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A u d l e y s t r e e t â continued.
23 Stubbles Charles Dennis,
boot, m aker
25 Hall Percy
27 Beeny W illia m
29 Pilgrim Mrs
31 H arris Sydney T . V
33 F lem in g Mrs
35 North Mrs
37 H ollister E dw in
39 F ox Jam es
41 M ajor V icto r
here is Heresford r d ......
47 Keen Thom as
49 M iller Mrs
51 A dam s A lbert
S3 M urtin A lbert
55 Packer Lionel
57 W hichelow G ilbert
61 L aw rence G eorge Alfred
63 B utler Harry
65 Barton H arold
67 T urner A rth ur T
69 F alconer T hom as G e o rg e
71 W ood Peter
73 Sm ith Oliver
75 Bone R obert
81 Johns Edward
83 Giles H arold
C um berland
pert street.
to R u Â
1 'Tyrrell W alter John
2 Slay W illiam Charles
3 Slay Jabez
4 Lee E d gar
A W B E B Y P L A C E , from
K ennet side to A w bery ter.
P alm er H arry
S eym ou r Mrs
F ord Wâ alter Jam es
Hawes W illiam
A rn old W illiam
T oog ood W illie
Barlow HarrySaw yer John
Ingarfill W illiam E dw ard
from O rts road to A w bery pi.
1 Randall Frederick W illiam
3 E vans Joseph
5 J u dd W alter E rnest
7 M itchell Mrs
9 L an gford M artin John
15 Allen Mrs
17 G ow e r Jam es
Phillips G eorge W'alter
Brown V incent
Stroud H enry
T h orp Mrs
W ells F rederick W illiam
Cusden James
G ran t Mrs
D yer Joh n, d airy farm er
H um phreys A rth u r Lee
(Y o r k lod ge)
B A C K R O A D , from 3 Orts
83 Griffin Mrs. M
road to K ennet side.
85 Sharp James
1 W heeler H arry
here is Devonshire p i ......
3 M urdoch F ret
5 R alph W illiam
here is P rospect st .......
N orth side.
M acbeth T hom as
1, P age M rs. E
B aigentâs cottages.
.. here is Zinzan st .......
See E inm er green.
Mellson H arry
T rinder Frank T hom as
B A K E R S T R E E T from
1, G ardiner A lfred Henry
44 H oward street.
H ewett
m illiner
South side.
.. here is Wâaylen st .......
1 R ivers Fredk. ('h a s.g rocer
N ew m an Jas. jobm aster
here is Body r d ........
Chandler Frank
Wall L etter Box
W h ite H arry W illiam
3 W ithers Sidney
H ollow ay G eorge
5 T hom as Berkley Sm ith
Crapp M rs. Joseph, deputy
7 C ox M rs
clerk to St. M ary the
g Selwood G eorge
11 Baigent Frank E dw ard
Collins Charles, plum ber
here is Anstey rd ...
Johnson G eorge B
13 D uckett Joh n, g reen grocr
Aspinall W illiam
15 T aylor John
Sw eetingburgh Miss
17 Shro-breo W in . A IfJ. tailr
.. here is Russell st .......
iq h 2 1 T he Eagle P. H. 32 L u ry R ev. H a rford Elton
Mrs. Sarah D ixon
M .A . (vicar of Holy
here is Carey st
T rin ity ) (H oly Trinity
23 C apr l Sam i. R io h d .d fco rtr
vica ra ge)
27 T yglie Jam es Nelson
.. here is Franklin st .......
29 Cox Miss
here is Clifton st
31 M oody F rancis, coal m er
36 G ill E dw in, certificated
Drake Brothers, florists
bailiff & house agent
here is Jesse ter .......
38 Rose G eorge H enry
33 B uxton Mrs
44 Blackall M rs
35 L ov in g G eorge
37 Naltriss W illiam , gasfitter 46 Freem an M rs. J. P
48 G ran t Miss A. F
39 H ine John Ernest
here is G old sm id r d .......
41 Sm ee A lfred M artin
43 D yer John W illiam
here is P rospect st ....... â
45 Colem an Joseph
47 H ow m an Frederick R obt
49 Palm er Charles Francis
B A R L E Y C O U R T , from .
51 Baker Bertram W illiam
57 St. M aryâs Butts..
53 & 55 St. M aryâ s H om e for
Fallen W om en (M iss L.
B A R N S T A P L E ST. from
L atredle. lady supt)
Pell street.
here is Ku sell st .......
6iG o o d h a rtM iss(W e th e rd e n )
W est side,
63 Frnnkland Mrs. F. H
i Wâ illm ot M rs. M . E
65 G ilbert M b s
3 L ane A lbert
67 M oore Mrs
5 L ay E dw ard
69 Joues R ichard A rth ur
1 1 W hite way Mrs
71 R oach Sidney13 H awkins T hom as