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8.30 a .m .; week days, matins 10 a .m .; litany on Wednesdays &
fridays ; evensong 0 p.m
St. Michael & A ll Angels, Elgar road (attached to St. Giles'), Rev. Herbert
P atrick Bowen m . a . 28 Kendrick road, priest in charge ; holy communion
2nd & 4th Sundays at I a.m .; on other Sundays & on festivals, choral
eucharist 1 1 a.m. ; evensong & sermon, sun. at 6.30 p.m. & thurs. at 8
p.m . ; sunday school, 10 a.m. & 2.30 p.m
St. Paulâs Mission Church, Lower Whitley (W hitley W ood lane)(attached
to Christ C hurch); R ev. T. 11. Hickes, vicar in ch arge; holy com Â
munion, 1st & 3rd sun. 8 a.m. ; matins, 11 a.m. ; evensong, 6.30 p.m
St. P eters (Cayersham Parish church), Church road, Caversham, Rev.
Charles W illiam Euseby Cleaver m . a . The Vicarage, Church road,
Caversham, vicar, & surrogate ; Rev. John Edm und Howe m . a . The
Cottage, Surley row, Caversham, Rev. H erbert Douglas Neison a . k . c . l .
Church house, P ig g o ttâs road, Caversham, Rev. Thomas Brancker b . a .
St. Andrew âs C lergy house, 8 Harrogate road, Caversham, Rev. Ronald
G. X. Gillman ii.a. AVoodlands, Derby road, Caversham & Rev. Alfred
Everard W illey, Oakdene, Kidm ore road, curates ; sunday, holv com Â
munion 7 & 8 a.m. (also 1st sun. in the month 12.15 p.m . ; matins,
litany & sermon 11 a.m. ; childrenâs service 3 p .m .); baptisms 3.45
p.m . ; evensong & sermon 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. matins 7.40 a.m. ; holy
communion 8 a.m. ; mon. tues. & sat. matins 8 a.m. ; wed. & fri.
matins 10.15 a.m
St. Peterâs Church (E a rley ), Church road, Rev. Canon W illiam Weekes
Fow ler m . a . , The Vicarage, Earley, vica r; Rev. H arold W ardley
K in g m . a . Tam aki,l Green road, assistant curate; 8 & 1 1 a.m. & 3 &
6.30 p .m .; week days, 10 a.m. & 5.30 p.m. (in summer 8 a.m. & 6.30
St. Saviourâs Church, W olseley street, served by the clergy of St. Mary th$
V ir g in ; Rev. Edward de Basset Thurston m . a . St. Saviourâs house, 106
W olseley street, priest in ch arge; Sundays, h oly eucharist 8 & 11 a.m.
(choral) with serm on; mattins & litany 10.15 a.m . ; catechism 2.45
p .m .; evensong & sermon 6.30 p .m .; holy eucharist daily 7.15 a.m .
(except 8 a.m. on mondays & thursdays)
St. Stephenâs Church, Orts road, clergy same as St. Johnâs ; sun. 8 & 11.
a.m. & 2.45 & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. & holy days 7.30 p .m .; holy comÂ
munion, every sun. 8 a .m .; 2nd & 4th suns, after morning prayer;
3rd sun. 7.45 p.m
Am herst road (Anderson M em oria l); W illiam Charles K ing, Gordon. 13
Bulrnershe road, hon. p a stor; services, sun. 9.50 & 1 1 a.m. & 3 & 6.30
p.m . ; mon. w om enâs meeting 3 p.m. ; prayer meeting 7.30 p.m. ; wed.
Christian endeavour 8 p.m
Carey C hapel; S u n d a y s , 11a.m . & 6.30 p.m .; mon. 7.30 p .m .; y o u n g
peopleâs institute, 2.45 p.m. ; C. E. Society, tues. 8 p .m .; women's
meeting thurs. 3 p.m.
Caversham Free Church, Prospect street, Caversham, Rev. Joseph Nash,The
Manse, 1 Prospect street, Caversham, minister ; sun. 1 1 a.m & 6.30 p.m. ;
Sunday school 9.45 a.m. & 2.30 p .m .; morning commuuion first sundae
in month ; evening commuuion on the 3rd sunday; prayer service,
thurs. 7.30 p.m . ; womenâs bible class, sun. 3 p .m .; women's own, mou.
2.30 p.m . ; Christian Endeavour Society, mon. 8 p.m. ; D ebating
Society, tues. 8 p.m. ; W estM em orial Institute, open mon. wed. thurs.
& sat. from 7 till 10