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A n s t e y r o a d â c o n t in u e d .
Gardiner Jam es
Cheesem an R ichard Jam es
Farnbank Henry
Jeffery Samuel
D orm er Ernest
T erry Richard
Reid G eovge James
Reeves A lfred
H erm on Francis W illiam
W ild Harry
Jacobs W illiam
(T H E ),
174 Friar street.
1 G alt G eorge S. tailor
2 W atson & Son, china dlrs
3 A rcade Sweeteries
4 & S G reg ory , Love & Co.
L im ited, oriental cafe
6 K n igh t Joseph H. boot ma
7 G regory, Love & Co. Ltd.
8 S ilverâs, hosiers & outtittrs
q Lilian M adam e, m illiner
10 G reg o ry , L ove & Co. Ltd.
11 DURRAN & SON, watch
makers & jew ellers. See
advertisem ent
12 G eorge A. & E. florists
13 & 14 Bavin & Orm iston,
toy bazaar
15 Loraine Lnraine, photogr
17 Bates Miss E. A. ladiesâ &
ch ild ren âs outfitter
18 Hurst Thom as, tobaccnst
19 Rawlings A lfred, booksellr
Arcade chambers.
See Friar street.
A B D L E R R O A D , Caversham . from G osbrook road
to South View avenue.
E ast side.
W esleyan Sunday School
Bowm an Frederick
H opkins Joseph
S m ith Cornelius
Lucas Joseph G eorge
Pangbourne H arry
H a m m on d George
W est side.
Ellis Jonathan, florist
here is O rm sby s t ..........
R O A D , co n Â
tinuation of Baker street to 14 A dam s T hom as
16 R obinson H enry
B runsw ick hill.
18 R eynolds W illiam
North side.
20 Ralph John T . L
2 Tow ner Mrs
22 W estbrook John Thom as
here is L o m e St..
24 Stevenson Frank
here is A rgyle st
26 Saunders Mrs. (G rov e cot)
28 Flower Miss (Jnverary)
South side.
... here is B runsw ick hill ...
1 Russell Charles
30 Jam es A rth ur H en ry (Ips-[
3 Cross John W illiam
den house)
3 Cross Miss Cissie, teacher 32 GodwinM rs.(Glenbournie)|
o f m usic
5 Rose & Thistle P .H . Mrs.
A R M O U R R O A D , TileEsther M ary Cole
hurst, from W h ite Hou e
7 A shby
A lfred
M .B .,
corner to W estw ood road.
F .R .C .S .E n g .,
F. I.C.
South-w est side.
m edical officer of health
& public analyst for 3 Lascellcs Mrs. (Deersville)'|
R eading
& 5 Bellam y M rs. (B elm ont)
m edical officer o f health 7 W oodeson Thos. H. house'
fo r W okingham ( Ash
agen t, & assistant overÂ
seer for Theale & TileG oodacre James (Iv y d en e)
h u rst & clerk to Tile- jj
Parish Council!
(C ed ar villa)
A R G Y E E S T R E E T , from
9 Venn Ernest
253 O xford road.
i i F rancis Brothers, builders s
East side.
13 Dibley Francis
1 M unday G eorg e A. reliev 15 L ock W illiam Henry
ing & vaccination officer. 17 L ew endon Mrs
No. 2 d istrict, parish of 19 S tobart R obert (Fernville)|
R eading
21 Shute G eorge
3 W ild er Mrs
23 A bery Frederick
S Carter H enry Jam es
here is V ictoria rd ......
7 H um phries F rederick
25 L ew endon JosephOetavius,
9 Slaughter Sidney
mineral w ater manufctrj
11 H older Charles
27 Singleton M rs.dress maker!
13 Justins Stanley
15 G illo John, p lum ber
29 Bond Mrs
15A, M earlng John, florist
31 W oodeson R ichard
17 W ebb Frederick
33 W rig h t Thom as R obert
19 M acbeth R obert O
37 Alison Mrs. E. O. dairy
21 Chandler E dwin Stair,bldr 39 T haxter G eorge, butcher
25 A dam s Frank
41 W oodeson A lfred, builder
27 Zebedee H enry
43 H arrington G eorge
29 C orbold Frank
45 A very Mrs
31 K em p W illiam
47 H olland Charles
33 C roft W illiam
49 W icks Miss (C ottim ore)
35 Blunt B enjam in
51 W illiam s C. E
37 Francis Joshua, insur. agt 53 Barton A . T . (M ayaro)
39 W hitfield
(S an d- 55 Barton G . Douglas
ford house)
57 L ush W m .E dw in( A lm a I10)
59 H a b g ood R d .(T h e Laurels)
W est side.
63 Bolter G eorge
2 S im m ons M rs
65 Childs James
4 H ouse W alter G
67 H arvey M rs
6 Few Jam es
69 Hall Jam es
8 A dam s H arry Randall
71 Nash David
10 H owie Mrs. Mabel
12 Fram e W illiam , ju n
73 Haines W illiam