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Berkshire Archaeological & Architectural Society, A bbey gate, Forbury ;
Patron, II.M . The K in g ; President, CL E. K eysor esq. m.a . , f .s. a . ; Kev.
P. H . Ditchfield si.A., f .S.a . Barkhaiu rectory, AVokiugham, hon. s e c .;
Ernest Ravenscrofr, hon. treasurer
Berkshire Beekeepersâ Association (fo r the promotion of rational & humane
beekeeping), 20 Cross street ; II.R .II . Princess Christian o f SchleswigHolstein, president; F. B. Parfitt J.r. chairm an; I). AV. Bishop
Ackerman, 161 K in gâs road, hon. sec
Berkshire County Club, Blagrave street, Reading ; Henry Collins & J. A.
. Illingw orth, jo in t hon. secs. & treasurers
Blagrave Recreation Ground, Recreation ro a l, Tilehurst
Boysâ Brigade 7th Reading Co. (St. M aryâs Castle street), head quarters,
8 St. M a ryâs bu tts; AAâ illiam Holm es, 7 St. M a ryâs butts, captain; A.
W . Cruikshank, Holmesdale, Redlands road, lion, treasurer ; H. Randall,
23 A bbey square, Reading, hon. sec
B ritish Dairy Institute, R ea d in g; Miles Benson b . d . f . a . manager; A . S.
D rew e n . d . d . , b . d . f . a . assistant manager ; Miss Em ily K . Little b . d . f . a .
instructress; F. II. AVright, University College, Reading, sec
Caversham E lectric Theatre, Church street, Caversham
Caversham Constitutional Club Lim ited, 171 G osbrook road, Caversham ;
Ernest Ravenscroft, hon. sec
Caversham H eights Tennis Club ; ground, M atlock road, Caversham
Caversham Road Presbyterian Church Institute, Y ork road
Caversham & South Oxon G olf Club, 17 K idm ore Eud road, Caversham ;
C. P ett Triscott, sec
Caversham Sports Club, Conisbro' avenue, Caversham ; Ernest RavensÂ
croft, hon....see
Caversham Social Club, 30 Church st. Caversham ; AVm, O. H yde, hon. sec
Caversham Y ou n g Menâs Free Church Institute, Gosbrook st. Caversham
Central Roller Skating Rink, 39 & 40 AAâest st. ; .1. E. M itchell, manager
Church Ladsâ Brigade (St. Bartholm ewâs Com pany), head quarter», St.
Bartholom ewâs Parish H all, London road
C oley Recreation G round, St. Saviourâs road
Corporation Swim m ing Bath, Tilehurst road ; A u brey Webb, supt. ; Miss
B right, lady supt
Cross Street H all, Cross street
Curzon Conservative Club, 334 O xford road ; AV. AV. Light, sec. ; G. A .
K in g, steward
C y clists'T ou rin g Club ; head quarters, George hotel, K in g s tre e t; W . S.
Burke, sec
East Reading A ir Rifle Club, A m ity road
E lm Park hall, Oxford road
E m pire Picture Theatre, E lm Park road
Fireside Mission & Workmen s Club, 61 Silver s tre e t; Charles Chenery,
superintendent & missioner
F riendly Societiesâ Assem bly Rooms, 19 Bridge st. ; Mrs. Bloom field, careÂ
G irlsâ Friendly Society, 28 Queen V ictoria s tr e e t; M iss Smith, I io d . sec
G ladstone Club (L iberal), 149 London r o a d ; II. G. M orris, hon. sec
Grand Cinema Theatre, 10J Broad street
G reat W estern Railw ay Temperance Union Institute, Station hi.Station rd
Grovelands Cricket G round, W averley road
G uild o f the Brave P oor Things (R eading branch), 171 F riar street. E sÂ
tablished fo r the prom otion o f sicia l intercourse between crippled &
b lin d folk o f all ages & sexes & founded upon Mrs. J. H. E w in g âs book,
â A Story o f a Short Life.â E n tirely undenominational. Mrs. C. AV.