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P ow ell
A Sons, nurserym en k
W igram F oloy D .S.O . ; a dju tan t
florists, 109a, O xford marl &
86 Connaught road ; T . N . 909
R oya l B erkshire R egt. Capt, A.
P ow ell E dith Y . (M iss), teacher of
M. H o ld s w o r th ; L ieut. F. S.
music, U pper Cross. 12 C hristÂ
B oshell,
q u a rterm a ster; Capt.
church gardens
G. W . H op ton , Capt. L. W .
P o w e ll Ernest A lfre d , butch er, 89
B ird k Capt. 0 . S te e le ; Lieut.
W ok in gh a m road
A . G. F. Isaac & Lieut. E. M.
,Pow ell G eorge, b ookseller, 23 L o n Â
A llf r e y ) ; d ep ot barracks,O xford
don road
r o a d ; T . N . 175
P ow ell H en ry, m onum ental mason,
Princess Charlotte o f W alesâ (R oyal
E astern avenue & y a rd , C u m berÂ
Berkshire R egim en t) 4th B a tta Â
land road
lion (Territorial F orce) (H on.
P ow e ll H en ry Ja m es,w a tch & clock
C olonel, Gen. H .R .H . P rin ce
m aker, 57 W ok in gh a m road
Christian of Sch lesw ig-H olstein
P ow ell H en ry W ilson , tailor, 88
K .G ., V .D ., A .D .C . ; Brevet-C ol.
A d d in g to n road
0 . Pearce-Serocold V .D . com Â
P o w e ll W m . fruitr. 113 Lon don st
m anding ; M a jor J. H . C ooper
T .D . 2nd in co m m a n d ; Capt.
P oy n der E. & Son , printers, 3 & 4
G un street .
G. M . Sharpe (R oyal B erkshire
R e g t.),
a d ju ta n t;
P oyn der G. A . secondhand b ook Â
E ggin ton , quarterm aster ; Capt.
seller, 96 B road street
B ertram ,
com m anding
P o y n d e râs, stationers, 31 Queen
Co. ; Capt. R . T ru slove, com Â
V icto ria street
m anding B C o . ) ; head quarters,
P ra tt & P ea rce M isses, con fecSt. M aryâs butts
' tiouers, 25 C hurch road, C
Prior George & Arthur, dairymen,
P ra tt A n nie (M iss), nurse, 63a,
97 D onnington road
Q ueenâs road
P rior R egin ald, b o o t m aker, 95
P ra tt
M rs.
Queenâs roa d & 59 W atlin gton st.
G eorge street, C
P rosp ect Park B rick Co. Lim ited,
Pratt Mns. dress ma. 8 Short st. C
b rick k tile makers, Tilehurst
Pratten B ros, tailors, 102 K in g â s rd
road ; T . M, 540
Preecey E dm und, bath chair propr.
P roviden t
96 Blenheim road
G uarantee
A ccid en t
Prem ier M eat Co. 29 W est street
L td. (The) (Cecil E. Basden, resiÂ
Preston Jam es, hair dresser, 2
den t agent), A ssistant Engineersâ
lo n d o n street
office, G reat W estern R ailw ay,
P rice Frank, greengro. 2 H art, st
Station road
P rice John A lfd. Parry M .D . p h y Â
P roviden t
sician k surgeon, 154 Castle hill ;
M utual L ife Assurance A ssocia Â
f . N . 228
tion (The) (Cecil E. Basden, resiÂ
P rice W illia m , w atch m aker, 19
den t agent), Assistant E ngineersâ
Station road ; T . N . 871
office, G reat W estern R ailw a y,
P rim m er W a lter, hair dresser, 37a,
Station road
St. M a ryâ s butts
P roviden t C lothin g & Supply Co.
Prim rose H and Laundry (The) (Mrs.
L im ited,
A ic a d e
Thom son), 81' Connaught road.
Friar street
See advertisem ent
Prudential Assurance Co. Lim ited
P rim roseD avid,w aiter,47M ilm an rd
P rince W m . npholstr.310 K in g âs rd
(G. W . G oodw in A.F.T. d istrict
Princess Charlotte of W a lesâ (R oyal
su p t.), T ow n Hall cham bers, 15
f Berkshire R egim ent), 1st battalion
B logra v e S treet; T. N- 737
f 49th foot- & 2nd battalion 66 th
P u blic H all, H em dean road, C
foot & head quarters of 3rd batt.
Public L ib ra ry , N ew s & R eading
(Special Reserve) (officer co m Â
R oom s (W illiam H en ry Greenm anding dep ot, M a jor Frank
liough, ch ief librarian), central