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R E A D IN G D IRECTORYâ 1 9 1 4 .
L ocal Government A ct, 1888, 51 & 52 Viet. c. 41.
Under t.he above Act, Berkshire, except a certain borough, see below fa),
after the 1st A pril, 1889, for the purposes o f the Act, became an adm inisl
trative county (sec. 46), governed by a County Council, consisting o f
chairman, aldermen and councillors (the number o f councillors being
determined by the Local Government Board), to be elected in manner
prescribed by the A ct (sec. 2).
Ih e chairman, by virtue o f his office, is a justice o f the peace for the
county, w ithout qualification (sec. 40).
*lhe police of the county are now under the control o f a standing jo in t comÂ
mittee o f the Quarter Sessions and the County Council, appointed as
therein mentioned (sec. 9 ).
The coroners fo r the county are elected by the County Council, and the
clerk o f the peace was appointed by Quarter Sessions before the passing
o f the Local G overnm ent Act, 1888.
The clerk o f the peace for the county is also clerk o f the C ounty Council
(sec. 8 3 -1 ).
The adm inistrative business o f the county (which would, if this A ct had
not been passed, have been transacted by the justices) is now transacted
by the County Council.
(a) The follow in g borough shall be for the purpose o f this A ct an adÂ
ministrative County in itself and be called a County borough (sec. 31),
o f w hich the M unicipal Corporation shall have the power of a County
Councilâ Heading.
The Berkshire County Council meets at the Assize Courts, R eading.
Chairman, Sir R obert Gray Cornish Mowbray bart. (A lderm an)
Vice-Chairman, James Herbert Benyon (Alderm an)
Benyon James H erbert, Englefield house, R eading
Gardner Ernest m . p . Spencers, Maidenhead
G ull Sir W illiam Cameron bart. Frilsham house, Y atten dov, Newbury
Loder-Sym onds Capt. Frederick Cleave, Hinton manor, FarfLgdon
L oyd A rchie K irkm an k . c . Downs house, H endred, Steventon & 21
Cadogan square, London s w
M ow bray Sir R obert Gray Cornish bart. Warennes W ood, M ortim er
& 90 Piccadilly, London
Preston A rthur E dw in, W hitefield, Abingdon
Russell H ugh W illiam , Olney lodge, Furze Platt, Maidenhead
Van De W eyer C ol. V ictor W illiam Bates, New lodge, W inkfield, W indsor
R e t i r e in
R e t i r e in
Ferard Charles Agace, W inkfield manor, Ascot
Latham Thomas, Bishopâs court, Dorchester, Oxon
Mansfield E dw ard D illon, Luckley, W okingham
M ount W illiam Arthur m . p . W asing place, R eadin g & 37 Eunism ore
gardens, London s w
Peters George Henry, Ouseley lodge, Old W indsor
Slade George Frederick, W oodlea, W allin gford
W illes Col. George Shippen, The Firs, H ungerford
W illin k H enry George, Hillfields, M ortim er