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National D eposit Friendly Society,V ictoria Chambers,32Queen V ictoria st
Operative Society o f B r i c k l a y e r s ; George S tibts, sec. ; meet at the Royal
Oak, 14 Broad s t r e e t , alternate S a t u r d a y s
Operative Stone M asonsâ Society ; George Snarey, 20 Essex street, sec.;
meet at the R oyal Oak, 14 Broad street, alternate mondays
R oya l Berkshire Friendly Society, 14 Blagrave street; Arthur Allen, sec.
(Reading branch), meet at D istrict office, 4 Franklin street, on the 1st
Saturday in each m on th ; Charles Henry G ill, Minehead, 4 Franklin
street, district agent
R oya l L iver Friendly Society, â, 0 Blagrave street ; Reginald Cane, district
R oyal Oak Benefit Society, District 131 ; H. R. Noakes, 33 George street,
chairman ; W . E. Thompson, 40 Zinzan street, Reading, district sec. ;
meetings first friday each m on th ; district meetings, January, April,
July & O ctober at Friendly Society Room s, 19 Bridge street
United Operative Plum bersâ Association ; A .T . Howman 8 Radstock road,
Reading, sec. ; meet at the Rainbow, 28 Chain st. alternate Saturdays
U nited Patriotsâ National Benefit Society ; Lodge room, W . 1. Palm er,
M em orial hall, W est St.. ; G. H. Reeves, 45 Northumberland av. hon. sec
â¢' W heel â (T h e) C ollecting Society, 17 Edinburgh roa d ; E . W heeler, sec
B orou gh o f R eading M edical Society Lim ited ; registered office, 22 to 25
Chain street; branches, 16 W okingham road & 407 O xford road,
Reading & 11 Bridge street, Caversbam ; G. Stewart Abram b . a . , m . b .,
B .C ., m . k . c . s , L . R . c .p . L o n d . C. B. Baxter m . b ., cb.B.Edin. E. P. Carm ody
ji.R .c.s., L .i t .c .p .L o n d . G. H . C h ejn ey m . k . c . s ., n.R.c.p.Lond. Fielding
Clarke m . k .c . s ., b .k . c . p . Lond. II. M. Clarke b.a., m . b ., b. N. B., n.R.c.p.Lond. M. W . Coleman m . d ., m . b . c . s . , n.R.c.p.Lond.
R. H . Cotton m .k . c . s ., L.R.c.p.Lond. Franklin Cox m . r . c . s ., l . h . c . p . Lond.
E. L . C ropp L.u.c.p.Lond., m . r . c . s . E . Deane n.n.c.p.Lond., M .R .c .s .E n g .
H . W . S. Fosbery m .a ., m .d ., B . c . c a n t a b . AV. J. Foster F . R . c . s : E n g . ,
L.R.c.P.nond. AV. T. Freeman m .d ., p .R .c .s .E D g . Sidney G ilford m .b .,
ch.B.Edin. L. M. G uilding m .b ., m . r . c . s . W . H artnett m .b ., G. H . R .
H olden m .a ., m .d ., b., m . r . c . s . , L.R.c.p.Lond. AV. B. Hope m . k . c . s . ,
L.R.c.p.Lond. B. B. H osford m .b ., P . AV. M. H owse p . R . c . s . E n g . J.
Leonard J oyce m .a ., m .b ., B.c.cantab., p . R . c . s . E n g . , L.R.c.p.Lond. D. R .
Johnston b . a . , l . r . c . p . & s.ndin., L.p.p.s.Glas. G. lam ben t b . a . , m .d .,
B .C . E. G. March m .d ., p .R C .s .E d i n . AV. Norman M ay .m .d., m . r . c . s . ,
I . r . c . p . T. G. J. M oore j , . s . a . G. E. M urrell M.n.Lond. J. A. P. Price
n . a ., m . d . , M.R.c.s.Eng. C. A. Purnell m . b . , ch.B.EdiD. R . Ritson m . a .
cam b., L.R.c.r.Lond., m . r . c . s . Eng. E. W . S. R ow land b . a . cantab., m . b . c . s .,
L.R.c.p.Lond. AV. B. Secretan m . p ., P . R . c .s . E n g . E. AV. Squire m . b ., b . s .
Lond. F. W . Stansfield m . d . , ch.B .vict., n.r.H.camb. & J. H. Walters
M .B .c . s .E n g
medical officers; W illiam Aldridge, m anager; C lifford
W illiam Dunnill, resident dispenser; W . R . H am bling, 9 Cross street,
Reading, sec
R eadin g & D istrict P u blic Dental Service (affiliated to the Borough o f
Reading M edical Society Lim ited), Chain street, Reading. Established
to provide dental attendance by qualified & registered dentists at