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Chapm an John Ernest
R y d er Joseph
G reenaway Joseph
Fletcher G eorge Francis
D E B O H U N R O A D , from
Vastern road.
East side.
4 Cort Robert & Son Ltd.
W est side.
engineers, iron & brass
founders (Kennet iron
May Mrs
W ildm an Arthur Tom
8 Sims Mrs
Butcher Mrs
10 Bottrill John & Son,buildÂ
Frost Edward S
ing material merchants
Ballard G eorge, shopkeepr
Cushan R obert Jam es
14 M atthews A rth ur
20 H ancock Thom as, butcher
22 Hughes Mrs. E m ily, fried
fish shop
14 Illsley Mark
26 Avslett G eorge
|28 Hawkins H enry George
130 W hite W illiam
32 Corpe Mrs
34 P artridge Miss J
36 W estbrook Mrs
38 M ant W illiam
40 Phillips W illiam â¢
42 Sm ith A lbert
'44 Sm ith W illiam Francis
46 H owes Robert
48 B iddle Samuel
50 W yatt Joseph
52 H olm an Isaac A lbt. baker
54 D orm er Thom as
56 G ou lding Fredk. W illiam
58 Shilton Mrs
60 Meads Mrs
62 V oggins W illiam
64 W est Thom as
66 Prater W illiam
68 G rover M rs. M. furn. dir
70 Harper Samuel
72 H aw ker FrederickW illiam
74 Crane H oward
74 Crane Miss C. dress m aker
76 W agstaff Alfred Daniel
78 C oventry Charles
80 Brant Thom as
82 Bradfield Charles
84 W isdom Charles
86 Benham Edwin
88 H ibberd G eorge
go Underwood Francis Ar-th
94 Cox A lfred
96 Owen Thom as
98 Hearn W illiam H enry
100 Haines Francis G eorge
100 Haines Ernest, insur.agt
I102 Fullbrook H arry
[104 T om pkins H en ry
[06 Millard A d am
38 Cross Edmund
40 Hind A lbert
42 Allen & Siminonds Ltd.
m echanical engineers
D E N M A R K R O A D , from
L ondon road to E rleigh rd.
W est side.
2 Lewis Henry
4 Brain Misses (C lov elly )
6 E ast
B enjam in
8 W inler Frank (San R em o)
D E M O N T E O R T R O A D , 10 Parish Miss (N ether E xe)
from 29 Vastern road to 14 T o v e y Mrs
Thames side.
t6 C ooper Stanley
(G len w ood)
West side.
East side.
1 Stanley Charles
7 Peto Jam es W
3 Winser Albert
9 H arrison R ev.P ercy Neale
5 Swain Henry
M .A , B. D. (C on g)
7 Rapley John Thomas
11 Bow yer Miss
9 Wood Mrs
13 Quin Miss (D u n raven )
11 Tennant Thomas
15 Hurson Mrs
13 Potts Jolm
17 H od d in ott Mrs
17 Mullett William
19 M ullin James Reginald
19 Robertson Mrs
21 Phillips Rev. A rth ur D avid
21 Shorter Vincent
M. A
23 Jerram Thomas
Keeble Fredk. M .A .,D .S c.,
25 Taylor Alfred
27 Wood Harry
W all Letter B ox
29 Rogers John
31 Allwood Isaac
D E R B Y R O A D , Cavers33 Dawson Jolm
35 Seymour Walter Herbert
37 Phillips John Palmer
39 Hunt Mrs
41 Berry James W
43 Hall George
45 Webb John
47 Horwood Charles Fredk
East side.
2 Staveley Frederick
4 Souter Joseph
6 Werrell William John
8 Archard Edwin
10 Wells Arthur G
12 Milsom William George
14 Northan CharlesFrederick
16 Mundy Albert E
18 Wheeler George
20 Eynott Mrs
2 > Cross William Joseph
24 Holmes Mrs
26 Spring Frederick William
20 Wadham Andrew James
30 Farrer Walter Henry
32 Smith Thomas James
34 Darch Francis John
36 Tlwrngalo Mrs
ham , from P ep p a rd road.
North side.
1 G ilbert T om (B rooklyn lo)
5 Hunt Mrs. (Burford ho)
7 R ollo Hon. E ric N orm an
(E lcot)
9 L u n d H erbert E dw ard
(A sh v ille)
1 1 Rowland - Smith
(B raxton)
13 Deans Harold (Belford lo)
15 Dyke William (Overdale)
17 Jones
Alfred Alexander
19 Poynder John Andrew
25 Parfitt Felix William(RedholmeJ
27 Gill m an R ev.R on ald G . T .,
B. A. (assistant cu rate of
St. J oh n âs, C aversham )
( W oodlan ds)
33 Buxton Mrs.(Beaconslield)
South side.
Wall Letter Box
4 Smith William Henry J.P.