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IÍKAIH ve; STUIíKT D i RKC'ronv— 1 9 1 4 .

here is Boss r d .........


S m ith W illiam
Hutt Alfred
66 Bowsher H enry Jam es
Ham A rchibald
70 Dow ning W illiam James
Collins Frederick
72 W arren W illiam G eorge
Mellett W m . Thos. John
I 74 Jam es Mrs
Allum Mrs
: 76 L ew ington Frederick
Brown Ernest Edgar
78 Oakley Philip George
Blake James
80 Ferris Mrs
Davis G eorge W illiam
82 G oddard Mrs
H opkins Henry
84 Jones A r t h u r
Law rence Mrs. dress m a
88 Denham Ernest Owen
K ent H enry
50 H u nt Mrs
Busby T hom as
92 W indsor H erbert
W atson W illiam
94 G ilbert Frank, carm an
D ixon A rth u r Bilson, in ­
100 W icks W m . cabinet m akr
surance agent
102 G u ise Mrs
47 H iggs Ernest Henry106 W heeler H arry Jam es
49 Hughes H enry
108 Peyton Sydney
51 Dowling Mrs
n o C artw right W illiam
S3 Som ner Edward
112 N aylor George
SS Darling W illiam
ii4 C o o k s o n Joseph
57 W est H erbert
i 116 Slatter Oliver G eorge
59 H erridge William
j 118 S toneham G eorge
61 K ing Frederick
j 120 Griffiths Stephen
63 Case F’ rederick
65 Sim pson H erbert James
A D E L A I D E R O A D , from 67 C ox Leonard
St. Peter’s road to W yke- 69 Higgins John Thom as
ham road.
71 H arvey W illiam James
73 W icks Sidney John
N orth side.
77 Attew ell E nosJn.insur.agt
H 23 Baker W illiam
79 Crook John
25 K ing Charles Thom as
81 Dickinson R eginald
27 Lew ington Jam es
83 H illier Thom as
29 Swain Mrs
85 H erbert Albert
31 Allen Thom as
87 Nickless Mrs
33 L am port W alter John
W est side.
37 H arding Sidney
2 M abbett Albert
South side.
4 Hill W illiam
6 Clarke Thom as W illiam
■ 4 S hayler Mrs
8 Hughes Charles
6 Hall H enry
10 Yates John James
8 Davies W'illiam Harold
12 Aust Alfred Thom as
1 IO H arding H arry
14 Loveridge Edwin
- 12 W ynn W illiam
16 C ooper Charles
14 Tune W illiam
18 Seym our John Henry, l6 M erry John
20 Pink W illiam
A L B A N Y R O A D , from 22 Stroud A lb e it T hom as
385 O xford road to Prince 24 Johnson James
26 A ger Sydney
of W ales avenue.
28 W igm ore James
East side.
30 Jem m ett Richard
1 Kerley Henry
32 H opkins Jam es A lbert
3 Chad Thom as
34 Spam sw ick W illiam T h os.
5 Yates Thom as, carpenter
insurance agent
( 7 Smith Mrs
36 Clark Mrs
I 9 Chamberlain H enry Benj 38 Sandford Mrs
11 W elch G eorge
40 Hamilton Mrs
13 Holland H arry
42 Barrett John William
15 Butwell Ernest
44 Sharp John William



146 P iercy R ichard Henry
.(3 G od w in Jam es
50 B a ld ry Mrs
52 R oberts W illiam
54 Cousins Mrs
56 B orton Percy58 Riddle H erbert
60 E ggleton E rnest Jam es
62 N utt G eorge W illiam
64 Heath W illiam
66 M artin A lfred
68 H orne Charles Jam es
70 T om s R ichard R
72 Hayes W illiam
72 H ayes M rs. n irse
74 P opejoy Fredk. genl. sh op
78 W heeler A lfred
80 Hearn H erbert Charles
82 M axted David
84 Bailey M ichael H en ry
86 H opson J
88 E yre John
90 Nieholls L eonard G eorg e
92 W ithers Francis W illiam
94 Bell F’rederick
96 H u rst Leonard
98 K ilford M rs

A L B E R T R O A D , C aversham , from T he M ou n t to
C on isb ro’ avenue.
W est side.
3 .Powell V ice-A d m ira l Sir
F’rancis K .C .M .G ., C .B .

9 Irem on gerT h os.(H illcrest)
11 B ourne Henry- H erbert
13 Powell
G eorge
H enry
(B rock en h u rst)
15 H ector Jam es Masson
17 M ullens Ernest E dw ard
19 Cox E dw ard (H azelm ere)
21 W illiam s T h os.(C a rb erry )
23 N evilleF'redericH enry(O rw ell lo d g e )
25 Collins Miss yLlan C roft)
25 PackwoodM issi Llau cro ft)
27 C laytonH arry-(G leugariff)
29 A ndrew T h os.(D u n vega n 1
31 Sheppard E dw in J .fC a risb rook e)
33 W in chester G eorge (T r e fech a n )
35 Callas
A lfred E d m u nd
(L y n d h u rst)
...h ere is H ighm oor r d ........
43 Hole Charles (S an d rid ge)

45 Grimsdale Geo. (Chilterns)
47 Halton Robert