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fa n g b o u r n k .
T h orn ton L ieu t.-C ol. W elter J .P .
Maiden Hatch
T o w n A . H ., M .A . J u n ior house,
-C layesm ore school
T u rn or M rs. H ill lodge
V a rle y R ich a rd . School house
W a d d in g to n M a jo r-G e n .T h os. J .P .
T he Chestnuts
W a tts E d w in , East dene, H orseÂ
shoe road
W e b s te r W illia m H en ry, Iv y villa,
H orseshoe road
W est A rthu r, M ill house
W est Mrs.. A lfr e d , L ittle m oor
W h ita m ore M rs. W o o d b orou g h
W hitfield Jonathan , 1 South V iew
W in k w o rth S. H. St. G eorgeâ s,
H orseshoe road
W ix o n M iss, Craven house
W ysard W a lte r, C hurch c o t t a g e ;
T. N . 43
A dam s
H erb ert
ch e m is t; T . N . 35
A g g C. J . lu ggage p o rter & carrier
A ld w o rth Chas. carpntr. Brookside
A sh ley E dw ard T h om as, boat bldr
A sh ley G eorge, Sw an P .H
W illia m
E dw ard ,
b uilder, N e w B oat house
A ttw ell W m . G eo. chim ney siveep
A w b e ry Charles, insurance agent,
H azlem ere
A yres Charles & G iles, coal m er
chants, Station approach ; T .N . 9
B aldw in W illia m , agent for C om p Â
ton P ilgrim B enefit Society
Barnes M isses, laundresses
B artlett G eorge, parish clerk
Bayfield A Son, dairym en ; T .N . 73
B erry Clara (M rs.), harness makr
Board o f T rade U n em ploym en t
(G eorge
H ensm an,
loca l
N eots, H orsesh oe roa d
B oxall T. & Son, buildrs. ; T .N . 15
A lb e rt
E d w a rd ,
H orseshoe road
Brind T h om as, butcher
Brow n John , saddler
Burr E dw ard A rch ib a ld, carrier,
Reading road
Butler A lb e rt A C o.coal m erchants
Butler A lb ert, sec. to gas com pany
Carter Enos A Sons, builders A
decorators ; T. N. 44
Castle Crescens, furniture dealer,
H orseshoe road
Champ Mrs. laundress
Cham pion Ernest R. solicitor & com Â
missioner for oaths
Childs G eo. plum ber, Thames aven
C layesm ore S ch ool (A lexander De
vine, head m a s te r); T . N . 20
Clifford Edvvd. P ost o ffice ; T .N .50
C olebrook & C o.L td.b tch rs. ; T .N .2
Coom bs Samuel, Cross K eys P .H . &
m onum ental mason
C oven try E dw ard, shoe m aker
Cox H. A Sons, carpenters &
builders A undertakers
C ox Charles, blacksm ith
C rocker Jam es, job m a ster,R ea din g
r o a d ; T . N . 48
Crookstone M rs. E lephant hotel ;
T . N . 46
D ow nes T h urza (M rs.), con fectnr
Felgate Installation Co. L im ited ,
electrical en g in e e rs ; T . N . 65
Fen ton , Son A Co. pile driving
con tra ctors A engineers, T ham es
V a lle y w orks ; T . N . 74
F en ton , Son A Co. autom obile
en gin eers; T. N . 74
Fisher F rederick G eorge, apartÂ
m ents, R ea d in g road
Flow ers W . A Sons, tim b er mers
F og a rty F rankM aurice,m otor, engnr
Ford Elizabeth (M rs.), dress maker
Foster E v e ly n H u b ert, farm er,
B ow den farm
Franklin L ew is, launch A boat
builder f T . N . 7
G od d a rd Sergt. D aniel, P olice stn
Gorin A n nie (M rs.), apartm ents
G ray H arry, apartm ents,Som erville
Grisâ t W . A Co. livery s ta b le s ;
T. N . 40
G ulliver John E rnest, dairym an,
Marsh farm
H arper Thom as, dairyman, H igh st.
A to y dealer, R ea din g road
Hawes G od frey Chas. B .,M .R .C .S .,
L .R .C .P .L o n d . J .P . ph ysician A
surgeon, A certify in g fa ctory
surgeon ; T . N . 5
H iggs A . E. (M rs.), m illin e r ,W h itÂ
church road
H iggs J oh n , con tra ctor, N ew tow n