eading Tobacco Supply 124 B ullock G . H
202 S y m on d s A rth u r b u t c h r "
Co. (A . C. D rew ), whole- 128 Barnard W illiam
204 Clark A lfred F rederick
sale tobacconists
130 Griffiths Dan
206 C o m ley W illia m
here is T horn st ........ 132 Lewis H erbert
208 Parsons W illia m Joh n
54 H edderly Jas. news agent 134 B utler Frank
210 W ood w a rd A . H . in s u rÂ
56 Dunster H enry
Phippen G eo. F .R .H .S .
ance su pt
I boot m aker
florist (V icto ria nu rsery )
212 Barnard Ed w in W alt, a r t is t '