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W orkhouse, 344 O xford road, W alter Fryer, m aster; Lansdown M urray
G uilding M .B ., j i . u . c .s . medical officer ; Rev. Arthur N eville Halpin m . a .
chaplain ; Mrs. A. Fryer, matron
Childrenâs Homes, 229 & 231 K in g's road ; 23, 25 & 40 Russell s tr e e t;
11 & 13 Milman road & 82 & 84 Crescent road ; Miss J. M. Cox, supt
Assize Courts, Forbury, Sergt. .T. Watson, Berks Constabulary, caretaker
Berks & Oxon Chamber o f A griculture, 39 Blagrave street; Charles
H. Palm er, president; W . Anker Simmons, s e c .; F. W ortley Simmons,
assistant sec
Board o f Trade Labour Exchange, 29 & 31 London street; H arold H ardyJackson, manager
Cattle Market, Great K nollys street, H enry L. Daniels, superintendent &
toll collector
Caversham Cemetery, V ictoria street, C a vers] iam ; Edmund Pike, supt
Cem etery, London road, A lfred G ibbs, resident superintendent
Corn Exchange & General Market, M arket place & 8 Broad street; George
Steed, toll collector
Corporation Tramways, M ill lane, G. F. Craven
general manager & engineer
a .m.i . c. e .,
a .m .i . e . e .
Corporation W ater W o r k s ; offices, Municipal buildings, V alpy street;
Leslie Charles W alker a . w . e . , a . m . i . m . e . manager & engineer; pumpÂ
ing stations, 48 Bath road, Fobney cte Southeote
Corporation o f R eading E lectric Generating Station, M ill la n e ;
Craven a . m . i . c .e . , a . m . i . e . e . chief engineer
G. F.
Corporation W eigh Bridge, 17 & 18 St. M aryâs butts, John Batty, collector
County C ourt, offices, 172 F riar street, H is H onor E dw ard Harington
b . a . ju d g e ;
H enry Collins & H enry Jordon m . a ., b .c .l . registrars;
W . H . Shepherd, chief cle rk ; Arthur Maslen, high b a iliff; the court
is held at the Assize courts, monthly.
The district comprises the
follow in g
p la ces:â Arborfield, Ashampstead, Barkham, Basildon,
Bearwood, Beech H ill, Beenham Valance, Binfield Heath (O xon), Bradfield, Burghfleld, Caversham (O xon), Cane End (O xon), Collins End
(O xon), Crowthorne, Dunsdon Green (O xon), Earley, Englefield, Eraraer
Green (O xon), Farley H ill (W ilts), Finchampstead, E ye & Dunsdon,
G allows Tree Com m on (O xon), Graisley, Hurst, K idm ore End (O xon),
M apledurham (O xon), M ortim er-W est-E nd (H ants), M ortim er Stratfield, Padworth, Pangbourne, Purley, R eading, Riseley Common (W ilts),
Ruscom be Sandhurst, Shinfleld, Sindlesham, Sonning, Sonning E ye,
Spencers W ood , Sulham, Sulhampstead Abbots, Sulhampstead Bannister,
Swallowfield, Theale, Three M ile Cross, Tidmarsh, Tilehurst, T w yford ,
U fton , W histley-in-H urst, W hitchurch (O xon), W h itley, W okefield,
W okingham , W ood ley & W y fo ld Court (O xon)