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D r a p e r s â con tinued.
M itson Jn. Jas. & C o.443 O xford rd
â¦Morseâ s L im ite d , 5 Carey street
M urgatrpyd Jam es, 142 O xford rd
N ew ton Jn. 54 N oreot rd .T ileh u rsl
f âo u lto n W illia m , 155 G osb rook rd.
R ead E rn est, 107 W ok in gh a m rd
R ob erts & R o b e rts, 44 Orts road
R ogers M rs. M a ry, 72 C h ristÂ
church road
Salman A rthu r H enry, 39 K in g â s rd
Schofield M t s . M a ry , 97 L on don st
S ellw ood B rothers, P an gbourn e
tS h a ck el & Shackel, 363 O xford rd
Sheppard Charles E dw ard, T w y ford
T o o g o o d M rs. A gnes, 176 O xford rd
W ellsteed, Son & Co. 126 to 133
B road street & 9 M inster street
W ills Charles H . 34 E rleigh road
W ooh erry J. 2 1 1 L on don road
B aker M rs. 36 R u pert street
B arton M rs. 234 K in g â s road
B elch er M rs. 50 B eresford road
B en nett M rs. 260 K in g â s road
B ird M iss M a ry E lizabeth, 58 M anÂ
chester road
B rill Airs. 9 R utland road
B row n Afiss E. H . 28 Orts road
B row n Aliss E dith , P riest h ill, C
Bunce M iss, 39 C ulver road
Burrett M iss, 14 J u n ctio n road
Burt Airs. 7 Cranbury road
Capel M rs. K a te, 35 P itcro ft aven
C hilton Aliss Selina, 111 G range av
Church Airs. K . 19 K en sin gton rd
C ollier Aliss, 10 W illiam street
C oppuck M rs.E .217Southam pton st
Crane Aliss C. 74 D e B eau voir road
C ray Aliss, 9 Sherman road
D avies Aliss E .60 W h itle y W o o d la
D a vis M iss B ertha, 109 AVatlmgton street
D enham M iss, 197 Caversham road
E atw ell M iss, 4 E aton place
E dgin gton Airs. & Aliss-, 79 Donn ington road
F id ler Airs. E. AI. 13 A m ity road
P la tt Airs. 9 W illia m street
F ord M iss E. 125 L on don road
F ord M rs. E lizab eth , Pangbourne
F orrester Aliss, 31 W ilson road ,,
Freem an M rs. 35 Crown street
Giles Airs.36 Crom well rd.C averskm
G odden Aliss, 144 H em dean road,
G od w in Aliss, 194 O xford road
G ood ev M rs. 165 C ranbury road
H all M rs. 21 Charles street
H an t A liss,A spley guise,Shinfield rd
H eath Airs. 34 G eorge street
H ollis Airs. 39 G eorge street
Jefferis Alisses, 12 G osb rook road,
Johnson M iss Al. A . (court), 116
O xford road
K leiser Alisses, 17 Russell street
K n ig h t Airs. AI. A . 95a, D onningto n Toad
K n ott Airs. 15 H ow ard street
L aw ren ce M rs. 37 A lb a n y Toad
L each M rs. 93 K in g âs road
L ester M iss F . A . 64 W a tlin g ton st
L ew is Aliss M ary,51D eB eau voir r d '
L lo y d Airs. L . 3 K ensin gton road
Alander Airs. F . 2 H am pden road,
M artin Aliss, 91 Queenâ s road
M ay Aliss A lice, 39 G range avenue
Aleadows Aliss Jane, 5 W ilto n road
Aliles Airs. Jane, 14 G eorge street
& 180 Caversham road
M itchell Aliss, 104 G osb rook road,
M u sgrave M rs. 253 O xford road
Nash Airs. Jane E lizabeth, 7 H igligrove street
N eal M iss M . 53 W a ylen street
N ob b s Airs. E m ily, 162 B elm on t rd
N ott M iss, 58 South street
O xlade Airs. Sarah, 41 N orth st.
C aversham
Parsons Miss A lice, 45 South st
Pearce Aliss E. 15 Church street
P ib w o rth Airs. A n nie, 6 B rook st
P ra tt Airs. A . M . 8 Sh ort street,
Purton Aliss, 167 Orts road
Sainsbury M rs. L avinia, 5 E lgar rd
Schofield Airs. 32 E ssex street
Sheppard Aliss, 7 Russell street
Silver P . 42 O xford road
A rm ou r roa d , T ileh u rst
Slade M iss, 121 A lp in e street
Sopp Airs. Ellen, 68 G eorge street
Squirp M rs. Lena, 2 W is to n ter