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Bucklebury— Johnson, ‘ W hite H a rt,’ mon. & fri. ; M itchell, ‘ Peacock,*
wed. & sat.; Osgood, ‘ W h ite Hart.,’ tues. & sat
Buckhold— Grant, ‘ Peacock, ’ tues, thurs. & sat
Burghfield— Foley, ‘ Sun,’ wed. & sa t.; James, ‘ Sun,’ s a t.; A ldridge,
‘ Su n,’ tues. wed. fri. & sat. ; Bowman, ' Peacock,’ tues. & sat.; 0 . D.
Smith, ‘ Sun,’ mon. tues, thurs. & s a t.; W heeler, ‘ .Royal Oak,’ tues,
th u rs.’& sat. ; Thomas. ‘ Boar's Head,’ mon. wed. fri. & sat
Burnt H ill— Rumble, ‘ P eacock,’ tues. & sat. ; Germain, ‘ Peacock,’ tues.
& sat
C a lco t— M itchell, ‘ Peacock,’ wed. & sat. ; C. Crocker, ‘ Elephant,’ daily;
Payne, ‘ P ea cock ,’ moil, thurs. & sat
Cam berley— Elm er, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. fr i.& sat. ; Hudson, ‘ Black
H orse,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Cooper, ‘ W h ite H art,’ tues, thurs. fri. &
Cane E nd— Havell, ‘ Elephant,’ mon. thurs. & sat
Caversham—Tanner, ‘ E lephant,’ daily ; Smith, ‘ R oya l Oak,’ daily
Chalk House Green— Smith, ‘ R oyal Oak,’ daily
Checkendon— Brown, ‘ W h ite Hart.,’ mon. wed. & s a t.; K in g, ‘ Elephant.,’
mon. thurs. & sat. ; Harwood, 1 Boar's H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Cholsey— Giles, ‘ W h ite H art,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat
C om pton — Fulker, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ sat.
Crondall— B row n, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues. & fri
Crookham — Brown, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues. & fri
C row thorne— Elm er, ‘ B oar’s H ead,’ Friar street, tues, thurs. fri. & sat. ;
Hudson, ‘ Black Horse, tues, thurs. & sat. ; C oop er,‘ W hite H art,’ tues,
thurs. fri. & sat
Dunsden—M yers, at the Forbury, daily
E arley— Cooper, ‘ W hite H a rt,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat
Easthampstead —Barnard, ‘ Black H orse,’ daily, except wed
Em m er Green— Brown, ‘ W h ite H art,’ mon. wed. & sat. ; Sm ith, ‘ R oya l
Oak,’ daily
Englefield— Payne, ‘ Peacock,’ mon. t hurs. & sat ; C otterall, ‘ Sun,’ tues,
thurs. & sat
E versley— M ercer ‘ B lack H orse,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Maybanks, ‘ Black
H o rse,’ tues, thurs. & sa t
E w elm e— Smith, ‘ R oyal O ak,’ sat
Farley H ill— A lley, ‘ Black H orse,’ d a ily ; Bowrey, ‘ E lephant,’ daily
Farnham — Brown, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues. & fri. ; Hartnet, ‘ Black H orse,’
tues, thurs. fri. <fc sat
Finchampstead— M ercer, ‘ Black H orse,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Maybanks,
‘ Black H orse,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Frilsham— R um ble, ‘ P eacock,’ tues. & sat
Gallows Tree C om m on —Smith, 1 R oyal O ak,’ daily
G orin g— Halés, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat
G oring H eath— Hales, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues, thnrs. & sat
G razeley— Hounsell, ‘ R oyal O ak,’ daily, except w e d .; C. D. Sm ith,
‘ Sun,’ mon. tues, thurs. & sat. ; W hitburn. ‘ Duke’s H ead ,’ tues, thurs.
& sat. ; Lever, ‘ Black Horse,’ mon. wed. & sat. ; Bye, ‘ R oya l Oak,’
mon. tues, thurs. & sat
Grazies H ill— French, ‘ Black H orse’, mon. thurs. & sat
Haines H ill—Bonner, ‘ R oy a l O ak,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Ham pstead N orris— Fulker, ‘ D uke’s H ead,’ sat
H are H eath— Coke, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ daily
Harpsden— Slade, ‘ Elephant, ’ daily, except wed
H artford B ridge— D avey, ‘ Elephant,’ tues, thurs. & sat