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R O A D , 22 Day E dw in Daniel
from Cholmeley road tn 24 Doyle A lfred
26 Baldwin Joseph
Liverpool road.
28 C ooper Alfred W illiam
North side.
30 Russell G eorge, clothier
1 Butler Albert Henry
3 Benger Frederick Thomas 32 G oddard G eorge
34 C rouch A rth u r W illiam
5 Charlton Herbert
36 Bew W illiam Henry
7 Fennell George Joshua
38 W oodh am s G eorge
9 Hewitt Mrs
40 R ou t W illiam
t i Neville David
42 H eckett Thom as
13 Seymour Charles
44 H am lin H erbert
15 Sampson Albert
46 C olton W alter
17 Willis Edward
48 Filew ood E dw ard
' 19 Ravening Joseph
30 Cocks Albert
21 Ford Arthur
32 T horn W alter
23 Dickenson George
54 W are Mrs
25 Parsons Alfred John
56 Hayes W illiam
I 27 East William
58 W icks Ernest
* 29 Exell George Lewis
60 M erryw eather Frank
31 Richardson Ernest
62 Jeffery Joseph
33 Knapp Thomas
64 Masked W alter R alph
j 35 Collier Mrs
66 H erbert G eorge
¡3 7 Pibworth Harry James
68 Leaver R obert T hom as
) 39 Hall Edward
«41 Clarkson Albert William 70 Levens W illiam
72 W atts Mark
1 43 Bacon Archibald
74 D ore W illiam
I 43 Beasley Albert
76 W yles Sidney
.,47 Heath William
78 B illington James
*49 Cooper Arthur
80 Cook T hom as
51 Lovegrovo Frederick
f 53 BurfittValentineLawrenee 82 H arrington FrederickChas
84 Spencer W illiam
j? S3 Miles Harry
86 W ells F rederick G eorge
\ 57 Aitken James
88 C ray S ydney T hom as
S9 Carey Benjamin P
90 Y ates Edward
6 t Luckett William
92 H edges W illiam
63 Gear William Dawson
â 65 Cooper David
67 Gardiner William James C O V E R E D
from Broad street to The
69 Elliott Alfred Charles
A rcade.
71 Day Percy James
73 ,Noble George
2 Parker Miss, con fection er
75 âChapman Sidney
3 Holder J. & Son, florists
77 Barker Henry
4 & S Coxhead H en ry ,fru itr
79 Fox John Thomas
6 & 7 R ydail L. R. book sllr
11 Walker George
8 Atkinson W illiam ,confctnr
83 Meades George William S 9 &10 B illettG eo.H y.b ird dir
¡3 Merryweather William Jn 11 Dafters Thos. leather seller
,7 Woodley John
13 Jones T o m , tea room s
â¢9 Rudman George Henry
South side.
2 Lamb Arthur
4 Meadham Thomas
6 White Arth.Jas. insur.agt
8 Truss Alfred
o Bird Walter
2 Peach Alfred Ernest
. 4 Lewendon Alfred
6 Portlock Henry Charles
8 Hollis Mrs
0 Shepherd William
from 443 O xford road to
Tilehurst road.
East side,
ia , T h o m p so n Joh n G e o rg e
1 E xell G eorge W illiam
3 N orm an W illiam St. C lair
5 B ray Isaac
7 B urt H enry
7 B urt Mrs. dress m ak er
6 R ose Joseph
11 N oyes Mrs
13 N orris Fred
13 A lderm an T hom as
17 In g ram Frank
19 Cook M rs. M
23 G ilb y B arrett
25 T hom as H enry
27 R obin son Alfd. E .d ecoratr
29 B urrett W alter
31 Sw adling Miss
33 L aw rence Charles
35 Potter R ichard H arry
37 F ray Bertie
39 Chandler W illiam T h om as
4 1 F ishlock H enry G eorg e
43 Rouse Mrs. A
43 M artin G eorge
47 W est Ernest
49 Brooks Jesse
31 Cole Jam es W alker
S3 Kibble E dw ard
35 Taylor H enry
37 F ry M rs. costu m ier
59 G ood m a n A lbert
61 M iddleton Mrs
63 East John
63 E ast M rs. nurse
6s K n igh t T h om as
67 Plested Charles Jam es
69 Stevens Sam uel
71 Kinnear Alfred
73 W atts Charles
75 Vane G eorge
77 M itchell Jam es
79 R ichardson Jam es
81 Allen H a rry
83 Sainsbury F rederick
83 T olley G eorge
87 W ilson Mrs
89 Dore Joseph G eorge
91 N orth cote G eorge
93 W ick s Charles R ichard
93 Owen G eorg e G osp ort
97 Pocock E dw ard
99 Keate Dennis T hom as
101 R ogers Jam es
103 G reen A lfred H enry
105 Denton M rs
here is P rin ce of W ales aven.
107 Crozeilles M rs. Jeanne,
109 Battershell Mrs
1 1 3 Sharland Miss
113 B eecroft Ja m es
117 R e cru itin g O ffice fo r the
R oy alN avy^ C olor-S ergt.
N urse, in c h a rg e)
119 Doe E rnest E d w in
121 C ow ley M rs
123 Phillips M rs
125 W o o lfo rd R ob ert