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QOS is«
e 121
Sharp Frank
R ivers John
W ilder Alfred
Stacey Alfred H enry
Cannon Aaron
Clifford Frank Chas. tailr
Bennett W alter Charles,
boot maker
137 Blackall Mrs. shopkecpei
139 Dunsdcn Joseph
141 M oss Frederick
141 Moss Mrs. cert, m id w ife
143 W ilkinson Joseph Henry
^445 Bloomfieid W illiam
147 Bailey Mrs
149 W heeler W illiam
151 Hiles Thom as
153 F isherW m .coal m erchant
F ire Alarm
here is C oldicutt s t .......
155 Poulton W illiam , draper
157 P oulton W m . shopkeeper
159 M unday W m . boot m akr
;i 6 i Martin Charles W illiam
463 Reeves W illiam
¡165 Clark Frederick
¿67 W hitew ay Henry
69 P latt T hom as, grocer
here is M ill rd.............
71 Caversham Constitutiona]
C lub L im ited (E rnest
R avenscroft, hon. sec)
71 Caversham Conservative
& U nionist A ssociation
(E . Ravenscroft, subÂ
73 Bidmead StepheuThom as
75 Fowler B enjam in
77 Cane A lbert
79 Jam es Thos. Alfd. Langley
(W ilberton house)
81 Cox
dairym an
(F erndale)
here is Send r d ............
83 F O U N T A I N
m anure & corn m e rÂ
chant, seed grow er &
m erch a n t (I v y fa rm )
W all L etter Box
185 G oodger M rs
187 Lovejoy Edw ard
N orth side.
4 Quinn Jam es (T he L odge)
4A, Mills Ernest, jobm aster
6a, Stock well G eorge, buildr
8 Challen Henry, shopkeepr
o Eynott Frederick
2 Jefferis William
2 Jefferis Misses, dress mas
14 Burnham W alter
16 Jones Mrs
18 Coffee Charles
20 M orley A rth ur James
22 M illard H enry W illiam
24 Stockwell Percy Edward
26 Barnes Sydney
28 Deane Percy A. cy cle dir
.... here is W ashington rd ....
32 Readings Charles John
34 Povey A lfred
36 M arsden Mrs. Elizabeth
38 Bagnall Joseph John
40 N ewm an Frederick W m
42 W eigh t W alter James
44 Jeffries W illiam
46 Pike Joseph
48 Lovelock W illiam Thom as
50 Butler Mrs
52 W hitew ay Nelson H oratio
54 Beasley Frederick
56 Irish 'Warwick Edward,
insurance agent
58 K night A rth ur
60 Fuller John Hy. d ecorator
62 Couzens R obert
64 Barraball John Hy. Thos
66 Palm er Ernst. Geo. btchr
... here is A rdler rd .......
W esleyan Chapel
72 G arrett G eorge Louis
74 R ogers R obert
76 Pratt A lfred G eorge
78 H opkins Edward
80 T anner Charles
86 Cox G eorge S. shopkeeper,
& post office
90 W orkm anFrederiekB axter
92 B eazerG eo. (A ld bou rn evil)
94 Preswell Mrs. (L ily cot)
96 Sm ith Geo. (Salisbury vil)
98 Flint Mrs
104 M itchell Mrs
104 M itchell Miss, dress m a
108 E toe G eorge
n o H um phrey
W illiam
(In g le w o o d )
112 Francis W illiam Henry
(B elgrave)
114 Panting M rs. (B elvidere)
here is St. Johnâs r d .........
St. John the Baptist
136 Cleare Alfred
138 Sadler Sydney
140 Cham pion Alfred
142 Neate Mrs
146 W y a tt W illiam E dw ard
148 K ingston E dw ard Jam es
150 W ithers Fredk. W illiam
152 C hidgey Jam es
154 M oore H enry
156 Rushent T hom as
158 Stokes G eorge
160 C oulton S idney H awley
162 W ells G eorge Stephen
164 H iggs W illiam
166 Brown G eorge
168 Hamblin W illiam G eorge
170 Neale Jam es
192 Batting T h om as G eorge
194 Sm ith G eorge
196 W heeler Alfred W illiam
200 Stockwell G eorge
202 Jarvis Daniel
here is Briants aven .........
Stacey Thom as Jsph. n u rsery
Caversham, from C hu rch
street to G osbrook road.
N orth side.
here is South s t ............
2 S L A D E
W I L L I A M , corn & coal
m erchant
Parish R oom
C lifton A rm s P .H . W alter
W illia m Bodle
8 D ay Jam es
10 Povey H enry
12 W rig h t Jam es
14 H urloek G eorge E rnest
16 Main F rederick Charles
18 M erritt G eorge, boot m a
20 B rockw ay Mrs
22 D ruce T hom as
24 D alton Mrs
26 F rou d Mrs
28 S tacey Geo. chim ney sweep
30 Parsons M rs
32 B attersby L eonard
34 M atthews Miss H arriett,
w ardrobe dealer
36 F isherm an R ob t.h a ir drssr
38 K inch A rth ur
40 H a gg a rd Mrs
42 Dean A lfred
44 Shepherd H enry
46 Shepherd H arry A rth u r
48 Bush Frederick
50 S tretton F red erick , artiÂ
ficial teeth m aker
52 Day M rs
54 S m ith W alter Charles
here is W estfield r i ........
South side.
here is S chool la
1 L ucas A rth ur R ow lan d
new s agent
3 G reen G eorge E dw in