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4.<8 (»i!AZEi.RT.
V i l l a g e s niKEcrrORYâ1914.
R ow e Jam es H . farm er, G reat Lea
W h eeler C. coal merchant, (letters
farm . G reat Lea
through Burghfield)
Shaw G eorge, W h eatsh eaf P .H
W ooff Charles, Old Bell P .H .
Tem pleton T h om as, b rick m aker
(letters through Burghfield)
T ice
M rs.
farm er,
G reat
W y eth W a lter John , baker,G t. Lea;
: H ouse farm
! W y n n W illia m , farm b a iliff to F .
T u rv e y M a ry A n n (M rs.), beer !
W . A llfre y esq
re ta ile i, G reat L ea
j (F or other names in SpencerâsW ood
1 see Shinfield, page 468)
is 3 ham let and ecclesiastical parish, form ed
D ecem ber 29th, 1853, ou t o f portions o f the civil parishes of Shiplake,
Sonning and C aversham ; the Caversham portion was constituted a- civil
parish June 14, 1894, b y an order o f the J oin t Com m ittee of the O x ford Â
shire, B erks and B ucks C ounty Councils, b u t on M arch 1st, 1902, the
civil was re-nam ed K id m ore End, and a portion of 16 acres was r e Â
transferred N o v . 1911; the village is 6^ m iles north -east from Pangbourne station and 65 south-w est from H enley-on-T ham es term inal
station, b oth on the G reat W estern railw ay, and 5 miles north from
R ea d in g, in the Southern d iv ision o f the cou nty, p etty sessional division
o f H enley, union of H enley-on -T ham es, cou n ty court d istrict of R ea d Â
ing, rural dean ery o f H enley and arch deacon ry and diocese o f O xford.
The church o f St. John the B aptist, built in 1852, is an edifice o f flint and
stone in the E arly E n glish style, and consists o f chancel, nave, north
porch, vestry and a tu rret con ta in in g one b e l l : the w indow s are stained
and include a m em orial w in d ow presented to the church b y C, M.
W o rth in g to n esq. o f D v son âs w ood : there are 220 sittings. T h e register
dates from th e yea r 1854. T he livin g is a vica ra ge, n et incom e £240.
w ith residence and 11 acres o f glebe, in the g ift of the B ish op of
O xford, and held since 1908 b y the R ev. H erbert E ric H obson M .A . B .D .
o f Queenâ s College, C a m b rid g e : an addition al £ 1 0 0 a yea r was 'added
to the livin g in M a y , 1877, b y M iss P alm er, o f H olm e Park. Sonning,
and £ 5 0 b y th e E cclesiastical Com m issioners.
A Church R oom for
pu blic m eetings, menâ s clubs and Church ladsâ brigade was opened .in
1902. A t G allow s T ree com m on is a. P rim itive M eth od ist chapel, built
1873, and at Sonning C om m on is a H all, built -in 1908, w ith 200 sittings,
b elonging to the C ongregationalists. Cane E nd H ouse, the residence of
H enry D ou g la s B. Y and.erstegen esq. . J .P . is a. mansion of. v e r y ancient
date. T he .principal landow ners are H: D . B. V a n d ersteg e« esq. J .P .
and K eith R on ald M acken zie esq. T he soil is m ixed, prin cip a lly g r a v e l;
subsoil, chalk, gravel and loam . The ch ief crops are corn and roots
A rea, 2.486 acres ; rateable value of civil parish, £3 ,37 2 ; the population
in 1911 was 549.
Parish Clerk, R ob ert Jackm an.
O verseers, J. S. A llw rig h t & W . Cliown
Assistant O verseer & C ollector o f R a tes, E rnest C. Cooke, Oak villa,
o G osbrook street, Caversham
T he Parish Council consists of 6 m em bers, viz. : â H enry T a ylor (chairÂ
m an), H enry D . B. Y an derstegen J P ., F red P a d d ick . J oh n Sm ithers
A llw rig h t, Charles A m brose & A lfred Old ; Ernest C. Cooke, Oak villa,
â - o G osbrook street, Caversham , clerk
P o s t, M. Q, & T. 0 . , S. B. &c,â Joseph F oster, sub-postm aster. L etters
th rou gh R eadin g, arrive at 7.5 a.m. & 12.10 & 5.10 p.m . ; dispatched
at 1 & 4.10 & 7 p.m . w eek clays ; Sundays, a rrive at 7.5 a.m. : d is Â
patched at 12 .2 0 p .m