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K in g âs r o a d , C a v e r s h a m â
7 Taylor Mrs
9 W oodage Abraham James
t i Clark James
13 Beasley George
15 L egg G eorge W illiam
17 T yler W illiam
19 Reeley James
21 Masked M rs
23 H elm ore G eorge H enry
25 Davenport Charles
27 Baker Charles W illiam
29 Sim m onds Frederick
31 W hite John
33 Sm ith W illiam H enry
35 H inxm an Isaac, shopkpr
37 Saw yer Frederick
39 Stone Jam es A rth ur
41 Mills E rnest, shopkeeper
43 M ay Charles
49 Harling A lfred
51 W alter Benjam in Charles
53 Crook Edward
55 Stroud G eorge
57 K in g Mrs
59 Turner G eorge
61 Low e G eorge H enry
63 H olt Alfred
65 M ay W illiam
67 Nicholls M rs. Fanny
69 M idgeley Thom as
71 T ucker Fred
73 Sutton George Edward
75 Busby W illiam
77 Pearce Mrs
79 B urborough John
81 Pitt W alt.E dw d. (Bellevue)
83 H u sseyJohn(F lorence co t)
85 Parker H enry Benjam in
(Som erset cottage)
87 T ig g Thom as (Hazeldale)
89 Trow bridge
W illiam
91 T ucker W illiam (M arlÂ
borough cottage)
93 P rou t Francis
95 Sm ith G eorge
95 Sm ith Miss, dress m aker
99 D ixon Frederick W illiam
101 Smith W illiam
103 W hite Frank
105 Purvey Sydney107 H u nt Edward
109 Snow Joseph Mark
h i G rantham Mrs
113 R ichardson
Thom as, butcher
115 W hite M rs. M. shopkpr
117 k 119 Jennings W alt, gro
N orth side.
2 M ace Charles
4 T ucker John Edney
6 T u ck er F'redk.Chas.Aaron
8 Reynolds A rthur
10 Collins W illiam
12 Kendall Mrs
14 Brooks G eorge
16 Purvey James
18 Fuller H enry
20 Sim m onds F'rederick
22 Orpin Jesse Ernest
24 P ratt Alfred George
26 James Mrs
28 H erbert Charles
30 Pople W alter Samuel
32 M uddim an Bert
34 & 36 M atthews Horace
Jam es, beer retailer
38 B uxey James
40 Cook W illiam
42 P ovey Alfred
44 W arw ick George
46 Beasley Thomas
48 E yre A lfred
50 Lee Mrs
52 C artw right H y. news agnt
54 Lee Ernest
56 K ing W alter John
58 Snow Benjan. in Charles
60 W ebb G eorge
62 Butler Thom as
64 Gibbs W illiam
66 Jordan Henry
68 Y o u n g Reuben R ichard
72 N ichols John
76 T aylor William
78 Day E dw ard George
80 Clark Zacharias
82 N orm an G eorge Frederick
88 Bartlett M rs. S. shopkeeper
90 Jones W illiam
92 S m ith Mrs
94 Allen John
96 Briant Charles
98 M orris Albert
100 Bullock Mrs
102 Gunston Mrs
104 Lee W ilfred H orace, reÂ
cruiting officer
10 & 12 E m pire Furnishing
Com pany
14 Davis Mrs. Sarah J. & Son,
m usical
instrum ent
16 Cane Frank, tea room s is H igh B ridge w h arf..
18 W yles S. & Co. picture
fram e m akers
20 Ark Co. (T h e), custard,
baking & egg pow der
m anufacturers
22 F E A R H . J . stationer &
shipping agent
26 & 28 W ithnall H. B. m otor
car engineer, & garage
30 G ear Joseph Albert, den
tal surgery
30 Knapp T. H. & Co. sewing
m achines
30 Knapp T. H .pianoforte dir
32a, Reeves J a s.W m .fu rn .d ir
36 Im perial Dining R oom s
3 8 & 4 o M o rle y T om , printer
44 Stebbings & Co. tailors
46 R efuge Assurance Co. Ltd.
(H arry A. Evevitt,supt)
43 Scott Alexander T .,L . D.S.
R .C .S .Irel. dentist
50 M akey A lex, ironm onger
. . here is Crane w h a rf.
52 Searle II. W . builder
54 Dawson W m . Jas.boot mi
58 Sm ith G. R .& C o . printer!
& publishers
58 Burt Arnold G
60 Gardener W illiam , restnn
62 Shorter Charles, tailor
See advertisem ent
64 & 9 Allen C. & Co. picturt
fram e makers
66 H igh W ycom be Sanitar]
L aundry L im ited (reÂ
ceiving office)
68 Heath N ora, m illiner
70 Neal A rthur, cycle agent
76 Pickett H arry, confectnr
78 H am blin John, tobaccnst
80 W eston George
82 W allis, Son & W ells, cot
& seed m erchants (Vie
K I N G âS
toria wharf)
K in g street to L ondon road.
84 Standard E lectric Theat
South side.
2 Jackson E. & Sons, hard 86 Bayiis H y. John, jeweller
ware stores
88 D E C O N D E , m illiner
4 Allen A ntrum , saddler
90 & 92 H ooper & Aslib
6 Sm ith G . R . & Co. shipÂ
L im ited, lime, cement
ping office
slate & buildersâ met
Holm es J. k Co. grocers
chants (B angor wharf
94 Bunce Albert