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and W h istle y , in the parish of H urst, under the â Benefice A ct, 1838 â
(1 and 2 V iet. c. 106) ; it has a station on the G reat W estern railw ay,
w hich is also the ju n ction o f the line to H en ley, and is 5 m iles east from
R eadin g, 7^ south-w est from M aidenhead, 4 south from H enley-on Tham es and 34 from L on d on , and is in the Eastern div ision o f the
cou n ty, p etty sessional division and union o f W ok in g h a m , cou nty court
district o f R eadin g, rural deanery o f Sonning, archdeaconry of Berks
and diocese o f O xford. T h e village is ligh ted with gas, and supplied
w ith w ater by the W ok in gh a m R ural D istrict C ouncil's W a rg ra ve and
T w y fo rd W a te r W ork s, situated at H are H atch. The church of St. M ary
is a buildin g o f Hint in the E arly English style, consisting o f five bays,
aisles, n orth porch and a small western turret con tain ing 2 bells : it was
built in 1846, chiefly at the cost o f the late R ev. A. A. Cam eron, vicar of
H urst, and Miss C urrey ; a new north aisle was added in 1883 at a cost
of £ 1 ,9 9 3 : an organ cham ber was erected in 1908, and the church was
enlarged at the east end and vestry added du rin g 1909 ; in 1910 the
tow er, w est end b a ptistery and sm all vestry w ere com pleted, the
cost of alterations and additions since 1908 am ounting to £ 4 ,7 0 0 ; a pea]
of bolls was added in 1913 at a cost of £ 7 0 0 ; there are 420 sittings.
T he register dates from the year 1847. T he liv in g is a vicarage, net
yearly value £ 3 2 0 . w ith residence, in the g ift of the B ish op o f O xford,
and held since 1903 bv the R ev. R ob ert W illia m H arrison A cw orth
M .A . o f W orcester. College. O xford.
There, is a W es le y h all, and a
C on gregational chapel, rebu ilt in 1897. w ith 250 sittings. T h e Fire
B rigade consists o f eight m em bers. T he T w y fo rd .W orkin g M enâ s Club
was established in 1898, and has a reading room &c. H ere are alm sÂ
houses. founded by Sir R ich ard H arrison let. and. endow ed in 1707
bv L a d v Frances, daughter of Thom as (H ow ard ), 3rd Earl of B erk Â
shire. and w ife o f Sir H en ry W in ch com b e bart. of B u cklebu ry, for
six p oor persons in the parishes o f H urst, W in n ersh , B earw ood and
T w y fo rd . each of w hom receives 7s. 6 d. w eek ly, and a new gow n every
second year. T h e oth er charities are those of G eorge W illiam Barker
esq. ; tw o foun ded by the R ev. R ic h a r d . E benezer Leach and one by
A braham Spoore, for the benefit of the p oor of the district.
L ord
B ravbrook e is lord o f the m anor.
T he principal landow ner is H enrv
W ill ¡am V e re v esq. B .A ., J .P . c f B rid ge house. The area is 694 acres
o f land and w a t e r ; rateable value, £11,7 8 3 .; the population in 1911
was 1.157.
A ssistant O verseer, John C ook, 9 Station terrace.
K in g âs T ax
R eading.
C ollector,
W illia m
H en ry
N orth ,
R adstoek
The Parish Council consists o f 9 m em bers, v i z . : â E dw ard Stanley
D avis, L lew ellyn Treacher (chairm an), Charles Sidney W illia m W est.
John Sim m onds. M atthew Jarvis, H arrv W illiam H aw es, H enry
F ran klin . A lfred W illia m B rooker & F rederick W illia m N a p p e r ;
Joh n C ook , 9 Station terrace, clerk
P ost, M . 0 . & T . 0 . , S. B ., Express D eliv ery & A n n u ity & Insurance
Office (Sub-O ffice).â Charles Thom as Passm ore, postm aster. Letters
from all parts delivered, 6 (rural), 6.30 (village) & 11 a.m . & 6.20
p.m . ; dispatch ed at 8.50, 10.45 & 11.20 a.m . & 1.45, 3.45, 4.40, 8.20 &
10.45 p.m . ; sunday d eliv e ry 6 (rural) & 7 a.m . & dispatch, 8.10 p.m .
W a ll B o x at R aih vay station cleared at 10.40 a.m . 2.30 & 7.55 p.m . ;
Sundays, 7.66 p .m