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R E A D IN G S T R E E T D I R E C T O R Y â 1 9 1 4 ,
G o sbr o o k st r e e t â con .
C ooke Ernest C. assistant
overseer for Caversham,
K idm ore
E nd;
Shiplake, Dunsden &
M apledurham & clerk
to Dunsden & K idm ore
Councils (Oak
7 D ix T om , jobm aster (G o s brook house)
Caversham Y oung M enâs
Free C hurch Institute
here is W olsey rd ....
9 T aylor H enry Albert
9 Liberal Association Rooms
13 Thatcher Mrs
15 Strong George
17 W ilder A lfred
19 Stroudley Frederick
2 i Thatcher Mrs
23 Cocks Alfred H enry
25 C ocks H enry
27 Kem pston Charles
29 T urner Miss Martha
31 W ells W illiam
33 Sturgess R obert
35 Ram pton Joseph
Fire Station
37 Allen A m os
39 Kinch Caleb
41 F ox & HoundsP. H. Charles
50 Chappell W illiam Edward 21
52 Jenks Francis
East side.
1 Blundell H enry Jam es,gro
3 Sm ith Frank, boot m aker 29
here is Cannon st ...
5 M iller R obert, butcher
here is Hart s t .......
7 Hope M rs
here is M ason s t ......
G A R D E N S , 47
from L ondon road.
W est side.
2 Franklin H arry
4 Taylor H enry
6 Hosier Arthur
8 Few G eorge
10 Tranter John W illiam
12 Lovell W alter John
14 Stacey Charles
16 Purdoe John
18 Lovelock Arthur
20 H erm on George
22 F lint Alfred
24 Sm ith William
26 Everett Frederick
28 Davis W illiam H en ry
30 Eatwell Henry
32 White R obert
34 Hallett Frederick
36 Henwood Mrs
38 G reen James
G O W E R S T R E E T , from
40 W illatts Mrs
184 O xford road to M ason st.
42 Sherwood Charles
W est side.
44 Phcenix Henry
2 W ebb G eorge Steward
46 F roude Arthur
4 H iscock Ernest
48 C ox Charles
6 Derrick Job
50 Streek James
10 Harrison T hom as
52 L aw rence H enry John
12 Bleek A rth ur E rnest
54 Seym our Richard
14 Hasker Thom as
56 Powell W illiam
16 Tarrant Charles
58 Brown A lbert James
18 Brown H arry
60 Quelch E dw ard George
18 L in g James Alfred,uphlslr 62 W illatt Ernest
20 Ebden A rthur
64 M undy Frederick
22 Deane Charles A ndrew
72 Foster Frederick
24 H ope Albert
East side.
26 Berry A lfred James
28 H uxtable Frank
1 PoiHey Frederick
30 Trum an Edwin
3 W ithers James
32 Sidnell A rthur
5 Bowden John
34 M organ H erbert
7 Pearce Jacob W iltshire,
36 Chandler T hom as Henry
38 Quelch Lorenzo
9 W est W illiam
40 Piper Paul
11 Drewett W illiam
42 Benford Joe
13 L unn W illiam Percy
44 G old berg David
15 H orton A rth ur G eorge
46 Pendell G eorge W illiam
17 B rooker Henry
48 Blake Archibald
19 Daborn Jam es Frederick
Lane Albert
T rim nell John H erbert
H alliday W illiam
A rnold Thom as G eorge
Stickly G eorge
Joseph Owen
Nash David
Budgeon Frederick Chas
Newell H erbert John
L oveday W illiam
Newell G eorge
Bartlett Francis
Faulkner John
Barnett W illiam
from W okingham road.
South-west side.
1 Phillips Fred, shopkeeper
3 M eadow croft Richard
5 C huter Herbert John
7 A nscom be Ben
9 Breach Peter
11 W ootton G eorge
13 N ewport Tom
15 Som m erton W m .insur.agt
17 Staton A m os Edwin
19 B oggis Frederick
21 Lee Sidney
23 Weeks Frederick Thom as
25 W aller John Christopher
27 O âLeary Cornelius Joseph
29 Perdy Thom as
31 HarradenceW alterEdward
33 R ivers Richard Henry
35 Kirk Lewis
37 Hoare Mrs
39 M ay Miss Alice, dress m a
41 A very E dw ard G eorge
43 G oddard W alter
45 Prouten Charles
47 Bartley Charles
49 Chapm an Ernest Inggall
51 Hall Charles
53 Tucker G eorge Henry
55 Fowler G eorge Stephen
57 Turnbull Mrs
59 Banks G eorge
61 Jones John
63 Peach G eorge
65 H ew ett John Samuel
67 W arm an W illia m T hom as
¿9 Bohn Charles
71 Hawkins R eginald
73 C am burn John
75 T yson Mrs
77 Bozier W illiam
79 Blissett John G eorge
81 Neville W alter G eorge
83 Overs T hom as W illiam