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OCR Text
Buckland Frederick Joseph
Buckland John
M oore Frederick
W eller F rederick Alfred
P age John
Riehens H erbert James
Bower Henry
M atchw ick M rs
R ice Samuel
Vivian W . E butcher
Newton John, draper
W aterw orks Tow er
Dibley G eorge
D uckett W illiam George
Marshall H enry
Deasy John
D arm ody John
W ebb Albert G eorge
Cockbill Thom as W
Stelling Ernest L. tailor
Stephens A ubrey, grocer
here is Blundells rd .
Council School
63 Challis M rs
65 Churchill W illiam T hom as
from 59 W aterloo road.
67 Heal Charles John Edward
W est side.
69 B ooth H arry
2 Colyer M rs
71 Sawyer Mrs
4 Pope G eorge
73 N oyce Mrs. E. shopkeeper
6 S cott A rch ibald H erbert
75 Bailey Ernest G eorge
10 Aitken Charles B enjam in
77 Bennett H enry W illiam
r2 Head E d w ard H erbert
79 Dean A rth ur
14 G ibson H en ry
81 T inson T hom as E dm u nd
16 B urbridge G eorge Jam es
83 Randall G eorge W illiam
85 Yates T hom as Henry
East side.
87 Iverson T hom asW hitehorn
here is L y n n s t
89 Findlay M iss F
91 Breadm ore W illiam H enry 1 M ercher A rth u r
3 Josey A rth ur W illiam
93 Bishton A rthur Lewis
95 Pew A rth . E dw d. Holman 5 Bosher A lbert
97 Taylor Jam es
99 C ollier H arry Charles
N o r fo lk te rr a c e .
101 K night W illiam
See Basingstoke road.
103 Cham berlain Thom as
105 D u m m er Charles
107 Hawkins Ernest Bertram N O R R I S R O A D , from 8
109 K n igh t G eorge
G range av. to P itcroft av.
N O R F O L K R O A D , from i n Phillips Charles
K ensington road to W an 113 G reenw ay Ernest G eorge
South side.
tage road.
115 Horne W illiam , d ecorator
R eading
A d u lt
117 N ealT hos. W in. beer retlr
S chool (U nsectarian)
N orth side,
4 G oodall M rs
South side.
r Doyle M rs. E m ily, grocer
6 Childs G eorge F rederick
3 Bennett Benjam in
2 W hitehorn A rthur Henry, 8 H unt T itus
5 A dam s M rs
cycle m aker
10 K n ott Joseph H enry
7 G oddard G eo.E d w d .h o .a g t 4 M ackrill Miss
12 Phillips Owen
9 Holland Alfred Ernest
8 L eavey Charles, b o o t m a
14 E lm s W illiam
11 Coates James
10 Jacobs A rthur
16 H urst T hom as
13 Hillyard W alter
12 W heeler G eorge
18 H unt A lbert John
15 W hite Charles
14 Jones John E dw ard
20 W ells R euben
17 G ardner A lexander
16 Brill G eorge
22 Bone Frank B
19 Betteridge W alter H enry
18 Cox W alter
24 W ise E rnest A lfred
21 Collins W alter Rowland
20 Dyer H erbert
28 A ust M rs
23 G revett Jam es W illiam
26 Henderson W illiam
30 Topsfield A rth ur
25 Sallery Sam uel
28 C orber G eorge, shopkeeper 32 Lo.ngshaw John
27 Hawkins R ow land C
here is Rutland r d ..
34 D aw e A lfred
29 R ourke Miss
32 Aust T hom as H enry
36 M orris Clarence A rch ibald
31 Noak Frank Ernest
34 Bull W alter Charles
33 N ixon W alter
30 Enderby Mrs. C
38 M ills S ydn ey L lew ellyn
35 Thom pson A rth ur Ernest 38 Barnett A lfred
40 C rouch M rs
37 Brooker John W illiam
40 Duckett Henry
42 K ernu tt Stephen
39 W ithers Alfred
42 Bird Edward
H Shearwood T h om as
41 Blatter H eber P ercy
44 .H urst W illiam Thom as
46 Bennett E rnest
43 Hawkins Joseph N im rod
46 Stiles Albert E dw ard
45 Payne W illiam Harry
N orth side.
48 L angton W alter
47 B eaum ont Charles W illiam
here is Suffolk rd ........ 3 Cain F rederick H en ry
49 Bartlett Alfred Jam es, in 50 Cannon W alter,shopkeeper 5 F elix G eorge
surance agent
52 L igh tfoot Jam es Fredk
7 W hatley E l win
51 W yeth M aurice
54 Chappell T hom as
9 R obinson Joseph
53 M illard G eorge
56 Booker M ontague W illiam 11 Bentley F rank
55 G regory G.& S on ,b oot mas 58 L avengton M rs
13 R og ers John
57 B urnett Alfred
R eading
F ootball
C lub 15 Fleet G eorge (G len M oor)
59 Austin W illiam
L im ited G roun d
17 Pennell H a rry G eorg e
K itt John W
19 Barry E d w ard