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C u r z o n s t r e e t — continued.


Sopp Ernest Albert
G eorge A rchibald L
Harris Mrs
M oore Fordham
Tom pkins Mrs. Annie
Plum ridge John Thom as
Sm ith W illiam
Sm ith W illiam George
V oto Joseph
Sm ith Alfred
Robinson Henry
Shirley R ichard
Coleman Thom as
H ouse W alter W
Jackson Mrs
Dowling John R obert
Arslett Mrs
Hill Joseph R obert
Cook M rs. A
Bacon Ernest
W illiams G eorge Edward

here is Beresford rd .....
49 Dyke James W illiam
51 Gibson W alter
S3 W ebster Frederick John
55 Fiiiden Ernest
57 Thom pson James
59 Probart Thom as
61 Fabry M atthew E
63 W inter Mrs
65 Carter James
67 Sm ith Charles
69 Street Frank
71 Price Albert
73 Oreville Mrs
75 G ibbins Frank
77 Newman W alter
79 W yb row Miss
81 W oods Mrs
83 G radden Harry
85 Penford John Thom as
87 Barker Ernest C. H
89 Burden Frederick W m
91 Cray Charles Frederick
93 K idgell Edward
95 Bailey Herbert
101 Quartley Richard
103 Bryant Frederick
N orth side.
2 Owen Leonard
6 Barfield H enry
8 H older W illiam Edward
10 Chisholm Francis J
12 S ym onds Jonah
14 Davis Mrs
16 D urm an James
18 Pocock W illiam
20 Ribbans W illiam
22 Loveless W illiam

24 Loveless T om
26 W inter Mrs
28 Spicer Mrs
30 Spiers John
32 Jones W illiam Ernest
34 Rose A rthur
36 Osborn Ernest
38 Miles Albert
40 Tom line W illiam
42 Weigh* Henry
44 Brinsden A lbert Edward
here is Beresford r d .......
46 Dale Silvester Sydney
48 Dodsworth Sydney Jesse
50 Fenton Mrs
52 Ralph A rthur John
54 Harrison Robert
56 W oodcock Mrs
58 N utley M atthew, boot ina
60 W eight Albert Frederick
62 Masters Sydney Vincent
64 R ose A rthur
66 W ellm an Mrs
68 Pilgrim Alfred
70 M onger William
72 Sm ith H arry
74 Brice Thom as
76 W arner Alfred
78 Tapsell John W illiam
80 Bennett G eorge
82 Rowland G eorge Joseph
84 Davey Frederick
86 Turner Richard Hoskin
88 Prior Frank
90 H om e Mrs
92 W illiams George Henry
94 Palm er George
96 Shepherd Henry
98 F ord Joseph G eorge
100 Allaw ay Ernest
102 W itts W illiam
104 Baverstock John Albert

Dalkeith place.
See Basingstoke road.
D A B E L L R O A D , Caversham, from St. Peter’s hill
to H ighm oor road.
Norris Thom as (N ew lyn )
3 Hill
E dm und
(C lifton)
1 Shaw Charles Garibaldi
( Pine cones)
4 T am e T hom as
2 K ift Charles (P encoyd)
10 Hawkins John
(South View)
16 Illingw orth Chas. Hunter

D E B E A U V O IR R O A D ,
from London road.


East side,
1 W iltshire George
3 Thorne Alfd. hair dresser
5 Dean Joseph Win. boot ma
7 Read W illiam
9 Norkett Alfred
: '
n Buckingham W m , Jam es
13 Goswell Bichard
15 Shunn Alfred
17 Dawson John
19 Read W illiam , ju n
21 Hayward Harry
23 Pearce Frederick
25 Canter James Edward
, I
.... here is Carnarvon rd .... J
27 Eighteen
Emma j
Sarah, beer retailer
29 Beeson Albert Edward
j J
3 iS t e w a r tM r s
31 Stewart Miss L ily M. '
corset m aker
, I
33 Nash R obert
35 Cooper Mrs. Sarah A n n , ; ]
wardrobe dealer
35 Clifford Thomas 1!
37 Earl W illiam Alfred
39 Pothecary W illiam G eorge
41 Hill W illiam
43 T yler Harry
45 Jacobs George
47 Douglas W m . Jas. shopkpi ,j
51 Lewis Miss M ary,dress me
53 Froude Richard
55 Lewis Mrs
57 Stacey Frederick
59 Green Richard
61 Farley W alter John
63 Allen A m brose John
65 Gale Newton
67 Hallatt John
69 G ore A lbert W illiam
71 Gash James
73 Fidler Mrs
75 Clarke Charles John
77 Lukem an Mrs
79 Hoad H enry
79 Jordan Miss E. nurse
81 Cooper David George
83 Stevens Charles
85 Richings John
87 Parfett Chas. W alt. Henry
89 Hawkins G eorge Albert
91 Kent W m . Geo. boot m a
93 Hawkins Mrs
95 Hodges John, insur. agt
97 W heatley Mrs
99 Crocker Mrs
101 H owm an W alter Alfred