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UBADINO S T R E E t D IRECTO fiY— 1 9 1 4 .

A l b e r t r o a d , C a v e r s h a m — 86W ardThos. lly . ( D u nboyne) 33 Pike Charles
88 H utt Miss (C orra-L in n )
37 W heeler Alfred
51 M atchett Jas. I). (C roydon 90 Byham C yril M oncriffe 39 Freak Mrs
lod ge)
(A sh cro ft)
41 W icks A rth ur, beer retailr
53 Latham Thos, J n . (Oarna) 92 W est A rth.G nuld(Chenies) 45 Cook James
W all Letter B ox
94 Stimsori
(T he 47 W ard Henry
67 Fram e Allan (K elvin )
49 W est Mrs
W hite cottage)
69 H ulm e A lfred (H erew ard) 108 S ta plesJn .E .(T h eG ables) ¡51 Sutton A rthur
71 Collier W illiam Edward
here is R ichm ond rd.
53 Hughes John A
(D u rracott)
55 W ilkins Edward
73 G errard Edward 0 .(L a rk 57 C ooper Mrs. Sarah
A rth ur road to R upert st.
59 W illm ott H enry John
South side.
75 Salm on W illiam A rthur
6r S m ith W illiam Henry
(M aw gani
E ighteen John, wholesale 63 B ox Richard
St. A ndrew ’s Church
fish m erchant
65 Withers John Thom as
2 Slade Frank
here is Harrogate rd
67 Culverhouse Charles
East side.
here is A rth ur rd ....... 69 Dashper G eorge W illiam
2 M oody - W ard
Mrs. 4 H opgood Joseph
71 C ox Mrs
(S outhill)
6 Blake Albert
73 Spicer Henry
4 Elm s G eorge (R ook w ood )
8 Chandler Alfred
75 R ogers Edward
6 Palm er Lieut. John H
10 Saunders David G eorge
79 H artw ell Charles
8 Im rie R obert Douglas
12 Shorter Albert
81 T itcom b e T hom as
10 Rogers W m . (C ou rthope) 14 W arren Daniel
83 D unckley Dennis
12 Cleave W m . (T h e H ollies) 16 W right Samuel
85 F’ orrest Joseph, hair drssr
14 U nderwood F rancis Oliver 18 Taplin Mrs
iH u dd leston c)
20 W heeler Hy. R d. sliopkpr A L B E R T
16 Sm ith John (B ord yke)
22 E ady W alter
from 21 Orts road.
24 Castle L aw ren ce(F ox boro) 22 Eady Percy, news agent
3 Brown Alfred
26 Oliver W illia m (ln g len ook ) 24 W in ter Henry
5 Dutfield Alfred
32 M ortim er E dgar (In gle- 26 Graves G eorge
7 S hackleford H orace Philip
28 Cox H enry W illiam
34 Tavendale P. (H argrave) 30 Gleed G eorge
CO URT, from
36 Kenny Jam es (W estleigh) 32 Pvm John
Coley place,
38 Sparling Mrs
St. John’s Mission R oom
i M itchell Alfred
40 M ears Henry H erbert
36 Castledine W illiam
3 Parker Albert Henry
42 W ay Alex. W . J. (N ansan) 33 G ore Reuben
7 Parker Charles
44 Janes
A m os
Frederick 40 Spicer H enry Stephen
9 Bonny Mrs
(P ack w ood )
42 Alexander W illiam
l i Parker Alfred
here is H ighm oor r d ....... 44 W ilcocks Mrs
[3 A llw ood Joseph
50 G n tch W alterJohn(B letch- 46 Pyin Charles
48 Stagoll John
A lexa n d ra cottages
here is Oakley rd ....... 50 Anglers’A rm s P .H . Predk.
W illiam T itchin er
56 B u tch erM rs.(H ead in gley)
See C hapel hill, Tilehurst.
here is Leopold rd .......
58 H urley A lfred (G le v u m )
60 W ain W illiam Edwardes
N orth side.
(P u rley)
from London rd. to Upper 1
hero is Kennett sid e........
62 A rthur R obert(R osendale)
R edlands road.
66 B radbury Jam es Edward 3 Lawrence Edward
N orth-w est side.
5 L o u ch John
(R otherfield)
6 H unter T om
70 A ttw ood G eorge FTederick 7 N ew m an Henry
10 W ilson Sam uel R ., M .A.
11 S trou d Edward James
( R adnor lodge)
Cantab. (H .M . inspector
... here is St. A ndrew ’s rd ... 13 Caladine Mrs
of schools for Berkshire)
72 Minehin W illiam
Coles 15 Bates John
16 D aughtryE dm undO sm ond
(M arlindale)
19 E lliott Fred
22 C oom bs Miss (M onckton)
74 E ggin ton M aurice(H ygeia) 21 Seaward Francis Charles 24 Hickm an Mrs
76 A ustin M rs. (T h e O rchard) 21a, Poole W illiam Horace
26 W heatley Frank (H urst78 C ole Fras. Jsp h .(M yx in ia) 23 W entw orth W illiam Thos
bou rn e)
80 C hard Charles ( Bengal)
25 W atkins Fred
... here is Erleigh rd ........
82 M audslay W m . (M eadow ­ 27 Birehall John
28 Hicks Miss (N ew holm e)
29 T uttle Thom as
sw eet)
30 Bryan W m . (W in ton lo)
S m ith E dw ard (H olm lea) 31 H erring John